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Lv 5
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 8 years ago

Are you kids so lazy you have to post your homework here to try and get us to do it for you?

It amazes me how many questions are posted here that are so obviously designed to keep from actually having to "think" and "do" for yourselves. You are the ones who are, one day, going to have to run the world after your parents are too old to do it for you. Gawd...we are in SO much trouble! You all are going to have great careers at Wal-Mart...if you can even do that!!!


..." Learning is learning, who cares how or where it happens."

Soo, what you're saying is that me giving you the answer is the same as you doing the work and research necessary to find it for yourself? Figures...Meet the next fry guy at McDonalds!

Update 2:

..." Learning is learning, who cares how or where it happens."

Soo, what you're saying is that me giving you the answer is the same as you doing the work and research necessary to find it for yourself? Figures...Meet the next fry guy at McDonalds!

Update 3:

Needful Sinner writes:

"What possible difference does the teacher writing on a chalkboard or me typing it here make - if they provide sources or I provide sources - again what possible difference does where they get it from make as long as such things are provided..."

Because, using "rational common sense" (I know the air must be a little thin up where you are because your intellect resides so far above us pleebs) It's the difference between "DOING SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF - as apposed to - "HAVING SOMEONE ELSE DO THE WORK FOR YOU!" Your teachers and professors pose the questions and it's your responsibility to "Find the answers" unless you post the questions HERE and expect others to answer them! But I shouldn't have to "spell it out" for someone with your ultra keen perception but...

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I was a kid I had people help me with homework - be it me asking a friend over the phone or me asking you here I don't see any difference. Learning is learning, who cares how or where it happens.

    Granted personal opinions differ but worse than kids asking for questions answered is adults complaining of kids asking for homework help on a site that has a category titled Homework Help.

    Each to their own I suppose, que sera sera. I keep things simple, I just answer the questions as opposed to judging the author or their intent - all being allowed to ask any question they so desire.

    Self moderation - if I don't like it I don't click on it.


    "Soo, what you're saying is that me giving you the answer is the same as you doing the work and research necessary to find it for yourself? Figures...Meet the next fry guy at McDonalds!"

    Given the manner in which one answers, yes. Obviously.

    What possible difference does the teacher writing on a chalkboard or me typing it here make - if they provide sources or I provide sources - again what possible difference does where they get it from make as long as such things are provided.

    Fact is you are the one whole is wrong given Yahoo's ToS - not I and not them. I can't fathom the alleged wisdom in critiquing anyone for asking questions as opposed to not asking and wallowing in ignorance. Lastly apparently fry-guy me can get a point across without being personally insulting in the process.

    Soo, I suppose 'learned' is in the eye of the beholder and I'm okay with that :)

  • 8 years ago

    It's not necessarily laziness.

    The askers clearly aren't getting the information they want/need from their teachers or books,so it makes sense to ask elsewhere,and this is one forum where that is possible.

    Class/teachers/textbooks can be boring,overwordy,or complicated.

    I answer questions I know the answers to on this forum;the use the asker (or anyone else) puts them to (if any) is entirely up to them - there are no strings attached to my answers.To make use of an answer for homework,an asker has to read the answer,and then regurgitate in some form for their assessment,and while this isn't quite the same as the research I did for my postgrad degreses, in terms of methodology - broadly speaking - it's in the same ballpark.

    So,an asker should be learning something from reading the answer in the first place,and has shown initiative and thinking for themselves by findingY!A and posting the question originally.

    When I want info about something I don't know about,I usually go and ask someone who I think does,and then can do further research on my own if needed once I have been pointed in the right direction.

    And I have a much more prestigious job than anyone working in a McDonalds,and earn considerably more than anyone working in one.

  • 8 years ago

    Well, you know... by the time they're old enough to run for president, they'll just have to think a question and BrainGoogle will just feed the answers right into their minds. :-P

    Keep in mind that there are people on here from the same generation that are answering questions, too. Perhaps all you're seeing is who'll be whose boss's boss.

  • 8 years ago

    Welcome to the new world... which is in a big hurt and trouble.

    No need to try and reason w/ 'em, it is useless..

    I do not think it is lazy,,, it is just not knowing how to go about

    finding or doing the task at hand..

    What are they running at the schools today? a nursery? recess?

    I don't have all the answers but I know there needs to be impove-

    ment starting at the top and working down..


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  • 8 years ago

    Ya ive noticed this. I know I never used the internet to find answers to my math questions or any other questions for that matter. Ask your friends or ask your parents or even your teacher. Quit being lazy and do your homework yourself. This is the only way to gain knowledge. Understand what youre trying to accomplish and you will get better grades and be more succesful at life. Im with you, we are totally fucked with this new generation coming up.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you need to by no capacity evaluate it pestering if a new child is composed of you for help with homework, what's your project are you afraid considering you may no longer help the new child and are to afraid to instruct which you're protecting up your stupidity, you need to be grateful that your new child is doing there homework and desires to earnings. what a best mentor you're making!

  • 8 years ago

    well, this site is called 'yahoo answers' after all. if you don't like answering questions, why come on Here at all? i've no objection to answering questions from people who are doing homework, why should I? if i can tell them something useful, I am quite happy.

  • 8 years ago

    Today I posted "why do people go on yahoo answers and ask stupid questions?" I think our questions match up nicely. Yes they are lazy as **** and will be nothing but garbage their entire life.

  • 8 years ago


  • Lol! Seems like it sometimes. . .

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