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Favorite Answers48%
  • What's the best revenge against someone who knowingly exposes you to H1N1?

    My boss purposely never informed me (his assistant) or anyone else in our office that his kid got a positive diagnosis last week for H1N1. I've gone in to be tested, but I haven't received my results back yet. What's a good way to get back at this jerk who never thinks of anyone but himself?

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Keira Knightley in DOMINO?

    I really dig Keira Knightley, but I still haven't watched DOMINO yet. How does her performance compare to the one she gave in THE JACKET, which I personally found impressive.


    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Violent paintings of business men in suits?

    Back in the early 90s, I worked with an attorney who introduced me to the work of an artist who (at least at that time) was creating paintings that depicted businessmen in suits in violent scenes.

    The two I remember clearly were (1) two men in dark blue suits fistfighting... one guy had the other by the tie and they were pummeling each other, and (2) a man hanging by his necktie, as if by a noose.

    I can't remember the artist's name, so I'm hoping someone can help me. I know if I hear the correct name, I'll know it. As I recall, his wasn't a common surname.

    I could easily be mistaken, but I seem to recall the artist's name being something like Borko or Boiko or Bierko or something along those lines.

    Can anyone help me with this one?


    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • Violent paintings of business men in suits?

    Back in the early 90s, I worked with an attorney who introduced me to the work of an artist who (at least at that time) was creating paintings that depicted businessmen in suits in violent scenes.

    The two I remember clearly were (1) two men in dark blue suits fistfighting... one guy had the other by the tie and they were pummeling each other, and (2) a man hanging by his necktie, as if by a noose.

    I can't remember the artist's name, so I'm hoping someone can help me. I know if I hear the correct name, I'll know it. As I recall, his wasn't a common surname.

    I could easily be mistaken, but I seem to recall the artist's name being something like Borko or Boiko or Bierko or something along those lines.

    Can anyone help me with this one?


    3 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • Devon Sawa... Scott Wolf... where'd they go?

    To be honest, I haven't really missed seeing them around on the big or small screens. But it dawned on me this weekend that Sawa and Wolf have both fallen off the face of the earth.

    In Sawa's case, I'm guessing he was pretty much just a teen actor who isn't getting roles now that he's older and his looks (which were meager to begin with) are swirling down the toilet.

    As far as Scott Wolf goes... did he get fat or something? Maybe he's busy making babies and raising kids?


    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Resident Evil: Apocalypse Timeline?

    With respect to the film adaptations only... do the events of RESIDENT EVIL: APOCALYPSE take place immediately following the events of RESIDENT EVIL? Just how long is Alice out of commission after she escapes the Hive?


    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Will you wait for Zombie's HALLOWEEN?

    I don't necessarily always go by what the critics say, but nearly every notable horror movie critic (most of whose opinions I do respect) has panned Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN.

    I've decided to skip seeing it in the theater, and will just wait to rent the DVD.

    What you are going to do?


    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Car seat covers?

    I'm looking for car seat covers... maybe something out of the ordinary... and I have no idea where online to look. What little I've found so far have been fairly dull.

    I'd prefer to not shop from eBay.

    Also, I'm in the US, so if you suggest UK sites, it'd be helpful if they're retailers who ship outside the UK.



    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Why has Jodie Foster chosen such mediocre roles?

    After having had a successful career as a child star, she went on to win the Best Actress Oscar for THE ACCUSED and pulled off the role of Clarice Starling in SILENCE OF THE LAMBS before she was 30.

    But I haven't been able to figure out the reason why since then she has consistently made such odd choices in the roles she pursues.

    Jodie Foster is a very good actress. Is there a reason why she doesn't take on roles that let her really show those talents?


    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • THE HOST (a/k/a GWOEMUL) - new creature film?

    I'm looking for some feedback on this movie. I know next to nothing about it, and my partner is wondering if maybe we should grab the cheap used copy we saw the other day.

    Horror fans... have you seen this one? If so, what did you think?


    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Shirtless Pasha Photos?

    I've missed the last couple episodes of So You Think You Can Dance, but I heard Pasha Kovalev danced shirtless at least once or twice recently. Can you point me toward some photos? Or any other shirtless shots of the hot Russian.



    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Neil Gaiman's CORALINE (2008)?

    Well, it's going to be in 3-D, and advance buzz is that it's looking like it'll be a good adaptation, even with Dakota Fanning providing Coraline's voice.

    What have you heard? You looking forward to this one?


    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Her to him: "You're out of your tree."?

    Him to her: "It's not my tree."

    Can you name the movie and the two characters speaking?

    10 points if you can.


    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Cavalry vs. Calvary?

    OK, so this isn't really a specific movie question so much as a pet peeve that irks me every time I hear it in a movie...

    It's always said in a situation where the character(s) realize that they're going to need help to defeat the enemy, or a character says when he shows up to save the day.

    What they're supposed to be saying is something like:

    "It's time to call in the cavalry!"


    "Don't worry! The cavalry has arrived!"

    But what actually comes out of their mouth is:

    "It's time to call in the Calvary!"

    Does the actor really not know the difference between a cavalry and Calvary? Why is this mistake so often not caught by directors or editors?!

    Why am I ranting to all you strangers about this?!

    I think I need a vacation.

    But, really... does that drive you nuts, too?


    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Movie Quote: Can you name the flik and the speaker?

    "NUDE! NUDE! NUDE! You could be pregnant, Beth!!!"


    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Spirit of the Beehive (1973)?

    I'm a great fan of horror movies, with a special fondness for FRANKENSTEIN. I've been tempted to buy the Criterion Collection edition of SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE, but it would be a huge blind buy.

    I'm just curious to know if others have watched SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE, and if you'd share your opinions. I know the film isn't a horror movie (and isn't about Frankenstein), but is there enough of the Frankenstein theme going on in the story to make it engaging for a horror fan?



    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Who said this? In what movie?

    "I presume, my boy, you are the keeper of this oracular pig."


    14 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Name the movie where you hear this quote:?

    "Calvin was the one rubbing apple butter on everyone! I was just an innocent on-licker!"


    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • DARK SHADOWS fans... Johnny Depp is Barnabas Collins?

    Much as I tried, I could never warm up to DARK SHADOWS, but I do remember my mom watching the soap when I was a kid.

    Now, as reported today in Variety, Johnny Depp's production company (in conjunction with GK Films) is developing a feature film based on DARK SHADOWS, in which Depp will star as the long-suffering bloodsucker, Barnabas Collins.

    I dig Depp, and I'm a horror fan, but I think I'll might still have a difficult time getting too excited about seeing this adaptation. What do you DARK SHADOWS fans think? Is it any better/worse than Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt as Lestat and Louis?


    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Quote from a movie within a movie - 10 points if you get both titles?

    Here's the quote:

    "Help me, Wamba!"

    If you want the 10 points, you need to give me two titles:

    1. The title of the actual movie

    2. The title of the fictitious movie within the movie

    And you can have bragging rights if you also can identify the redhead in that scene (Hint: she most famous for being a raven-haired temptress... not the redhead she is in real life).


    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago