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  • Do you agree on the Ban of Special Interest funds allotment to the Federal Emergency Management Assistance?

    Federal Emergency Management Assistance should be readily available to victims of Natural Disasters without any red tape from Wash, DC. Its really disgraceful to see politicians tacking their unrelated special interest fund request to Natural Disaster Aid request bills. While disaster victims are dealing with the loss of home, property, and not to mention loss of life of family and loved ones, politicians are lining up to cash in on their special interests before they make any attempt to aid disaster victims. FEMA should be allowed to aid victims of disasters without delay or obstruction from Wash, DC lobbyist. Do you agree that we should have a ban on attaching unrelated special interest funds to FEMA aid request bills?

    5 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Do you agree that there should be "Term Limits" on Congressmen/Senators?

    We have Term Limits for POTUS and we are forced to retire working at age 65. Why do we have Congressman/Senators that are literally ready to enter a Retirement Home? They're still dragging around Wash.DC making senile & outdated decisions that affect our lives? Remember the outrageous comments regarding "LEGITIMATE RAPE", "ASPIRIN BETWEEN OUR KNEES FOR CONTRACEPTION", "VAGINAL PROBES", "BLUNT BILL", & "END ROEvWADE" ? Not to mention the Congressmen/Senators that ignore their constituents in favor of wealthy corps. contributions & lobbyist special interest. Should there be Term Limits for Congressmen/Senators, what do you think?

    7 AnswersElections8 years ago

    While the already RICH will get $250,000. tax break and the middle class and the poor get to flip the bill? Conservitards republicans are delusional to think TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS is gonna save them. We did 8 years of that fairy tale with GWB and we ended up in a DEEP depression that we are still trying to recover from now, so do we really want to go back to that?

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Romney hiding his fortunes in overseas banks and rich jerks renouncing USA citizenship to avoid taxes?

    What kind of respect and loyalty do rich people have for this country they so profess they love so much? They rather take the money and run after they're done profiting from all our tax laws and bylaws loopholes that got them filthy rich in the first place. Is Romney gonna renounce his citizenship to save his fortune or is he finally disclosing all his tax records? He already has swiss bank and cayman island bank accounts set up and it looks like he is preparing to save himself and jump ship if need be. Why would anyone give this guy their vote when his love for money and ambition is greater than his love for country? The man is oblivious to what the regular working person goes through to support their family. Romney's pledge for his first day in office IF elected is to repeal OBAMNEY CARE and shut down Planned Parenthood and screw the poor people who really need it. What Romney is gonna replace this programs with is anybodies guess cause he doesn't have a clue himself. Romney, Carl Rove and Koch Bros. are counting on all the gullible voters that belief in that elusive trickle down economics they keep promising everyone but we all know IT DOESN'T WORK. Romney and the rest of the rich community are working hard to keep from paying a fair share of taxes even if they have to renounce their USA citizenship. Can you trust this guys with your country?

    13 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • GOP and Super Pacs wasting millions in Negative lying ads but livid about spending for healthcare?

    Millions of dollars are wasted in negative ads spreading lies and scare tactics to the masses, setting this country upside down with discord and animosity amongst the people in efforts to gain votes. The health care reform has set the conservative GOP on fire with rage opposing it at every turn and I cant help but wonder why don't they take all those wasted millions of dollars and invest them into the health care budget and help the american people who cant afford health care? Turn something negative into positive and help one another instead of promoting hatred?

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • GOP is using LIES & SCARE tactics to gain votes, have they hit a new low?

    The GOP Congress is going all out with the help of FOX News to spread lies and scare tactics to the American people. This is a new low after the GOP & Limbaugh Slut assault on women. Does Boehner and Romney think people are stupid and don't keep track of all their flip flopping and lying? They are pushing hard for repeal and replace but don't have a plan or a clue to replace it with. They only have plans for more tax breaks for the rich and more cuts for the poor. Romney vowed to cut Planned Parenthood as soon as he got into office, Paul Ryan cooked up a Marvelous budget that will take everything away from Medicare to Food Stamps to Financial Aid and the GOP is busting Labor Unions up and down the country. Romney refuses to show all his tax returns and is hiding money in off shore accounts that have tax havens. Is anyone paying attention out there? Have people become feeble sheep easily swayed by double talk? Does the good of the one out weight the good of the many? The only thing that Romney is gonna help is himself and his rich cronies to more tax breaks and subsidies all made possible by the working poor and middle class people of America. What do you think? Do you want to go back to more Bush policies or do you want to MOVE FORWARD?

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • The Pope knee deep in corruption scandal and the one who gets arrested is the whistle blower?

    This is a block buster movie of the summer, there's a little bit of everything mystery, corruption and crime, sex, lies and video tapes. This are the people that are in Washington DC protesting women's health rights cause their religion is so strict and moral? Why are they arresting the whistle blower and why aren't they arresting the pope and his staff for their crimes and corruption?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Mitt Romney a bully in High School & still a bully now?

    Romney is anti poor & middle class, anti gay, anti women's rights and he thinks american people are stupid and don't remember the crap he spews out then later on tries to take back. His ideology and policies are gonna hurt the country and Romney is a Flip Flop, Etch a Sketch, and OUT OF TOUCH BULLY ! Is this who you are voting for?

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Conservative Gays how do you feel about Romney now that he fired a staffer for being gay?

    You are officially on the All mighty Romney S#!T list with the women, elderly, poor and middle class. How is his mormon theology gonna drive his decisions towards policies that affect gays? Obviously he does not want to be associated with any gays not even in his campaign so good luck with that.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Karl Rove and Koch Bros. Buying the presidency for Romney, what do you get the man who has everything?

    Like his wife Ann said on tv interview: "Its his turn at the White House" What the hell is this the hand me down of the Royal Throne? I thought we had a democracy and our votes counted for something but obviously the Super Pacs are just gonna buy it and hand it to the out of touch super rich flip flopper who thinks its his turn to rule the world. Where is our country headed if WE THE PEOPLE cant be heard and our votes recognized instead of the MONEY?

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • GOP Congress to cut 6 BILLION from Women's Health Care and Boehner wants women to give him a break?

    Big tax breaks and subsidies for Oil Companies and big tax breaks for the already rich but many many cuts for the poor and middle class. Romney and Paul Ryan will bring this country to its knees with the proposed budget and the many cuts in Medicare, Health, Education and Social Services for the poor who will fund the tax cuts for the rich. Boehner says its not a war on women and wants us to give him a break, I say lets give him a big break and vote him out of office. What say you?

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Women, are you concerned at all with Romneys plans to cut everything helping the poor/middleclass women?

    Planned Parenthood, Blunt Bill, Person-hood Bill, Vaginal Probe Bill, Repeal Obama Care and let insurance companies go back to pre existing condition denials and premium hikes, eliminate Medicare, Privatize Social Security, Cut Social Services: medicaid, food stamps, fire dept. police dept., teachers, Cut student aid grants, cut education budgets, raise taxes on the poor/middle-class and give tax breaks to the already rich. Does any of these things concern you enough to think twice about voting for the out of touch, flip flopper Romney?

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Women, 1st GOP branded us Whores, then downgraded us to Caterpillars, then Special Interest so what now?

    They want to start a war between working women and stay at home moms? Don't women already have enough on their plate with Blunt Bills, Person-hood Bill, Vaginal Probe Bills, Planned Parenthood Bills and now Romney is not even interested in what women want cause his wife tells him what we want. So, who is running for president his wife? Shouldn't Romney be interested in what the women of this country are interested in and will VOTE on come November?

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Anyone noticed how Zimmerman always goes against authoritarian advice and does what he wants?

    From the first moment when the Dispatcher told him not to follow Trayvon Martin and he went ahead and did it anyway to the Defense Attorney telling him not to contact anyone without their council and he contacted the Special Prosecutor and Talk Show host Hannity. Why does he defy authoritarian advice and goes rogue? Is this the attitude of someone who thinks he is above the law because of his parents influence in the community?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Is Zimmerman going to bolt and flee the country?

    He is not even in the State of Florida, he started a website asking for donations, his defense team cant find him, Zimmerman is calling the prosecutor and the TV host himself and its getting more confusing by the minute. Do you think he will flee the country and skip justice?

    12 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Zimmerman asking for donations to keep his life style?

    Does the man have balls or what? I have a donation for him: how about free rent, 3 square meals a day, free health care, free education, free gym membership all possible by tax payers of america, just report to the nearest State Penitentiary and sign up today. Are you donating?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • If the Paul Ryan Budget passes, are Seniors ready for Medicare Vouchers?

    Paul Ryan's budget is pulling the rug from under the elderly and gutting social services and health care for the poor and middle class, so the reason seniors support GOP is what again? You like losing your benefits and going bankrupt paying for medical bills? I guess that would make sense to a conservative, go figure.

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Romney violated voting law in Wisconsin by giving voters free subs in exchange for votes?

    Is there a penalty for that? What happens when politicians break the rules in voting laws?

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago