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  • 1980 Honda CB750K Idle problem?

    Bought the bike about two weeks ago. In really good shape but this is what I was told by the previous owner. The tank was a little rusty and the rust got into the carbs - the tank was removed, cleaned and creamed with a liquid ceramic coating - the carbs were pulled and cleaned and an in-line filter installed on the fuel line. The bike retains the original airbox and the individual K&N filters were removed due to the "vacuum" nature of these Keihin carbs. Now the bike will not hold a steady idle after it gets warmed up. It will rev well above 2000 rpms and will not "throttle down" while riding. Any ideas, help or assistance? Thanks. Also - is there anything that might effect this bike by burning 93 octane with ethanol? I've been told these bikes don't like ethanol! True or false?

    7 AnswersMotorcycles8 years ago
  • What do you think of this story idea? Good or not so good?

    Gone – The Strange Disappearance of Sonnet McSwain;

    The story is told through the eyes of her younger sister Simone. One Saturday morning 14 year old Simone wakes up to find her 17 year old sister missing. She’s simply gone. Sonnet didn’t take any of her things with her. There is no sign of someone breaking in or her leaving. All the doors and windows are locked from the inside. Police are called and they search for Sonnet for weeks but can’t find a single trace.

    Their father is a music producer and manager and handles some of the biggest names in country music. Their mother had been a violin virtuoso and had played with the Boston Philharmonic and later the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra. She now teaches at the Blair School of Music at Vanderbilt University.

    Simone’s sister Sonnet McSwain was on her way to becoming a mega-star in the pop music world. Being unbelievably beautiful and having won just about every singing competition she had ever entered since the age of 8, Sonnet was set to achieve great things in the future.

    Simone’s twin brother Simon was on his way to becoming a great guitarist and could play a whole lot of other instruments as well. He seemed to be musically gifted. He was in a rock band called Torch and they were about to sign a recording deal with a major record label.

    Simone – much to her dismay – was not quite so talented as her brother and sister. She was small for her age, demure, a bit uncoordinated and rather gawky. She wasn’t as pretty as Sonnet or very talented at much of anything so she chose to stay mostly in the background – being supportive to her siblings in her own way. Simone was, however, clever and very – very smart. She and her sister were very close and they loved each other very much.

    Simone decides to take things into her own hands and begins her own investigation to find her lost sister. With the help of two of her best friends and her sister’s boyfriend they begin a journey that will uncover the most bizarre and frightening evidence – that Sonnet McSwain was abducted…but not by anything human.

    It was, as they would discover, the result of a secret deal her mother and father had made with The Prince of Darkness for the guaranteed future success of her brother and sister. Simone was going to have to be smarter, cleverer and braver then she has ever been in her life to save her sister and rescue her from the clutches of the denizen of hell!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Are you kids so lazy you have to post your homework here to try and get us to do it for you?

    It amazes me how many questions are posted here that are so obviously designed to keep from actually having to "think" and "do" for yourselves. You are the ones who are, one day, going to have to run the world after your parents are too old to do it for you. Gawd...we are in SO much trouble! You all are going to have great careers at Wal-Mart...if you can even do that!!!

    10 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • Do you have what it takes to be the Captain...?

    ...of your own destiny or will your ship be dashed upon the jagged rocks on the coasts of Failure and Bitter Disappointment?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Why is life "random" within lineal time?

    If human existence is random in nature then why - within the confines of what we perceive as "lineal" time (meaning that time only goes in one direction and cannot be altered) - is human existence not limited by the confines of time? There is no lineal structure to human existence - only the fact that we age and die within the confines of lineal time but our lives in-between is completely random in nature? Why?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • What was the funniest thing you've ever said to a person - Real Life, not made up!?

    In a situation where someone said something stupid or made a ridiculous comment about something and you came up with a great one-liner that cracked everyone up! Come on - I know I'm not the only sarcastic smart-**** out here!

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • Book idea - Good or Bad?

    Title – "William Pain – Vampire Detective"

    Premise – Story takes place in the late 14th century England in a small village of Arborhaven. At the northern-most edge of the village is the gothic-style Castle Talon. The castle has a moat as well as thick stone crenellated walls and gargoyles everywhere.

    Most of the residents of the town and many that work in the castle are human but the Royal Family of Talon as well as their advisors and guards are Vampire. The House of Talon is the oldest and most respected Vampire clan in the known world.

    In this little remote village humans and Vampires have been living in peace and harmony for centuries. By day, the humans guard the Royal Family and by night the Vampire guard protects the village and all its residents.

    Life is good and prosperous in Arborhaven and the Princess is about to come of age. Princess Antoinetta Talon is one of the fairest and loveliest young ladies in allthe world but because of a Talon Family ancient rule – The Princess must marry a prince from another Vampire Clan to keep the Royal Vampire bloodline pure.

    The Princess can also be arrogant, mean, opinionated, obstinate, stubborn and hideously jealous – but she looks smashing in a formal satin gown!

    William Pain is the son of the Royal Keeper of the Archives – The Talon Family Royal Library. He is (once he is older) considered by most rather handsome being taller than average with a pleasant face and a ready smile – He can also be a bit on the wimpy side.

    In his youth, William spends most of his time with his father deep within the bowls of Castle Talon (even though they live in the village) and his first encounter with the Princess was when he was 8. He didn’t like her pushy, bossy demeanor and was slightly afraid of her (even though she was quite small then)

    As they grew up, however, they became best friends. (Well, the Princess basically demanded he be her friend or she would have him put in the stocks – what’s a boy to do?)

    William came to fall in love with Princess Antoinetta as she came to love William. When they turned seventeen they were each-other’s first and the Princesses attachment to William grew even stronger. They did everything together but there was the fact that Antoinetta must marry a Prince and besides – William was not a full-blooded Vampire – He was only half – His mother was human and his birth killed her.

    It was during the Festival of Princes, (so Antoinetta could find her future husband) murders began occurring in the village – strange murders. Since there had been not a single murder in over 300 years people were puzzled and shocked. Bodies drained of blood and throats torn out.

    William became intrigued with the murders and wanted to help investigate. It was during the investigation of the first three victims he meets Regina – The eldest daughter of the Captain of the human Guard….

    Would you like to read more?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Honest opinion about the start of a fiction story?

    Good, bad, ok, yuck, poo, blech! Be honest!

    “Mother,” Victoria Nix practically shouted, “White? Have you gone completely bonkers?”

    The fourteen year old beauty was goggling at her mother as if she had completely taken leave of all her senses. Alexandra Nix simply regarded her oft vivacious offspring with a cool look and a heavy sigh.

    “What are you complaining about now?”

    “You, of all people, should know I’m a human dirt magnet,” Victoria huffed, “I’ll end up looking like a child’s finger painting gone horribly wrong or something! I just know it!” She folded her arms tightly in defiance, “Do you just like embarrassing me?”

    “That’s enough Victoria!” Her mother snapped, shooting her daughter a dangerous glance Victoria knew all too well. It was a look that caused the darkest of evil creatures to cower in utter terror when they saw it.

    “Look, I realize how much you loathe dressing up but I’m not going to have you looking like something the cat dragged up out of the woods and left for dead on the stoop!”

    Victoria’s eyes and mouth went wide in indignation but before she could offer a scathing retort her mother continued.

    “That, my dear, is you embarrassing me. I want you to make a good first impression on Stanley. Is that too much to ask? Besides, you look radiant and lovely – and I hate you for it just so you know.”

    “What are you talking about mother?” Victoria replied agitatedly, “You make me look like a cross between a sloth and a troll! You turn guy’s heads where ever we go!”

    It was absolutely true. Her mother was a gorgeous woman of forty and did not look anywhere near her age – but Victoria – the girl was growing into a stunningly ethereal beauty. Taller than most youngsters her age, Victoria had not become the usual skinny and coltish teenager – all knobs and twigs. Her constant ventures out into the woods climbing trees, traversing creeks, streams and rivers and the occasional climb up a small mountain or two had turned her into a physically strong and capable young woman. Her long and wavy dark blond hair (when it was washed, combed and styled) made the girl look much older.

    Now, standing beside her mother at the entrance to a fancy restaurant about to be introduced to her mother’s boyfriend for the first time since they had started dating a few months ago, Victoria started to sweat. Her mother was right – she hated dressing up.

    I mean, after all, what kind of name is Stanley? The guy is probably a complete dork with thick glasses and a big bald spot! What could my mother possibly see in a guy named Stanley? And he has a son my age who’s probably Dork Junior – Oh God, if you can hear me please hit me with a lightning bolt right about…

    “There they are,” Alexandra said excitedly. When she glanced back over her shoulder at Victoria she frowned, “Would you please stop slouching and at least pretend like you’re a happy, semi-well adjusted young lady?”

    Victoria gave her mother a beaming smile but as soon as Alexandra turned back to greet the two approaching figures she stuck her finger in her mouth acting like she was about to gag herself.

    Just a little tickle on the back of the throat and this date night will be history!

    At the last minute she decided against such a blatant display of disdain and decided it would probably be in her best interest to just play along – for a while anyway. When she turned back around and regarded the man and the boy standing before her mother she practically fell over. She was gawking up into the blue eyes of one of the most handsome men she had ever seen in her life.

    Stanley Bender was gorgeous! That was the only way to describe him. Tall, broad shouldered with light brown hair cut short, styled and trimmed nicely. Victoria thought that smile could have melted the polar ice cap and the way he was looking at her mother suggested he was defiantly in love!

    Mom – This one could be a keeper!

    When Alexandra turned and gave Victoria a smile she returned it with as much genuine warmth as she could.

    “Stanley,” her mother said gesturing to Victoria, “This is my daughter Victoria – Victoria – Stanley Bender.”

    Victoria shook his hand a bit nervously beaming up at his rather bewildered gaze.

    “Good grief Alex,” Stanley stated in a gentle but vary masculine voice, “You weren’t exaggerating a bit were you? Your daughter is absolutely stunning!”

    Victoria couldn’t help but blush to the roots.

    Wow! Nickname already! That’s a good sign!

    “I’m sorry,” Stanley back peddled hastily, “That wasn’t a very proper thing to say. Please forgive me Victoria, I didn’t mean to embarrass you like that. It’s just…”

    Victoria just held up a hand letting him know she would survive.

    “Good Lord, where are my manners,” Stanley stated emphatically, “I’d like to introduce my son, Stewart – Stewart, Alexandra and Victoria Nix.”

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What is you're most favorite line or quote from a movie!!?

    It can be serious - funny - evil - or whatever! List the...

    a) Line or quote

    b) Movie title

    c) Who said it!


    a) "Women...Can't live with 'em...can't shoot 'em!"

    b) True Lies

    c) Tom Arnold to Arnold Schw.

    Very interested to see what you all come up with!

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Need help with a Butt-List?

    I'm bored so I thought I would list all the way the word "butt" has been used in the past. If you can think of any others please feel free to add them!

    a) Butt-Face

    b) Butt-Head

    c) Butt-Inski

    d) Butt-Pirate

    e) Butt-Buddies

    f) Butt-Tastic

    g) Butt-of the joke

    h) Butt-Nick

    i) Butt-Hole

    j) Butt-Lick

    k) Butt-Breath

    l) Butt-Brain

    m) Butt-Bumper

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago