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  • Problem accessing UK & Ireland Yahoo! Answers?


    Since Wednesday I have been unable to access Yahoo! Answers from my Opera OS mobile phone. All I get is what looks like SQL (presumably Yahoo's own 'YQL').

    With my Blackberry OS smartphone I can access, but it defaults to the desktop view. I see no Mobile / Desktop toggle.

    On Friday I tried asking this question on a desktop computer, yet the Continue button would not activate.

    Yesterday I tweeted Yahoo's own handle, but to-date they have not replied. Most likely ignored me!

    What's going on folks?

    Thanks for any helpful answers....

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • How to pitch to Hollywood?

    Hello. Today is the Oscars, so I thought I would ask this question: how to pitch to Hollywood?

    To me Hollywood seems a 'closed shop', where very few get a look in. Even the scriptwriting seems to be done by only some people. Of course this is understandable, yet with the majority of movies being mediocre (IMO), surely they need new blood.

    Essentially, how does someone get an actual producer/director to casually read their script? In the hope they will contact the writer.

    Also, how to pitch for non-Hollywood movies, TV films/dramas and to the likes of Netflix? I personally prefer these to the big name Hollywood movies, but I doubt they will earn me very much.

    Thanks for any answers....

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts7 years ago
  • Psychological defence mechanism Projection?

    Hello, please can you help me understand some practical examples from facial expressions.

    If my understanding is correct, Projection can be attributing both bad or good on to another person.

    With the bad attribution, I take it that a person who fears you might project anger (not fear) towards you.

    For example, they mistakenly think you are wanting to attack them. Or they might worry you will unearth their latent homosexuality in front of their mates/buddies.

    However, I am struggling with the meaning of the following expressions that people can display...

    (1) A look of actual fear?

    (2) A look of disgust!

    (3) A look of lust, which is, I think, a conflict between desire and disgust?

    If you can answer these for me I will be very thankful. And thanks whatever for trying.

    In case you're wondering, I have experienced such looks from a range of people. However, most people by far like me straightaway. And I know that significant numbers of females find me physically attractive.

    Specifically, I can get looks of fear, disgust or lust from females (girls and women), yet just anger from men.

    I am now self confident but can appear very self-assured. I'm quite a big man but not massive. And essentially I am sexually straight and like females just like regular males, yet I am aware of my bi/gay impulsives too

    (which I prefer not to try out, but I do not try to hide it either).

    Could these angry men be latent or closet gays!

    Thanks again.

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Plum Tree fruits: when ready to eat?

    I live in Scotland, UK. 4 years ago I had two 'Victoria' Plum trees planted. I read it takes around three to four years for the fruits to be edible.

    This year the fruits have only grown on one of the trees (which is slightly the bigger one). Its plums are looking very red and a few have already dropped.

    Firstly, should the other tree's fruits yet appear this season?

    Also, how do I tell if a plum is safe and ready to eat?

    Thank you in anticipation. If there is no Best Answer by me I apologise in advance (sometimes it doesn't work from my connection).

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • Yahoo! Best Answer not working?

    Hi, I've asked this before.

    Sometimes using just a mobile (cell) phone the 'Best Answer' doesn't work (for me at least!). It seems to go wrong if I want to choose before the 4 days is passed. However, once done, even on the fourth day itself, it still won't work.

    Technically, I choose the Star Rating then complete the Comment Box. Once out of this the system informs that I need to rate the answer (again!).

    What is going wrong?

    Thanks very much in anticipation, as I doubt I can thank you after you have answered.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products9 years ago
  • Are others angry when not received a thanks?

    Do other answerers on here also feel anger when a questioner doesn't thank them? Especially when you did the only answer, and/or spent much care and attention with your answer.

    A few months ago there were some technical issues for mobile phone users, and unfortunately I couldn't do Best Answers, but I certainly did try.

    Thanks in advance.

    I promise, if I don't select a Best Answer, it's only because something has gone wrong. You have my word on that.

    Let's teach good manners....

    6 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Twitter followers: quality versus quantity?

    Just wondering if other Twitter users feel like I do about automatic following.

    Specifically, as soon as you enter a keyword you get one or more instant followers. Yet the context of that keyword is often very different to their interest.

    Worse still being, especially when I was new to Twitter, but still now, is this. Out of courtesy (and I suppose flattery!) you thank them for following, probably retweet, or introduce yourself, even do a free ad for them. Yet they virtually never reply!

    At first I took this personally and was annoyed, but have since realised they are following thousands and just don't see your message. Even if you direct message them.

    Which begs the question, why do they bother following everybody? Of course most of them do it in the hope of getting some more business. Like a scatter gun approach. However, I just think of them as idiots and think they would be far better following a select few. People they could interact with and build proper business or personal relationships with.

    Am I wrong? Or do you think the same as me?

    Many thanks.

  • Who do you think was Jack the Ripper?

    Just some "fun" for Friday evening.

    Last night I saw another TV programme, with another so-called "expert", adamant they knew who the diabolical 1888 London serial killer could have been.

    Who do you think s/he might have been then?

    If more than one answerer names the same suspect, and with a valid argument, I will investigate that person further.

    Thanks folks.

    6 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • UK Wireless Router reliability?

    I live in central Scotland in an overspill village that has very good amenities. We are not remote.

    However, I have had nothing but very poor Internet and mobile phone reception all these years.

    With computers I have made do by using public Internet access points (cafes and my library). I know, that's incredible!

    I had bought a few years ago a Vodafone Mobile Internet laptop, yet the signal is extremely slow. Indeed so slow, it takes about fifteen minutes to load just one web page. And I have been unable to update my AV signatures. Then last year I bought an Android tablet, yet that only works in a public wi-fi hotspot. And even my Vodafone mobile drops it's signal every few minutes. I've also got a T-Mobile phone, but it doesn't work inside my home.

    I can't go on like this. My personal life is very much limited, plus I need to get a permanent Web connection to make a living. I know that some of my neighbours have ADSL or wireless systems.

    My question is, will a wireless router definitely work for me or will I again just waste more money? Please don't say 'should work', as this is what sales people and the post code tests all state.

    I promise I won't hold your confident answer against you, LOL!

    Thanks very much in anticipation.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Where could the Picts in Scotland had come from?

    I read that the scholars are still unsure. They do know, through DNA analysis, that there is a very close connection indeed with the Iberian area, with the Basques in Spain and France, plus also the Beaker People in Portugal.

    Also, although Picts could be said to be part of a Celtic culture, they are definitely not the Gaels. It was them that migrated much later, from north-east of the then Ireland (now Northern Ireland) to western Scotland. From what the Romans called them we have the name 'Scots'. I think it's safe to assume that the Gaels and Scots were a black-haired people. In Ireland and Scotland there are many jet black haired, some quite swarthy. There are also, conversely, many redheads.

    Could I be right to suggest that the Picts were actually the aboriginal Bronze Age, even Stone Age inhabitants of the British Isles? Long before the Gaels and Ancient Britons arrived on these islands.

    My argument being this. Their language was not Indo-Germanic. Likewise with the Basques. Also, like them, they seem to have been a predominantly red-haired people. Arguably 'Homo-Neanderthralls'.

    Indeed, I wonder if the Picts could have been descended from the Late Ice Age peoples that fled the British Isles for the warmer Continent. And then returned. Does anyone share my opinion on this too?

    Short and simple answers only please. And thanks in anticipation.

    8 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Choosing the Best Answer?

    Rarely has my choice of Best Answer gone through, making me feel guilty for being unable to thank someone.

    I use a mobile (cellular) phone. Yet often Yahoo! says I've not rated the answer, even when I have.

    If anything, am I doing something wrong? Or are other mobile users having the same problem?


    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • How to purchase a text (SMS) line?

    I know how to start a premium voice telephone line, but cannot find any information on doing a text one.

    What I wish to know please, for a business, is where the consumer texts a keyword to a short code number. For competitions or for a text chat conversation to commence.

    Preferably UK-specific.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersSmall Business9 years ago
  • Lodgings: Would women mind sharing with a single man?

    Ladies, I have a large bungalow and could do with some more income. In the UK one can earn up to £4,500 (on lodgings) before paying tax.

    For various reasons I am more comfortable sharing with females. Indeed I generally prefer ladies for friends. My age is 49 years.

    As I am attracted to women aswell, would this make you distrustful of my intent? I intend to be fully professional.

    Other than insisting on perfect personal hygiene, and doing their fair share of daily chores, I am very easy-going. Their bedroom is right next to the bathroom. I work also in the evenings, so they can have the main room to themselves.

    Please *no* pervert accusations!

    Thank you in anticipation...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • In-breeding: the facts please?

    Last night I watched, for the first time, the film/movie 'Wrong Turn'.

    To remind the reader, a group of young adults are visciously pursued by three in-bread 'creatures' in West Virginia.

    The opening credits gave me the impression that much it displayed about in-breeding was true. Things such as missing persons who are murdered, by really ugly cannibals, with immense physical strength.

    I know in-breeding often produces "ugly" and handicapped people, though I once saw a programme that said the opposite can be the result aswell.

    Are any of things shown in the film correct?


    3 AnswersAnthropology10 years ago
  • Best way to keep & maintain UK small business Payroll accounts?

    I need to become an employer to develop my several business concepts into companies. Indeed, I want to do my bit to help reduce the awful high unemployment in Britain.

    For my first year I will take advantage of HMRC's 'Regional Employer NICs Holiday' for New Businesses (I will be employing initially a few people in Scotland, then hopefully thousands throughout the British north in a few years time).

    Can I ask the following please...

    What are your experiences of, or opinions on :-

    - Bookkeepers

    - Accountants

    - Payroll Bureaux

    - HMRC-accredited Payroll apps

    - HMRC's own basic PAYE Tool.

    Many thanks in anticipation.

    2 AnswersSmall Business10 years ago
  • Online Dating: what is this woman's agenda?

    Earlier this year I joined an online dating website. I met a separated mother of two who seemed to like me instantly.

    However, five times now she has shown an intense interest in me - then out of the blue ignores my messages - but then re-appears as if nothing had happened. When challenged on why, she gets hurt and much confirms her interest in me. Then the cycle repeats itself!

    Can anyone guess what her agenda is please?

    Could she have confidence issues? What about the possibility of a personality disorder, say 'Histrionic' PD? Or is this, in the reader's experience, common online?

    Note we are both in our 40s. Also, she is a real person, though there are many 'spambots' and 'golddiggers' on the site.

    I have given her a final ultimatium; I just cannot spend any more emotion or time on this woman.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Do different armies use their shoulder differently when shooting a rifle/SMG?

    When looking at military photographs, footage or movies etc, I notice there are different angles the shoulder against the butt is placed.

    Is this deliberate?

    And why does it vary between armies?

    My observations being the following :-

    - Americans: the arm is higher than 90 degrees

    - British: the arm is almost 90 degrees, or when sniping tucked right in

    - Germans: the arm is around 75 degrees

    - Russians: about 45 degrees.

    Also, the British seem to shoot in 2 or 3 blasts, the Russians just 1.

    Is there a squaddie who can help please?


    3 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Personality Disorders: not all bad?

    Mention PDs and we often imagine serial killers. Yet virtually all afflicted are non-violent.

    Take for example the 'Compensatory Narcissist'.

    Known as the archetypal definition 'The Inventor', this type is typical of many creatives. S/he is not overly smug but instead depends on others for the release of their childhood/adolescent deficiencies of attention, approval & admiration.

    However, if they can overcome their habit of not completing creative works (once they receive instant gratification) but instead continue until their talent is fully utilised, then they can contribute much to society.

    Whereas the approximately 50% of humanity that had a good upbringing will lack much ambition and creative drive.

    What do any students of psychology, or others from the university of life, think about this opinion?

    Thanking you.

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Casual Survey on Addict Aggression?

    I live in a semi-rural part of Scotland. The scenery is marvellous, the facilities and quality of life is excellent, but we have (in my opinion) one very ugly dimension.

    Like the worst council estates we too have, I think, a significant number of in-bred 'Primary' (Factor 1) & 'Secondary' (Factor 2 aka Sociopath) psychopaths. Many being intellectually sub-normal.

    The various addictions are highest amongst such types.

    On Good Friday I was already been served for a large load of groceries, when this awful man waiting to buy a bottle of vodka gave me a most dreadful "evil stare". He obviously needed his fix straightaway.

    This reminded me of when a few years ago I offered an unemployed tradesman (who was a recovering alchoholic) some work. Being a sweltering hot day I offered a cold drink. He rudely refused, demanding instead alchohol. I declined, resulting with the big strong fellow in my face shouting a volley of insulting obscenities.

    Anyone else have had similar situations? And where?

    Thanking you.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Unrequited Love. Any advice welcomed please.?

    Hello folks, this is my first question; I normally advise others.

    I recently fell deeply 'in love' with an attached lady. For the first time in my life I declared my secret love for someone, just in the hope she felt the same.

    I am very certain she liked me, certain she was fond of me aswell. Quite sure she found me sexually attractive. I too felt all these things for her, but also really care(d) for her. Indeed I still worry about her and often cry rather than be elated. Yet she has displayed absolutely no caring about nor for me, plus no hint of wanting to be just friends. I stopped chasing her and asked to be her platonic friend instead, as it was obvious she loved the other man.

    I can understand when the other person doesn't find someone attractive, but how can one person truely care for someone but it's not recipricated.

    Any thoughts please?


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago