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  • intuos4 stuck on mouse functions in GIMP, how to make it stop?

    I just got the intuos4, it works okay... Except when I pull up my drawing program (latest version of GIMP). It seems to be stuck on the mouse functions (even though it's set to the pen). The double click option on the pen draws, no pressure sensitivity, the wheel thing doesn't do anything (I believe it should zoom), ect.

    I had this problem with my Intuos3 from time to time. But removing the drivers, restarting, downloading the drivers again, and finally, restarting again, fixed it.

    I tried this with my Intuos4 with no success, any suggestions?

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • my brother got a Mnt Dew sponcor on Xbox live, I was wondering how that worked?

    He was all excited, and I think that's GREAT! But... I don't understand how Mountain Dew can possibly be making money off sponsoring people on a video game, nor on how it could be advertisement ^^;

    (also, he said he would get free Mountain Dew from this... does that count in all stores, in specific locations, or anything. If it works in stores, how will the sellers know if it's legit? I don't expect they get a lot of people going in to get free things because of a sponsorship...)

    I was wondering if anyone could explain how it works, I'm quite curious about it. :)

    1 AnswerXbox1 decade ago
  • contact looked dry and wrinkled when I took it out O_O?

    So, a good while ago I got some Blind (cosmetic) contacts... I've taken good care of them, they've only been worn about 3 times. The lady that sold it to me said it should last about 5-7 long wears....

    It had been a while, I would say a couple of months, since I last put them in. Just a little bit ago I tried to put one of them in...

    It hurt, so I took it out and ran some solution over it, put it back in, and it was fine.

    I had them in for about half an hour, they weren't bothering me, but I just took it out.

    It's got spots that are very dry and wrinkled looking.... It didn't seem good, but I've not gotten to wear them very often, but they were a bit pricey, and so I'm not very happy at the idea that it's expired -_-

    My vision in the eye I had it in was a tad bit fuzzy for about 3 minutes, but it's fine now. (but I think it did that the first few times as well, they make me blind- so I figure it just takes a while to get used to being able to see again)

    Has it expired, or is it possible that it just got dry while it was in my eye- and that's all it is?

    I would really like to get a bit more use out of it, so I'm hopefully that maybe it's still good for a few uses?

    (But I don't want to hurt my eyes if it's expired, I thought I would check here since I've got no idea...)

    1 AnswerOptical1 decade ago
  • need to take consecutive screenshots of a .vob file?

    (Trying to make gifs)

    KM Player gives me a ""Impossible to work at SuperSpeed mode, or there is no KMP transform filter." error when I try to screenshot .vob files. :\

    I've already tried everything I can find to fix this, but apparently nothing works.

    So I thought maybe I would hold the hotkey for screenshots in VLC player.... but when I tried that it wouldn't take any, and then crashed.

    Now the using the screencapture hotkey crashes the program, every. since. time.

    I just got SPlayer and thought maybe I could get it to work- but the hotkey stops the video to asks me where I want to save the image- and so holding it down will get me nowhere.

    F5 takes it without asking, but it doesn't take near enough; even when I hold the button down.

    And so that was useless.

    On top of that, when I try to go to the settings panel in attempt to find a function like KMplayer's (where i could just press ctrl+g, "start", and it would take a ton of screenshots) I get a "Error 54, unspecified error" message.

    If anyone knows something that can work like KM Player, but will work with .vob types, please tell me; or if you know how to get Splayer or VLC player to work like I need it to, please tell me.

    is there any known way to get around any of these things, or does anyone have a recommended (freeware) screen capture.... thing.

    One that can take a ton of captures at once.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Copyright violation: copyrighted content detected (a virus?)?

    my brother's computer has a problem, when he turns it on we get a "Copyright Violation alert"

    It says

    Files detected:

    F.E.A.R 2: Project origin

    Mirror's Edge

    The Wheel Man

    Assassin's Creed

    The Sims 3

    and it says that it has maximum penalties of "5 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines)

    There's an Evidence list, but when we click it it says that it can't be displayed.

    He said that there were files he downloaded (but doesn't remember where) then they were on his computer, he tried to open one- and this came up.

    (I swear, he is the hardest person in the world to get information out of- he said he was trying to download trial versions of these games... Although he owns most of them already. I think we're getting some lying here, or miscommunication)

    Are we in deep ****, or is this a virus? Please tell me this is a virus, I've been doing some searching on it, but I can't find anything. There was a website it said to go, (since it's a .com this makes me think that it IS a virus trying to get us the pay them a lot of money)

    I really don't think this seems real, but I can't find anything on it with google.

    Any idea???

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • So I have a question about my EpiPen...?

    I just got one today, and I was wondering two things.

    1. does it hurt to use? Obviously I'm going to use it regardless of pain if I need it ^^;;;

    But should I expect it to hurt?


    2. my mom said it would work through clothes, and the pharmasist(sp) said so too.

    But does it work through blue jeans?

    4 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • In cars that have the steering wheel on the right side... which side are the break and gas peddle on?

    Strange question ^^;

    On a car that has the steering wheel on the right side: would the break and gas peddles be in the same sides as a car with the steering wheel on the left side?

    Or are they the opposite to that of one with the steering wheel on the left?

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • 'papa lopped a pap lopped' your guesses to what it means?

    ah, Gackt's most oddly named song. He said that if you say it really fast to an American then they would understand...

    But, noone knows what the heck it means. O_O

    (attempt at decyphering it,

    Papa= papa

    lopped= licked

    a pap= a nipple

    lopped=something loosely hanging.

    Papa licked a loosely hanging nipple?

    I just assume that's incorrect..............)

    What is your guess? GO!~

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • could I request a CD at FYE that they don't have?

    I just noticed that FYE acually has a good bit of (mostly out of stock now >_<) GACKT CDs on their site...

    He's released some new singles that I would really love to have, I'm not able to buy them off the internet, would I be able to ask FYE to order them for me and pay in the store?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • looking for an audio and video (freeware) it's icon is a traffic cone...?

    I had it, but my computer broke- and I had to restore it, loosing that player.

    It could also play FLV files, and was a freeware... The icon was a traffic cone (which was... bright, but it's very distinct- so does this help?)

    Does anyone know the name of it?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • For those who saw one of the Jonas Brother's concerts (from their current tour) what did you think of the open?

    What did you think of the opening act?

    I was extreamly... excited about Wondergirls getting some overseas coverage over here, but seriously? lol Jonas Brothers????


    I kinda figured that "Nobody" would be a little bit to low key, not exciting enough (as the crowd probably wanted something to jump insanely too)...

    But how was it? I want to know what people thought~~~

    (particuarly since most people have no idea who the heck these girls are! D:)

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • every time I draw (traditional or digital) hair it allways looks like it's floating, I would like to fix it?


    traditional: from traditional:

    The hair looks like it's... floating over the subject, rather then on him or her.

    Is this a problem with my placement of it, me forgetting the light source, shading, what?

    Anyone know how to help this, because it's really bothering me...


    5 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Ways to improve this makeup?

    Okay, I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaly looking to improve myself in makeup. :(

    Anything I should have done differently? Tips to make things look better that are messed up here?

    Something that could have made it look better if I had added to it?

    (photographer is linked to in the discription)

    also, the fake lash I had on kept falling off ^^;;;

    the photographer edited it out though, so I'm nto sure if it's something to even bother mentioning.

    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Things to change in this digital painting? (because the art catagory is always dead)?

    I'm posting here because the art catagories always seem dead, for whatever reason. Because of that I don't ever get decent feedback. :(

    Hince me being here! D:

    my painting (it's still not done which is why i'm asking now)

    the referance picture:

    who? Mana (or Mana-sama if you want) most noteably from Malice Mizer and Moi dix Mois as the guitarist. For his fassion line, and appearances in the Gothic Lolita Bible.


    So, this is a WIP still- aka NOT DONE.

    I've got to work on his hair, feathers, eyes, and get rid of the outlines (including the eyebrows that I'll be redoing in brown rather then black)...

    So... Is there anything I've missed? Anything I might want to change before I put in more hours of work on this only to find that I've screwed up somewhere and ruin the picture?

    please comment, you don't have to be an artist to be able to see flaws- so just point them out if you see any :)

    (but keep in mind that it's not done, and the things I've already said i'm going to work on more)

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • critic on a digital painting?

    referance here:

    Any tips? I'm new at digital painting... ah, its different XD

    Used GIMP and a tablet.

    do you see anything that needs changing??? any little thing? Even if it might not need it, but could look better if I did so?

    *in other words, please post something helpful~~~~~

    I'll give you cookies!

    *holds out tray of chocolate chip cookies*

    but you may only have one cookie.

    2 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • I have a little problem.. "down stairs"?

    There's kinda this strange noise, and some muffled yelling down stairs.

    I've got guests coming over in a few hours- I've tried everything to get the noises to stop! Taking my gun and just shooting aimlessly, bug bombs, and i wasthinking about just setting the place on fire.

    Would that work okay?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • have you had your family/friend find out about your sexual orentation in a (bad) way you didn't mean for?

    This morning, my mother suddenly asked if I was gay.

    Apparently the debate on same-sex marrage I was having on Facebook (via a group) was posted on all my friend's facebook "home".

    Where I talked as a gay person, defended myself as well... and you get it.

    My mother found out that I'm gay because of FACEBOOK! O_O

    I'm not sure how many of the other people I know read through those posts either.

    yay! (she's upset now, but there was ,surprizingly, no yelling... Now if my dad knew... lets just hope he doesn't ever find out...)

    I'm sure there's worse then what happened to me, let's hear it (because I feel shitty now....)

  • Digital painting (realistic) help?

    um... It's hard XD

    First try at it, just finished this afternoon.

    Skin. I need help with skin- I don't understand how I'm supposed to do it O_O

    ( I understand that the hair looks even worse then crap, but I had given up at that point)

    I think the eyes came out very well, but other then that- blah!

    Anyone have tips for painting skin? cause it did not come out right...

    1 AnswerPainting1 decade ago
  • which words do you hear in this song?

    I'll tell you what distress means. fill me up with your dreams


    Untill your distress sleeps, fill me up with your greif

    I heard the first one, and I've heard people say the same thing. But the second is the official lyrics (taken from the CD's booklet)

    which one do you hear?

    (it's the very first thing said, in an annoing voice that GazettE recently has decided they like to use... fortunatly only for the first few seconds. It's almost as bad as when the vocalist tried to incorperate rapping into their songs...)

    Second question: that girl...

    Can see see anything I wonder? O_O;

    I would be so disorented if I had to wear that thing on my head and dance! D:

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • TBS' Mr.Brian??? (somewhere like May 23rd?)?

    Is there such a thing? I'm so confused... Gackt said on his blog, "5月23日スタートのTBSドラマ「MR.BRAIN」(土曜19:56~)に、Gacktの出演が決まりました。


    ご期待ください! "

    He should be on an episode of whatever this show is on May 23rd.... But I can't figure out what this show is!

    TBS is a station in America, but I can't find information of them having a "Mr.Brian" (their scedule (sp?) only goes to May 11th though)

    Gackt was in America for the Bunraku filming, for i all know he might have done some for this! (but I kinda doubt it)

    If not, is this a Japanese TV station with the same name as one here?

    ... O_O;

    does anyone know about this drama? What country does it air in, I can't find any results for it when I search.

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago