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  • Does anyone have distracted driving horror stories?

    I am writing an essay about the dangers of distracted driving (like texting or eating while driving) and I would like an anecdote about an accident or something that happened. Don't worry, I won't plagiarize you, just use your story for inspiration.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • What is wrong with computer (see below)?

    My computer, or more specifically my internet browser I guess, has been acting strange.

    When I right click to open a link in a new tab, sometimes two tabs of the page open instead of one, and sometimes the page I was already on changes to the page I right-clicked on as well.

    Drop-down menus are having problems too; I click on them and they flash up for a fraction of a second and go away, and don't stay up unless I click on them three or four times. Not always though, only sometimes.

    Highlighting is not working well either. It is hard to explain, but when I hold down the mouse to hightlight some text, either I have to click several times for it to work, or highlights completey different text from what I wanted to, or I can't get it to hightlight the whole line.

    Sometimes I will click on thing and it will activate something else - like I click the "x" to close one browser window, and the window behind it closes as well, but only if the two "x's" are aligned.

    I have the latest version of firefox; I have updated all my plugins; I have reset firefox; I have run virus scans, so if it is a virus it's something my antivirus isn't detecting. I have googled around a bit and looked a firefox support, but it is a little hard to research a problem with symptoms as varied and subtle as these. What should I do?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • How do you pronounce "Yahoo"?

    Do you pronounce it with a short "a", like in "cat", or with the sound like the "a" in "father"? I pronounce with the short "a".

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Does it annoy you when people laugh on sitcoms?

    You know how on a lot of shows, especially older ones, the "audience" in the background laughs when something funny happens? I find that really annoying, I mean, aren't we viewers intelligent enough to know what is funny and what isn't?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What books considered classics do you think should not be?

    Any "classic" books that you think are overrated?

    BQ: Any less-well-known books that should go on the classics list?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What Yahoo! Answers stat is the most important to you?

    I know a lot of people just come on here to answer and ask questions and don't really care about points and stats, but I think that at some level we all feel some satisfaction when we level up or get a better best answer percentage.

    So which stat would you miss the most if they stopped calculating it? Points? Levels? Best answer percentage? Total answers? What?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What is a transgender gay person?

    Ok, I don't want anyone to get offended or say I'm being politically incorrect or anything, even if I am, I am just a little confused. I have someone referred to as a "transgender gay woman." Does this mean that it was a man who became a woman and now is attracted to women? Or a man who became a woman and is now attracted to men?

  • Poll: Which Frozen lyrics do you like better?

    The English ones, or the Spanish (literally translated) ones? By their meaning, obviously not by the way they sound because translated they don't fit in the song.

    "Let it go" vs. "I am free"

    "The cold never bothered me anyway" vs. "The cold is also part of me"

    "For the first time in forever" vs. "Finally and like never before"

    "Love is an open door" vs. "The door is love"

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How do I unfollow people who were suspended?

    So I followed some people a long time ago (here on Y! Answers), but their accounts were suspended, and now I don't know how to get them off my "following" list because when I click on them, it just says their account has been suspended. What do I do?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Why is it that, when you start a Tumblr blog, the themes are in Latin?

    When you are starting a Tumblr blog, first you choose a theme. And when you choose a theme, it shows you sample words or paragraphs, so you can see what the layout would look like if you were to write something there on your blog. But these samples are in Latin? Why?

    3 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • True or false: you look best in your own mirror?

    Like you look at yourself in the mirror in your room or bathroom or whatever, and think, "I look great," but then look in another mirror that you aren't used to and not so much.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Want to play the Hitler Wikipedia game?

    Click on random page fromt the Wikipedia homepage. Then, from that page, click on any links in the article to other Wikipedia pages (whichever links you think will get you there fastest) until you get to the Adolf Hitler page.

    Whoever gets there in the least steps wins and gets 10 points.

    PS: post the links in your answer so I can know you are not cheating.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How do colleges tell who wrote an essay?

    I've been looking for some essay topic ideas online and I found lots of sites where a college student gives them their writing assignment and they write the paper for them, allowing the student to turn it in as their own work for a price. Is their any way for colleges or professors to catch this type of cheating?

  • If you could have a t-shirt with anything on it, what would it be?

    So I am working on designing some t-shirts, and I would like some ideas, like slogans, pictures, and stuff like that that would be good on a t-shirt.

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Poll: If you could live in any period of history, which would it be?

    Any time from the 90's to 10,000 BC.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • I have a question for Russian speakers?

    I was listen to a Russian pop music station on the radio the other day, and there was this song where the chorus repeats the word (or perhaps a phrase) that sounds like "avocado." The song was listed on the station's website as "Avokado," but I have no idea what it is in Russian letters (or is it characters?). We were all laughing because it sounded just like avocado and it is rather absurd to sing a pop song about avocado, so I was wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what it really means. I tried Google translate, but it didn't really work because it wasn't in Russian letters.

    3 AnswersRussia7 years ago
  • Any ways to prevent arthritis?

    So most of the women over 40 in my family have arthritis (mostly in the knees), and it is obviously hereditary. So there is a pretty good chance that I will get it one day too. I was just wondering if there is some way to prevent it, either with lifestyles or drugs, that I might want to start now.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Teens: If you could be a kid again, would you?

    I mean a little kid, like maybe 7 or 8. You wouldn't necessarily have to relive your life; you would just be wherever you are now, but like you never grew older. I wouldn't. I do miss things from being a little kid, but there are more things I don't miss.

    BQ: How was your day?

    BQ: Try this: you put in a word or words and it tells you how often that word was written in books in different years. If you find an interesting result, tell me. I put in "happiness", and was surprised at how much it has decreased since the year 1800, it is used less than half as often.

    2 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • How much should I charge for my paintings?

    So am going to (hopefully :)) sell my paintings at this local craft's market. It takes me about 5 to 7 days to make one (working an hour day, I would do more but I have school). The materials cost about 20 dollars per painting (mostly the canvas). I paint in oils, in an abstract style. I also like doing more detailed and realistic work, but it takes a lot longer to finish one, which is why I am mostly doing abstract pieces for this. Other artists at the market charge up to 3000 dollars for theirs, but I should definitely charge less because I an amateur, and besides, I will have a better edge on the competition with a lower price. So, how much?

    2 AnswersPainting8 years ago
  • Help finding a book online?

    Does anyone know where I can find "The Rickety Bridge and the Broken Mirror" by Hal Brunson online? I've been looking, but no luck.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago