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Favorite Answers17%
  • What is wrong with my Facebook ?

    I am suddenly getting videos from what seems to be China, Japan, Iran and more.  They are violent, or sexual  or apparently political and all in languages that I cannot understand nor have I selected.  I have spent hours blocking, hiding, and reporting them, only to find them all there, and more, when I log back in.  I have changed my password 3 times.  I want this to stop.   

    2 AnswersFacebook1 year ago
  • Buying plants through the mail ?

    I want a certain type bush and the only place I can find it is online Nurseries. I have had bad experiences before using them . Anyone have a favorite ? (planning for Spring) Midwest (Zone 5) area.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape3 years ago
  • Anyone found a good treatment for old-cat arthritis?

    My old fellow has gotten worse this year. I tried chews from Petsmart and he hated them (wasted a lot of money). Got a heated pad, for sleep, but he really is getting stiffer and seems to be in pain. Pills are out of the question..he will NOT take them. Thank you.

    6 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • Can you overfeed a fish ?

    I am pet sitting for my son and he said a good pinch of fish food. Not sure if our pinches match (LOL) but in 3 days, can I hurt this fish by feeding too much, or too little ? Don't even ask what type fish it is...I don't remember. It is not huge and not tiny. He seems fine after 2 days.

    6 AnswersFish5 years ago
  • Listings for homes on internet ?

    I am going to move to another state so am hunting on line, for now. Can I assume that if there are no interior photos, that the home has been trashed or is in poor shape ? What other reason would prevent the Realtor from adding those sort of photos ?

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • What is this ? Call from Medicare Advantage plan after office visit ? Anyone else have this ?

    First time for this. My insurance called and asked me a bunch of questions about my last doctor visit. Did I get good care..basically. Am I the only one who finds this annoying ? Is this the latest "thing" ?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Anyone have the AARP medical /Medicare insurance ? (United Healthcare)?

    I need to switch my Medicare advantage insurance and one of the ones offered in my state is the AARP one through United Healthcare. I am going to call an agent, but wondered if anyone can tell me their experience with it. I am thinking of the HMO-POS plan. Thanks

    5 AnswersSenior Citizens6 years ago
  • Are those prescription "help" cards for real, or a scam ?

    My Medicare Advantage Insurance has decided not to cover my medicine. I cannot afford it on my own. Anyone had any luck with the RX assistance cards advertised on TV ? Or the ones I got in the mail ? Is it just a scam to get information from Senior Citizens ? I can't afford to be scammed either.

    9 AnswersSenior Citizens6 years ago
  • Cat standing to pee. Any ideas ?

    My 14 y/o neutered male cat has started (last 6 months) to stand to pee, instead of squatting. He still jumps and sits easily, and squats to poop but I am thinking arthritis.(??) Have a checkup in a week. Anyone seen this change in behavior related to anything I need to worry about ? (had to get a very tall litter box to protect my walls)

    3 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Do older cats change color ?

    I know it sounds odd, but as I was combing my senior cat today, the bright sunlight made his fur (tuxedo black and white) show an undercoat of a tabby (stripes). I have never noticed this before and it is quite noticable. Did I just miss it, or is he changing color as he ages ?

    3 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Would you like to visit an active volcano ?

    If ALL precautions were taken, would you like to see one, up close?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Would you like to visit an active volcano ?

    If ALL precautions were taken, would you like to see one, up close?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Would you move closer to your grandkids, even if it wasn't your favorite city to live in?.?

    I can no longer tolerate that long trip to visit and I really want to be part of their lives. They live in a college town which is nice, but I am not sure how well it fits a senior citizen's life. I wonder if it would be worth it.

    9 AnswersSenior Citizens6 years ago
  • What s up with the video "permission" screen ? How can I remove it ?

    I never had this until recently...when I try to watch a video, whether linked on fb. email or on a news site , I get a small screen asking for permission to store information on my computer. I try to deny, but it seldom works. What is going on and how do I fix it ? Do I dare allow the download or am I setting myself up for disaster if I do ???

    Did I get this after I upgraded my Adobe flashplayer ? Should I uninstall it ? Thanks...non-computer geek here. :-)

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Ensure as hot chocolate ?

    My 90 yo Dad drinks Ensure to help his poor appetite. He likes hot chocolate. Can I heat Ensure or will it taste different or change the nutritional value ?

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink6 years ago
  • What s up with Firefox and Yahoo Mail.?

    I recently decided to download Firefox to my HP laptop (Windows 7) and whenever I go into Yahoo Mail, the screen flickers every few seconds, like it is re-setting. I don t have this problem when I go to Yahoo mail on my E/I (still have it ) Is this a big concern, or just an annoyance ?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet6 years ago
  • Tuxedo Cats ??? Where do they come from ?

    I have a great Tuxedo cat and I was wondering if they can come from just any mom/dad combination, or are they more common with ..oh, say...a black cat and a calico cat combination ? Or a black cat and a white cat mating? Just curious.

    Cats7 years ago
  • Anyone know this dessert ?

    My mother used to make a dessert with cream and rennet and ,I don't remember what else. It had the texture of rice pudding and we put strawberry sauce over it. It had a mild but sweet flavor. I thought it was a German dish as that is where our family is from. We called it (don't know spelling) oo-STA-cokka..that is how it sounded. Thanks.

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine7 years ago