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  • I don't believe in gods or devils but I like the idea of reincarnation. Is that atheism?

    I don't believe in heaven or hell, but I DO think we don't just croak and that's the end. Some guy said I wasn't atheist then? But what else could I be? Not agnostici!

    (Don't waste points with a smarta$$ answer, please.)

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I need the advice of an expert familiar with water-damaged Samsung Gravity 3s?

    I bought the phone and JUST as I got it home, I dropped it! But it fell on a pile of leaves, so it didn't smash. HOWEVER, the stupid leaves were wet. The phone worked for an hour after I dried it off. Then it totally died. Black screen, nothing turns on. I took it all apart and put the handset, back plate and battery in a bag of rice for 3 days... but nothing. I even recharged it for 2 days but the battery's little rectangle has turned red and so has the square in my phone. Everybody I ask says it's "toast."

    Is it?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Is there a mullah or ayatollah who is the leader of muslims?

    Or is there an organized group that represents all muslims? Do they have a leader of all Islamic matters?

    The reason I ask is, I was told by a muslim that the United Nations was ordered to make it a criminal offense for anyone in the world to criticize or ridicule Islam. They said Muslims wanted the UN to make provisions for the insulting of the prophet or allah. I'm just wondering who to write to about that.

    11 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Who is the leader of the muslims?

    Do they have a "Pope" like a mufti or an ayatollah who is the leader of all others?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What would make Muslims not buy a piece of property?

    My sister is a realtor who has a Muslim couple who are interested in a house for sale but the owners have a miniature pot-bellied pig for a pet. She is trying to get the non-Muslim home-owners to get rid of the pig (because they are forbidden in Islam), or at least hide it so she can show the home on the weekend.

    Do muslims have a problem with pigs, for real? What else should she be careful not to talk about? The home-owners make their own wine. Does that make the property "haram?"


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are some hadiths that state that unbelievers (infidels) must be killed?

    A muslim woman emailed me saying this:

    "You say that Islam calls to kill whoever does not believe in it. I challenge you to bring one small Quraanic verse which says to kill anyone whoever does not beliebe in it. I challnege you on that. All the verses on the killings were revealed during the war time. They were the commandments of the war. No one, who has read the Quraan from the begining can say that Quraan means death to kafirs. In Quraan every verse is linked with the other in its meaning. If you try to break a verse from its context, it would not make sense. I can explain to you in detail and with background about the verses which are allegedly called to spread voilence. On the contrary, they do not.

    Can any of you Wikipedias-of-YA help me? Thanks a million.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the difference between the taliban and muslims?

    I realize this sounds like the preface to a joke/punch line, but I want to know, for real, what the difference is. Can anyone say?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, do you want to know what question gets the most affirmative responses?

    ...............asking religious people, of any religion, if they would kill their own children, relatives, friends or neighbours if their god commanded them to. Is there an imminent danger there that we are unaware of? How, do you think, it should be addressed?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What was god called when the bible was being written?

    If the earliest written form of the word "god" derived from the Germanic word "gudan" in the 6th century which meant "to call" or "to invoke," what did the earliest writings of the bible call god?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, is Obama as humble a U.S. President as he seems?

    As a Canadian, i have to say I don't think anyone has, or will ever, hear a stupidass comment come out of his mouth. I don't know if I'll think the same in four or five years from now, but he seems admirably distinguished. Good luck tomorrow, U.S.!

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If in Jesus' time people drank wine, what's wrong with drinking it then?

    A minister was giving a temperance sermon.

    With great emphasis he said, 'If I had all the beer in the

    world, I'd take it all and pour it into the river.'

    With even greater emphasis he said, 'And if I had all the wine

    in the world, I'd take it and pour it all into the river.'

    And then finally, shaking his fist in the air, he

    bellowed, 'And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I'd take it all

    and pour every ounce of it into the river!'

    Sermon completed, he sat down.

    The hymn-leader stood up very apprehensively and announced with a

    smirk, nearly laughing,

    'For our closing hymn, let us sing Hymn No.365, 'Shall We Gather at the River.'

    Aside from drunk driving, what is wrong with drinking beer, wine or spirits?

    (no pun intended)

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are any religious people still baffled by evolution?

    Evolution can be a complicated concept to understand, especially when considering dinosaurs and millions of years ago. However, here is an article that just came up that explains how evolution works on the animal kingdom , today.

    Did you know, humans are considered "the super-predator?" Because of hunting and over-fishing, we are affecting the evolution of many species of animals. We may even speed the extinction of creatures that can't beat us anymore, so they fade away.

    For those who read this short article, do you understand evolution a bit more and do you think humans need to be more aware of the drastic changes occurring because of us?


    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has any Christian here ever seen a devil or a demon?

    Aside from the YA member who gets visited by the scorpion demon at least twice a month, what do think they look like? Would you know one if you saw one?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Muslims, what do you think of Western women?

    Someone told me once that Muslim men believe all Western women are "easy."

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My neighbour's cat cries when you pat her fur on her back. What is it?

    She is about 7 years old and snow white. I'm minding "Olivia" while my neighbour is away. Yesterday I went to smooth her gorgeous thick white fur on her back and she meowed as if in pain and then licked my hand as if to say she was sorry.

    I looked closely and under her snow-white fur are dozens of tiny, pepper-like black specks. She won't let me look closer. I thought I saw something moving on her fur once but my neighbour just dismisses it as "a rash."

    I feel bad for Olivia! What might it be? I want to be able to tell my neighbour to do something about it when she returns from holidays.

    21 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Have any anti-gay people considered this?

    People claim the bible says homosexuality is a sin and an (I hate this word) abomination, but has anyone considered this might be incorrect and those passages could and should be interpreted differently? Allegedly, the bible says it's wrong for "males to lie with males," but what if it was written as meaning, a man taking another man or boy - by FORCE - to have sex with, is forbidden? What if priests, clerics, male educators and other male figures of authority in biblical times were actually pedophiles praying on other men (slaves perhaps) and boys, and THAT is what was meant to be forbidden and an abomination?

    If that were the case, would it not free the staunch believer from condemning gays (who are born with their sexual preference already determined) and allow them instead to criticize the abhorrent behaviour of predators and abusers of same sex victims who have no choice but to comply to the wishes of the vile sexual predator?

    Perhaps gays are not being vilified in the bible but, instead, sexual predators are the target.

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is the fate of the world in the hands of giddy scientists?

    Switzerland has built a gigantic atom-smashing machine called a "hadron collider" that can smash atoms & possibly create black holes & rifts to other dimensions. They plan to use it in August 2008. They admit they don't know what it will do, but it has the potential to make the planet implode! They’re arbitrarily experimenting with things they have only guessed on! Their “theories” being tested could potentially destroy the planet!

    Shouldn't our governments question the Swiss scientists' testing? Can these so-called "experts" guarantee the machine won't affect the planet! Saying "the possibilities are very remote," IS NOT A SATISFACTORY ANSWER!

    Do they have the most sophisticated security protocols in place to ensure terrorists can't break in to the facility, take over this atom-smasher & use it to hold the world hostage? What plans do they have to ensure it can't & won’t happen?

    Do they have the right to unilaterally play with the fate of the planet and all mankind?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't we find out more about the Hadron Collider before letting scientists turn it on?

    Switzerland has built a gigantic atom-smashing machine called a "hadron collider" that can smash atoms & possibly create black holes and rifts to other dimensions. They intend to switch it on in August 2008. They don't know what it will do, they can only speculate that it will do no harm, but it has the potential to make the planet implode! They’re arbitrarily experimenting with things they have only speculated on! Their “theories” being tested could potentially destroy the planet!

    Are our government's questioning the consequences of the Swiss scientists' testing? Can these so-called "expert" scientists really guarantee this machine will not affect the planet! Saying "the possibilities are very remote," - IS NOT A SATISFACTORY ANSWER!

    Do they have the most sophisticated security protocols in place to ensure terrorists can't break in to the facility, take over this atom-smasher & use it to hold the world hostage? What plans do they have to ensure it can't & won’t happen? Does anybody know?

    If there is even the REMOTEST chance something globally catastrophic might happen, we owe it to our children to halt this experiments & ASK, before something irreversible happens! Shouldn’t someone stop this machine from being turned on until all questions are answered satisfactorily?

    Remember, the Mayans predicted that 2012 would be the end of the world? That's in four years from now! This machine could possibly make that happen.

    And to anyone who says this is “fear-mongering” ...To err on the side of caution is not "panic," it's simply wisdom in action.

    Don't forget, in 1912 the "brilliant" engineers who built the Titanic with some of the most advanced technology of that time, said it could never sink. On its maiden voyage, it hit an iceberg & sucked 1,517 men, women & children to their deaths at the bottom of the ocean. This new “Titanic” needs more scrutiny, doesn’t it?

    13 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago