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  • pregnancy or birth control? weird symptoms?

    Hey! I have been having some weird symptoms recently. I had been on birth control for years and recently had come off of it. I have been having very dull cramping for the past few days. Sometimes I wouldn't feel anything at all for hours and then I would cramp again. When I was on the pill I'd start my period at about 23 days (with 5 days of the sugar pill) so I had been thinking maybe I was due to start with the weird cramping and all. Well, that time has come and gone and no period and no bleeding. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I'm wondering if maybe I'm just testing too early and maybe my cycle now isn't going with the cycle I was on with the pills? Any ideas? Or could all of this just be my body adjusting to not being on the pill after years of being on it?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive7 years ago
  • pregnancy like symptoms, negative test?

    Hey! I have been having some weird symptoms recently. I had been on birth control for years and recently had come off of it. I have been having very dull cramping for the past few days. Sometimes I wouldn't feel anything at all for hours and then I would cramp again. When I was on the pill I'd start my period at about 23 days (with 5 days of the sugar pill) so I had been thinking maybe I was due to start with the weird cramping and all. Well, that time has come and gone and no period and no bleeding. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I'm wondering if maybe I'm just testing too early and maybe my cycle now isn't going with the cycle I was on with the pills? Any ideas? Or could all of this just be my body adjusting to not being on the pill after years of being on it?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive7 years ago
  • dog has diarhhea, new dog food the problem?

    My dog (2 year old Golden Retriever mix) has been moved to a new dog food within the past week. We switched him from Diamond Naturals to Taste of the Wild. We did spend a few days transitioning him over but now he's having a really bad case of diarrhea. He's had it for a day and a half. It's not bloody or anything and when people come over he's still as happy and excited as usually... that's why I'm thinking it may be the dog food.

    Is there something I can do to help him further transition to this dog food? I've heard a few ideas such as maybe feeding him twice a day instead of just once, or adding a tiny bit of pumpkin to his meal. I just want to try to avoid buying more diamond because our local pet store only carries 40 lb bags of it.

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Dog allergies or fleas?

    My dog is currently at the vet as I type this, so he is being looked at by a professional. However, while I'm waiting I'd like some input on what these symptoms could possibly be.

    My dog had a rash appear on his stomach a few days ago. We thought it might've been his food because it wasn't what he was used to, so we got the food we'd been feeding him. It looked like it was clearing up, but no, it's spread to his groin area and to the base of his tail. He's licked so much it's rubbed his skin completely raw (to the point of bleeding) and there's no hair left on his his lower stomach and his tail is well on its way to being hairless too.

    It sounds like it could be allergies or fleas, but he's been on Bayer Advantix 2 for almost 2 years now, so he hasn't gone without flea treatment, and we've never had any problem with fleas EVER before. The flea meds were last applied on August 10th.

    What does this sound like to you guys?

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • Which of these dog foods is better for the price?

    I'm currently feeding my dog Diamond Naturals. It has 4/5 stars online, and my dog seems to do fine on it. Also, I know each dog can have a different reaction to a food. I just wondered if there may be a better food for my budget. (So please, don't come on here and say I should spend $80 on a dog food. And don't tell me I'm a horrible owner because I don't. I know how Yahoo answers users are ;) )

    I know you want the primary ingredients to be meats, no by-products and grains aren't really good.

    Other brands I've looked into:

    Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers Soul

    Nutro (didnt seem as good, but it was in the price range)

    Purina ProPlan

    I'm not looking at spending more than maybe $60 on a 30lb bag. Also, if you know another dry dog food that's really good around my price range please let me know. I'm exhausting myself searching the internet for the best dog food in my price range.Thanks ;)

    8 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • My birth control makes me have no period, so how do know I'm not for sure pregnant?

    So, here's my dilemma.

    I am currently take Beyaz, which to my understanding can cause some women to have little to no bleeding when they're due for their period. I changed from Microgestin because of mood swings, etc while I was on it, but now I'm constantly worried about being pregnant. I am sexually active, so when I'm due for a period, I kind of want that reassurance that my birth control is working and my boyfriend of two years thinks I'm paranoid because I always want to run out and buy a test each month now.

    I feel really silly, because most females love the idea of having no period. I just don't know if I should be taking a pregnancy test or taking my next set of pills. I considered talking to my doctor and seeing if I should switch to something else, but I love Beyaz other than this issue. I don't feel moody, and I don't have any other problems. Anyone have any advice?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • My birth control makes me have no period, so how do know I'm not for sure pregnant?

    So, here's my dilemma.

    I am currently take Beyaz, which to my understanding can cause some women to have little to no bleeding when they're due for their period. I changed from Microgestin because of mood swings, etc while I was on it, but now I'm constantly worried about being pregnant. I am sexually active, so when I'm due for a period, I kind of want that reassurance that my birth control is working and my boyfriend of two years thinks I'm paranoid because I always want to run out and buy a test each month now.

    I feel really silly, because most females love the idea of having no period. I just don't know if I should be taking a pregnancy test or taking my next set of pills. I considered talking to my doctor and seeing if I should switch to something else, but I love Beyaz other than this issue. I don't feel moody, and I don't have any other problems. Anyone have any advice?

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Project for a smoke detector cover? Need idea for product name?

    We're doing an advertising project for a hypothetical smoke detector cover and have to come up with a name. The target audience is females and young children. Everything we've come up with sounds cheesy and lame and we want something that won't sound like an "As Seen On TV" product. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Wedding venues in Alabama?

    It's driving me crazy to find a wedding venue in the Central Alabama area that isn't priced at $3000+. I need something affordable, and would even be fine with a non traditional type wedding. Looking for an inside venue that won't break the bank. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerWeddings8 years ago
  • Nice ideas for wedding venues on a budget?

    I'm looking into some unique ideas for a wedding venue on a budget. A lot of places are looking for $3000+ a venue and I just won't have that. I don't want a traditional church venue, but I want something very unique and something that would be available in Alabama. There really don't seem to be many places that really stand out. Also, it'd have to be a winter venue. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Opinions on dog food?

    I'm a 22 year old college student living on my own. I have a 1 year old Golden Retriever mix that has been on supermarket dog food his whole life. He's healthy, highly active, etc. I've always fed him what I could find that definitely had meat as the #1 ingredient but my options are limited due to income (yay college!) and I always feel like a terrible owner for feeding supermarket dog foods when people are telling me to go high-quality. I only spend about $45 (max) a week on my own food and spend about $20 now on my dogs food. Do people really pay for to feed there dogs than they do to feed themselves? All of this stuff I've been recommended is like $40+. Is it really bad that he gets supermarket dog food if he's healthy??

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Dog has hair loss on the end of his nose (with picture)?

    I had asked earlier about this, but now I have a picture to go with it. Anyone seen this before. It's been this way for about 2 weeks, though it started out a lot smaller. As far as I can tell, it hasn't spread to any other part of his body other than his nose.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Books similar to the mortal instruments?

    I feel like I've read everything. I've read the Hush, Hush books, the Fallen series by Lairen Kate, Paranormailty, Nevermore, Twilight (bleh)... I mean I've read a lot of the paparanormal romance and all that I'm finding now are things like Vampire Academy, etc. And I HATE those books. I'm 22 years old and just want something age appropriate. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Minor hair loss on dog's nose?

    My golden retriever mix has been experiencing minor hair loss around his nose. We thought it might be that he had just gotten bitten by my roommates dog while they were playing, because it started out as a small cut that we put neosporin on, but now it's grown in size and also appears to be affecting the other side of his snout too. I do plan on taking him to the vet asap, but won't be able to til Monday. So in the meantime, I was just interested to know if anyone had any ideas what could be causing it.

    The skin where the hair was lost is bright pink, no sign of infection that I can tell. There does appear to be a very small patch of crusty skin on the other side of his snout though.

    Any ideas?

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Fox News airing live suicide unethical?

    We were having a group debate in my Mass Media Law class over the airing of a live suicide on Fox News. Following an intense car chase, the suspect exited the car and pulled a gun to shoot himself. Apparently Fox New's five second delay was not enough time to pull the video and it was aired all over national television.

    One girl in class believes that the actual car chase was the unethical part because it shouldn't have been shown on television to begin with, but doesn't believe the suicide was the unethical part at all.

    What are your opinions?

    7 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • does this sound like foreclosure or just trying to sell a house asap?

    "Seller may cancel this Agreement prior to the ending date of the listing period without advance notice to the broker, and without payment of a commission or any other consideration, if the property is conveyed to the mortgage ensurer or the mortgage holder. NOTICE TO COOPERATING BROKERS HIS TRANSACTION IS SUBJECT TO THIRD PARTY/LENDER APPROVAL; THE COMPENSATION OFFERED THROUGH MLS MAY BE REDUCED IF THE LENDER(S) REDUCE THE GROSS COMMISSION AS A CONDITION OF APPROVING THE SALE. ----->"

    This was on a description for a house. What do you think?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Is there anyway to get rent money back without having signed papers?

    I've been paying $350 a month for rent to a friend(in addition to the $1050 he gets from others rent) and I feel like he isn't using it like he is supposed to. The house is falling apart. We've been without air for at least 4 months, the yard has fallen to pieces, all of the neighbors hate us cuz he's constantly throwing parties and doesn't take anything seriously. I know all 1400 he gets from rent isn't going to maintaining the house. He buys hundreds of dollars worth of alcohol a week probably. So I'm wondering,is there anyway to get money back without having signed papers before moving in? Because I want to move out, but can't afford to because I'm still having to pay him money to live there. Oh and the city home inspector got called out and he still hasn't fixed what they told him he needed to, and I don't have the money to fix it myself. So yeah...

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Chances of being pregnant?

    I had very mild period like cramps for two days. It was VERY unusual for me and it really confused me when they went away. I have been on birth control, but had sex twice, unprotected, between packs of my birth control. The cramps happened about 6-8 days after I had sex. Could it be implantation cramps?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Trying to figure out what breeds my dog is... 5 stars to best answer?

    We've had him for a couple of months and he's 4 months old. The lady we got him from said he was Husky/German Shepherd/something else, but as he's gotten older, we have started thinking he's husky/lab and maybe something else. We got him for free so it's not like we were expecting any particular breed... But I was wondering what people's thoughts were.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Hartz flea medicine question?

    I've used the Hartz flea medicine once on my dog and haven't actually noticed any unusual problems (minus the fact that he has fleas, so obviously it doesn't work). But I decided to do some more research into it and found that it's actually dangerous for the dog. What are some symptoms that I might should be looking for to make sure my dog is ok?! I took him to the vet about 2 weeks ago for a routine visit and no one said anything looked out of the ordinary. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing for my dog.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago