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Should I type or handwrite my novel?
My current problem is that I don't know if I want to write my future books on paper, or typing them straight onto my computer. With the novel I finished this past December, I first wrote on paper, and then typed it all up onto a Word document. I wanted a nice, clean Word document that I can print out and then go through with a red pen as I edit. But it took a month to type the manuscript, a time that I couldn't write anything new because I was pushing myself to finish typing my already completed draft.
Now as I am preparing to start a new novel, I am questioning which I should go with. I am inclined to write on paper again, because it is much easier on the eyes, keeps me from having to stare at a computer screen for hours on end, and also encourages me to be productive as I am able to see all of the pages I am filling up. However, I feel it will be much better to edit an already typed copy, because it is much easier to see a nice, neat copy, even if it still has mistakes in it. But it just takes so long to type an entire novel up myself, and whatever time it takes is stopping me from doing other things, like writing, or having a little thing called a life. I am stuck because writing on paper makes me feel like much more of a writer, but the time it takes to type up on a computer is so much that I don't know if it is feasible to do it. Help!
20 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years agoTrying to free up space on my iPhone?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans7 years agoAm I weird for being a fan?
All my life I have been a huge fan of Harry Potter, rereading the books, watching the movies, listening to soundtracks, and buying some merchandise every now and then. Although the rest of my family are casual fans of Harry Potter, they never understood my love for everything related to the series. So I kind of had to learn to keep all of my fan excitement in, because anytime I wanted to bring up some recent HP news, my family generally has nothing to add to the discussion because they have only watched the movies once, so I kind of felt like I was an outcast for being a big fan.
I am also a fan of singer/songwriter Haley Reinhart. I have been listening to her ever since she was on American Idol in 2011, and I think she is incredibly talented. Now, she is running an Indiegogo campaign, and I wanted to contribute $150, to not only help her out but get a cool thank-you video out of it for myself. I know it is a good sum of money, but the only thing I ever buy for myself is food so I was open to doing this. I told a family member about it today and she immediately was negative toward the idea, saying she is not gonna give any money just because I am "obsessed" with this singer nobody cares about. She then says that my mom will probably say the same thing.
I know they aren't fans, but this makes me feel that I'm a loser for caring so much and wanting to contribute. They make it seem like I am crazy for wanting to support this. Time is of the essence, what should I do?
5 AnswersCelebrities7 years agoWhy is home sharing only sharing some of my library?
Hey, everyone. Hopefully you can offer me some advice on what to do here. I have an iPhone 4S, and I have had a laptop for five years that my iPhone has always been synced to. I recently got a new laptop and I was setting it up on Christmas Day a few weeks ago. I was downloading the iTunes software onto this new computer, and I wanted to transfer every last thing from my iTunes library on my old computer onto this new one. I thought I would require a USB drive, until I saw that an easier way to do this is using "Home Sharing". I authorized my computer, and was pleased to see that it worked out just fine. All of my music, movies, podcasts, TV shows, etc., including those that I had not downloaded directly from the iTunes Store, were on my new computer.
Later that day, I updated my phone to iOS 7, since I had not done so yet. During this process, in what I understand is a common error, I was forced to restore my phone and it appeared I had lost ALL of my data. I was obviously disappointed, but somehow (I don't even know how I did it) I backed it up and somehow all of my data came back.
However, my problem is with my iTunes library. Although the Home Sharing option seemed to be working at first, that same day my music library was reduced to only the things that I had bought from the iTunes Store, including songs/videos that I had bought years ago and deleted months ago. Plus, some of the info I had added to some of the songs (accessed by right-clicking on a song, then clicking "Get Info"), including lyrics and such, was gone as well. Play counts were erased too. I may understand that some of the music that I did not get from the iTunes Store would be on this new computer, but what confuses me is why these files where shown as being in my new iTunes library (and the files were accounted for on the computer, they played fine, I tested some of them) and then they vanished. I don't know what I should do here. Tips?
1 AnswerOther - Computers7 years agoDo you walk your dog in the winter?
I have a German Shepherd that is about 4.5 years old, and we moved up to North Dakota this summer. He lived in Georgia for the first year of his life, then lived in Hawaii for three years, so I am wondering how he is adjusting to the recent cold temperatures here in North Dakota. He can't be used to it, and now that it is about to start snowing, I am wondering what kind of things I should do to keep him warm. It is important to me that he gets daily physical activity, and in the summer I usually walked him 45-60 minutes a day, but now even taking him to just use the bathroom makes us want to go in because it is so cold! So my question is how do I let my dog get some exercise when it is so cold outside and should I get him some "dog clothes"? Haha
8 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhat should happen in my story?
Okay, so I'm writing a story (planned novel) that I started writing last November and I have recently started back up on. The idea I came up with was for a male college student to sneak into his school in the middle of the night and plant some test answers so he can cheat on his test the following morning. His mission is complicated when he runs into one of his classmates while doing so, and she demands that she get in on what he is doing, and he reluctantly agrees. They are both able to make it out of the school undetected, but the next morning, the male character turns on the news to see police investigating a massive break-in and theft that occurred at the school the previous night, that he expects to be called responsible for if security tapes are reviewed.
So, I know that the characters are basically gonna be framed for something they didn't do, but I don't really know where I should take my story after that. My main theme was kind of going to emphasize how the character would try so hard not to be accused of the crime that he would end up doing and committing crimes all in an effort to clear his name. But yeah I just am kind of blanking on what should happen after my character sees the news report and stuff. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
BQ: What do you think of my plot itself?
3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoGetting more experience as a journalist?
I just finished my first year of college, and I just moved from Hawaii to a small town in North Dakota. I have not decided on a major in college yet, but I think that I will be going into something concerning writing, since English has always been my strong suit.
So my question is whether I should get in contact with the local newspaper and ask if I could in some way start writing for the paper. I'm 18 years old, and the only experience I have writing for a paper would be this past year in college when I was part of the student newspaper. I have most interest in writing about entertainment (movies, music, TV, etc.) and if anything I think maybe a movie review column may be something worth having in a local newspaper. The town I am in is very small, and according to their website they accept opinion pieces from locals, but I don't know if I should try to get in touch with the paper and see if there may be an opportunity for me. I am not sure I want to major in Journalism, but I figure a job like this may be good experience regardless. Should I try to pursue something like this or do papers not let amateur 18-year-olds write for them?
1 AnswerMedia & Journalism8 years agoiPhone being a little strange?
When I have been on Safari on my iPhone 5 tonight, the black bar at the top of the screen (with time, battery percentage, signal strength, etc.) will just vanish, and then come back for a few seconds every once in a while. There will be times that the blue bar that tells you what website you are on will vanish as well, although if it stays put and I scroll down the internet page that I am on, I can see another part of the page above the internet bar in the place where the black bar at the top should be.
Also, if I attempt to type something while on Safari, the keyboard simply does not come up from the bottom of the screen. Has anyone had this problem before, and what did you do? This has happened to me a couple times before.
This is an unrelated issue, because it has been going on for 6 months, but my iPhone speaker will sometimes not work. No, the speaker isn't broken, because when the phone decides to play sound the audio works fine. But the volume bar at the bottom of the iPod screen will vanish, and you can't hear any sound. For some strange reason though, it decided to start working a few weeks ago and I have been able to play sound. But even now it has gone on and off a couple of times...can anyone help me? The Apple Store told me that my phone was water damaged (even though it literally was only a few drops that got on it), and they could not replace it for free because their insurance policy does not cover water damage (am I the only one that thinks that's crazy?)...ugh. Anyway, my question is why did it decide to suddenly start working again?
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years agoHow to eat a Laffy Taffy stuck to wrapper?
I bought a bag full of like 100 or so fun-size Laffy Taffy candies and almost every one that I open is stuck to its wrapper on the inside! I can not even open it because it is so stuck! Does anyone have a solution to this problem? lol
9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years agoSomething kind of odd just happened...?
I am at home cause I just got back from taking a final at school today. Anyway, my mom is asleep downstairs on the couch and I went downstairs because I was going to let my two cats eat their food so I had to go settle down my dog and get him to lay down for a bit so that they both could come downstairs and eat (the dog always like attacks them when they are eating cause he is crazy and annoying). So, I went downstairs to get the dog to lay down and he ended up making me chase him around the island in our kitchen, which is next to the living room and the couch where my mom is sleeping right now.
Anyway, I kept chasing the dog around the island and at the climax of this chase I finally caught up to him and made him lay down (I had to grab his ear and push him down, cause he is a large German Shepherd) and he let out a squeal like he always does. We had been making a lot of noise chasing each other, and then he finally got loud, and at the same time as he squealed my mom screamed something that sounded like "OW!" or "NO!". Right when she said that I thought that we had woken her up with all the noise or whatever, but nothing happened after that: she didn't wake up or even move or say anything else.
This is kind of odd because I am thinking that she was dreaming about something (she often has very physical dreams) and the noise that my dog and I were making she was hearing in her dream, and when my dog finally squealed she also heard that in her dream. It makes me think that the noises were actually made part of her dream, since I have experienced this before (the external noise that occurs from outside somehow coincides with what is happening in my dream). Does anyone have a guess if this was what was happening?
1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years agoHow to stop procrastinating?
Hey, everyone. I am a college freshman and for my POLS 110 class, I must write a 4-page midterm paper on foreign policy (my class chose the crappiest topic possible). Anyway, my paper is due this coming Tuesday, and so far I only have an idea of what it will be about, but not my thesis or anything. I just can't stop procrastinating though, and I am having a hard time getting started, especially because I don't really know where to start in the first place. Also my friend really wants to hang out this weekend, since it has been a couple weeks since we did, and I don't want to disappoint her but I have to keep my priorities in check, right? Can anyone give me some advice on how to get over procrastination quick?
P.S. My idea for the paper is to focus on disaster management, and how countries help other countries in times of need because of natural or man-made disasters. If anyone can help me zoom in on something or give me an idea where to start, I'd really appreciate it :)
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoOn iTunes, I have 1 song on 2 different albums...?
Last year, I went on iTunes and downloaded "Now That's What I Call Music!" Volumes 38 and 39 (I live in the U.S.) and both albums have Hot Chelle Rae's "Tonight Tonight". However, I downloaded one album after the other and after downloading, that song only appeared on one of the albums. I didn't expect this, but I figured that iTunes just does that so the user does not have duplicates.
A few weeks ago I went on iTunes and I downloaded "NOW That's What I Call Music!: 10th Anniversary". One of the songs on the album is "Lollipop" by Lil Wayne. But I downloaded NOW 28 tonight and it also has that song. I was hoping that it would do the same thing where it avoids giving me a duplicate, but it didn't, so now I have 2 copies of "Lollipop". I know that I can just delete one of them, but I wouldn't like to have "missing" tracks on either album. Is there a way that I can make one of them correspond and automatically play with each album's sequence and then delete the other one? I guess it doesn't really matter but I'm a little strange about my iTunes storage haha.
1 AnswerOther - Music9 years agoI am a college freshmen and I feel like a bit of a loser...?
Today wasn't that great of a day for me. To give some background, I had a few friends in high school that I talked a lot to. They were more than acquaintances, but not quite really good friends. But still we talked a lot and I was happy to know that they would be coming to this university with me. So, I start the school year a couple days late, which made me feel a bit outcasted, and when I saw these friends at school, they rarely even talk to me. I don't know if it's because they are all girls, and I'm a guy, but they are the only ones I know that graduated with me and entered college with me, and I feel like I'm really being ignored.
I've had a history of being shy/awkward, especially in 11th grade, when I had next to no friends, but I really felt like I overcame that in 12th grade. I was so proud of myself for doing that and I just felt like I would continue to do so in college, but it is as if all of my social skills just evaporated over the summer, because I still feel like that timid, awkward 11th grader that I didn't like.
My question is what should I do to try making friends? My college is pretty small, and I see the same people frequently, but I just feel like I am not "popular" or "cool" enough to talk to the people that seem to have a lot of friends, and I am only outgoing around my friends, which makes it harder to make friends at all. I am in a few clubs, and it has helped a little bit. Last year, I even felt like I was even good at talking to girls but now I can barely hold a conversation. I just feel really disappointed in myself, I guess, because I was so happy with overcoming my shyness and I feel more socially awkward than ever. If anyone can give me some advice if they have been through this too. I am a freshman in college, if that helps. Thanks
1 AnswerFriends9 years agoMy parents may be getting divorced...?
This is a really long story and would take up at least two posts so I will just cut to the chase: My mom and dad have been married for almost 30 years, and the past 6-ish years they have really not had a good relationship. I'm 17, and I have three older sisters. There has been a lot of family tension: my mom's OCD negatively affects all of our lives and my dad claims is the basis of their marital troubles. My dad is pretty much bipolar, and his anger issues also affect our lives negatively (no physical abuse or anything, but he is very mean to my mom). My dad has been living over at my older sister's house because of reasons unrelated to the marriage, and my mom does not want him to come home quite yet, because she says she wanted to unpack our house completely. So they have been fighting even more than usual lately. Tomorrow my dad wants to meet with me during my break at school (I'm in college) and talk to me without my mom knowing. My mom (who I am also much closer with, which adds more feelings into the equation) tells me to tell him that he has been verbally abusive throughout their marriage and he is mostly to blame for their problems. I hate that they are putting me and my siblings in the middle when they should be adults and talk themselves. I need help, I don't know what to do!
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoShould I intentionally break my glasses?
I have a problem. I have been needing new glasses for over 10 months and I keep asking my mom to take me to get another eye exam and new glasses. See, last Halloween I volunteered for Key Club to scare people at a local "haunted plantation maze". That night, I painted my face black to better blend in and kept my glasses in my pocket the whole evening. After I was done, I got out my glasses and they were severely bent, and they have been this way since then. They are falling off all the time. I cannot even look down for a few seconds because they will fall to the ground and they could break.
So, my question is: Should I intentionally break them at school tomorrow so my mom will have to take me to get some this weekend? I know this is kind of mean, but I feel like it's my only hope because each time I ask my mom she says "Okay" or "I know" but she never follows through. What should I do?
1 AnswerFriends9 years agoIs Demi Lovato's "Behind Enemy Lines" an original song?
Hi, I just found this song, "Behind Enemy Lines" by Demi Lovato, on iTunes under this Radio Disney kind of album-type thing. I had heard of the song before but I thought it was on her album Don't Forget which I am going to buy soon. But I realized that it is not on the album l, it is only on this Radio Disney album.
Anyway I was wondering if this was an original song. Apparently it was released in Summer 2009, around the release of Here We Go Again, but it's not on that album either. Is "Behind Enemy Lines" an original song of Demi's or is it a cover of a song from a Disney movie?
7 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoWho annoys you more: Twilight fangirls or Nolan fanboys?
Before I start this question, I want to say that I am not saying ALL Twilight fans or Christopher Nolan fans are like this.
So, a few weeks ago, I think I saw a question on here that was like this, but I decided to ask it myself: so, who annoys you more (either on the Internet or not): Twilight fangirls or Nolan fanboys?
If I had to choose, I would say Nolan fanboys. As much as Twilight and the fans annoys me, it seems like a lot of Nolan fans (again, not ALL of them) seem to think that they are the smartest people ever, and they seem to think that if you are not obsessed with "Inception" or "The Dark Knight" then you are stupid and lower than them, and that annoys me the most. What do you guys think?
3 AnswersMovies10 years agoI am so confused about Pottermore....?
I am confused about what to do on Pottermore. All I know is I submitted my email address when it was announced last month, and now when I go on the website it tells me that I have to look for the Magical Quill. I have no idea what it is talking about. What Quill? It just says to look for the Quill, but I have no idea where I should be looking! Also, people keep saying (on MuggleNet and stuff) that they have started participating...I am so confused and behind on this...can someone help me out? lol
4 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years agoShould I start a Harry Potter Club at my high school?
I am pretty obsessed with Harry Potter (haha) and I have been thinking about the possibility of starting a club devoted to it at my high school during my senior year. But I can't imagine people at my school flocking to a Harry Potter club, because the people at my school are, frankly, kind of stupid (for the most part). I could only think of two people I've encountered at my school joining an HP club. I could think of a teacher that might want to sponsor the club, but I have not approached her with the idea yet. This teacher is kind of mean, but I am taking her AP English Lit. class next year, so that might help. I'm not very popular at my school already, so I wonder if starting such a club would hurt my chances of making a lot of friends this year. I don't want to be known by girls as "that guy who's obsessed with Harry Potter", either.
I have started a school club before at my old school in 9th grade, but it wasn't very successful. I would hate for that to happen with this club again, so I wonder if I should even try starting it. Can someone help me? Thanks!
P.S. Also, what could we do in a Harry Potter club? Any ideas are appreciated!
3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago