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Sighthounds !!!!!

Favorite Answers15%
  • Caught mouse under sofa?

    I found mouse droppings a few days ago so I placed traps yesterday and I caught one in the trap I placed behind my sofa. Now I'm worried that the mice are nesting in my sofa, should I get rid of it? Do you think that's where the mice are nesting, or do you think this mouse just happened to be walking behind the couch when he got caught?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • Traditional chicken gizzard recipes?

    I love gizzards. I personally like to cook them in broth for several hours so they're very tender. I'd like some alternative ways to cook them. What are some traditional gizzard recipes from around the world and across America?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Cat section: For cat breeders?

    How difficult or annoying is it to deal with an intact cat? I've only had two cats, and both were fixed, and I've heard stories from other people that they're difficult or annoying. Like males spraying all the time and females yowling. Are they always like this, can you prevent it, or are they just fiction????

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Cooking pork shoulder, how long?

    I'm making pulled pork. I have about an 8 pound bone in pork shoulder.

    I'm cooking it at 250 degrees in the oven. In 8 hours will it be tender or tough?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy these plants?

    I have an old aquarium that I'd like to turn into a terrarium. I have some fern gametophytes that I'm going to put into the terrarium when I've set it up, but I'd like some more plants but I can't find them.

    Where can I buy these plants?






    I'm not picky about what species of these plants I use, I just want a wide range of non-vascular and lower vascular plants, so any species of the above plants would be great.

    Do you know where I can find them?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • How do you say, in Arabic?

    How do you say "rain" in Arabic?

    And how would you say, "of the rain clouds" in Arabic?

    It doesn't have to be exact, something close is fine.

    Also how would you say "of two rivers."

    Thank you

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Dog section: owning working dogs?

    What working titles/competitions (schutzhund, lure coursing, herding, open field coursing)is your breed eligible for?

    Do you participate in them?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I was curious. not really vegetarian related, but sort of.?

    I was just reading about ferns and read about this so called air fern that doesn't need water or soil. Well the air fern is actually the dried skeleton of a marine animal that has been dyed green and is now dead.

    The thing I was curious about is this. If you (as a vegetarian or vegan) bought one of these plants, what would you do if you found out it is a dead animal? That seems like people should advertise it as such, I know I wouldn't want a skeleton of a coral-like animal in a pot, and I'm not even a vegetarian. I think they should at least tell you what you're buying.

    So this isn't completely vegan related, but I was just curious.

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • How do you say this phrase in any language?

    The phrase is "two rivers."

    How do you say "two rivers" in whatever language it is you speak?

    I'd like to know how to say it in some African languages (like arabic, tamazight, or tamasheq) but whatever language you know would be helpful.

    7 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Brahman bulls, and their uses?

    What are Brahman bulls used for in America? I've seen some places say you can raise them for their meat, but I haven't found much more about it then people just mentioning it. Would they make a good beef cattle, or are they suited for different tasks?

    3 AnswersAgriculture1 decade ago
  • opera by mozart(????) soprano voice?

    Today in my music class we listened to an example of a soprano voice. Our professor played a clip from what I think she said was an opera by (I think, I could be wrong) Mozart. I wanted to know the name of the opera, one part, the soprano singer wasn't really singing, just making noises.

    I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but if this sounds at all familiar, just post the name and I'll look it up to see if it's the one I want.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerClassical1 decade ago
  • Dog section: some fun questions?

    I'm always curious about these things, if you have more than one dog you can talk about all of them, or pick just one. I've asked some of these questions before, but some are new, I like to hear from different people. It's easier for my to read your answers if you copy down the number of the question or if you copy and paste the whole question.

    1. How many dogs do you have?

    2. How many dogs have you had?

    3. What breeds are they/have they been?

    4. Where did you get your dog? (breeder/shelter/rescue)

    5. If you got a pure bred dog, why did you choose that breed?

    If you got a shelter dog, why did you pick that dog from the others?

    6. How much did your dog cost?

    7. What color(s) is/are your dog(s)?

    8. Do you have any other animals?

    9. Whats your favorite breed that you've never owned?

    10. What breed would you not want to own?

    11. When are you going to get another dog (if you know)?

    12. What is the most expensive thing your dog (and which dog) has destroyed?

    13. How much training do you do with your dogs? (mine are housebroken and can sit, and sometimes lay down)

    14. What's your dog's favorite activity? (mine seem to like sleeping)

    15. What do you feed your dogs?

    and finally

    16. What is your dog's favorite treat or snack? (this can also be a toy or some other form of reward)

    ***Please don't give any TD, these are other people's opinions, so they can't be wrong about them so TD are not necessary***

    Thank you

    23 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog section: a few questions?

    I'd appreciate it if you wrote down the number of the question before you answered it, that would make it easier for me when reading your answers, thank you.

    1) How many dogs do you have?

    2) What breed of dog do you really want, but have never owned?

    3) What breed of dog would you never own?

    4) What do you feed your dogs?

    5) Are your dogs spayed/neutered?

    6) Do you think all dogs (or most dogs) should be spayed or neutered?

    7) What activities do you do with your dog? (anything from lure coursing, obedience, agility, hunting, to things like taking them to park, fetch, bicycling, hiking)

    8) How often do you bathe your dogs?

    9) Do you prefer dogs from breeders or from the shelter?

    10) Did you get your dogs from a breeder or a shelter?

    NO TD please, these are people's opinions, and you should respect what they think, even if you don't agree with it.

    37 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • ANY kind of lemon recipe?

    Can you post a link, or type, a recipe for ANY lemon recipe? Whether it's lemonade, lemon cake, lemon squares, ANYHING.

    I have 8 lemons and a lime that I'd like to use up.

    Thanks very much.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Dog Section: Your favorite website?

    What is your favorite website about your breed of dog?

    For example, if you favorite breed of dog is a Border Collie, which Border Collie website do you like the best.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog section: what breed do you want?

    What breed of dog do you want, that you have never owned before? You can't already own the breed, and you can't have owned the breed in the past.

    37 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Cat section: Talkative cat owners?

    I'm looking into several cat breeds that I would like to get. I've narrowed my list down to 4 breeds that I like. Oriental Shorthair, Cornish Rex, Russian Blue, and Peterbald. I really like the look of Oriental Shorthair, but I know they are talkative cats. Does anyone own an Oriental or a talkative cat? Are they annoying to live with, or do you get used to it?

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How do you like your beef cooked?

    What temperature do you like your beef to be cooked to, rare, medium-rare, medium, medium-well, or well?

    I prefer rare.

    13 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What breed of cat do you own, have had experience with, and want.?

    What breed of cat do you own now? Mixed breeds count.

    I have a long haired black female.

    What breeds have you had experience with in the past?

    I have only had one other cat, a short haired brown tabby male.

    What breeds do you want?

    I would like a Cornish Rex, Russian Blue, or Oriental Shorthair.

    Are you interested in showing, or do you show?

    I would like to get into cat showing as well as dog showing.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Does anyone show their cats?

    Do you show your cats in cat shows?

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago