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  • How is covid19 effecting your country?

    I am curious as I am Australian

    We can count our lucky stars being so secluded and out of the way that we forsaw the pandemic before it even started and our country has responded extremely well, in terms of size we have done exceptional.

    We had a few lock downs, but now life is pretty much back to normal, you can't travel, but sporting events are back to normal, we can have somewhat a normal life still.

    It makes me wonder what is happening in other countries? Like America, is the economy still going? What's it like day to day? Any differences to before ?

    6 AnswersGeneral - Australia1 month ago
  • Should I be okay to drive?

    I'm a 108kg male, so a heavy built man.

    I will drive home at 11pm

    I had one 150ml glass of red wine at 4:30pm,1.5 standard drinks.

    I had another 150mp glass of red wine at 5:30pm, 1.5 standard drinks.

    I had a stubby of beer, 1.1 standard drinks at 7:30pm

    So by 11pm I would of only had 4.1 standard drinks within 5 hours, and i feel fine and have had plenty of water and food, should I be okay to drive?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 month ago
  • Where can I watch old TNA impact replays in full HD?

    Just wondering, i wouldn't mind watching around 2007 but all footage from back then is blurry as

    1 AnswerWrestling3 months ago
  • Workplace bullying?

    I'm new to a work place, and trying to find my feet and 2 girls where I work sort of just ignore me. They say hello, but their job was to train me and I feel like I'm more likely to be told off for what I'm doing when I haven't even been shown properly. How am I supposed to know? They talk among themselves, but I may aswell not be in the room, they may not verbally say anything bad to me but body language stigma and just how I'm portrayed in the work place I feel bullied and it makes me want to leave. Do you think this is bullying? Or am I exaggerating?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment3 months ago
  • What were your thoughts on the Royal Rumble?

    It was abit predictable with Edge winning. I was happy to see him but don't believe he needed the win at all.. if you were going to give the win to someone I thought Christian would of been such a royal rumble moment if he had of won, as he was in amazing shape. IF they were going to give it to someone younger like an upcoming star I thought Big E would of been great but I feel more people would of preferred a Christian win.

    Bianca Belair was obvious but I wanted Liv Morgan to win.

    I was happy and actually grew a bit of respect for Goldberg. I was convinced he was going to walk into mania champion and was happy to see him put McIntyre over. I think now would be a good time for him to hang up the boots, since it was quite an entertaining match up, though short I think he could call that his last match and walk away happy knowing he passed the torch.

    2 AnswersWrestling3 months ago
  • Why does partner fault literally everything I do?

    Whatever I do or say, it seems like my partner of 7 years has just gotten to the point where whatever i say or do, I do it wrong.. or she has to put her 2 cents in as to how to do it.. It's driving me crazy. I have told her but nothing changes, I feel disrespected. I love her, but it's an issue that frustrates me and causes problems.

    How can I fix it, or any advice to give me?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 months ago
  • Who has the most variations of world titles in pro wrestling?

    Abit of a confusing question, I don't mean in terms of numbers of reigns, I mean who is the most decorated in terms of who had the most different versions of world title reigns?

    For example,

    Christian won the NWA world title, the ECW world title, and the World Heavyweight title, that's 3 different versions of world titles (yes, the ECW title has always counted as a world title) that's 3.

    I think Goldberg has held the WCW, World and Universal titles, so that's 3 aswell.

    Kane won the world, WWE and ecw title so that's 3.

    Has anyone won 5 or 6 variations of world titles?

    I'll put the titles that count in this scenario:

    WWE title

    Universal title

    World Heavyweight title

    WCW world title 

    ECW world title

    AEW world title

    TNA world title

    NWA world title 

    2 AnswersWrestling3 months ago
  • Help me find a movie I watched when I was young please!?

    I would like to watch it for the nostalgia factor, all I can remember was there was a man who I think was betrayed, and burnt.. i was only young when i watched it but guessing it was more of an adult movie, the man was thought to be dead but I don't think he died and came back for vengeance. I think it was around the 1990's give of take.. I have wondered this for years and I know it wasn't darkman.

    I think the lead role may of been played by an african american man if it helps narrow it down? I can't remember the actor

    Does it ring a bell for anyone?

    2 AnswersMovies3 months ago
  • What was so great about Ric Flair?

    I always hear of "over rated" and what not in the wrestling business. And when you hear greatest of all time, Ric Flairs name comes into conversation alot.

    However from what I've seen of him, he didn't seem like anything special or out out of the hat to me? In all the respect, maybe it's because I was born in the 90's, he was abit before my time and maybe for the 80's and 90's he was something special, maybe it was for that time, but I can understand when people talk about Shawn Michaels as one of the greatest, he was alot more entertaining in my eyes. Michaels had alot more personality in the ring, and in terms of an in ring technician I think Bret Hart was better than Flair. And then you have the Undertaker who had the best gimmick ever.. I didn't see Hulk Hogan all that talented at all, but I understand he was a big time celebrity and just his name brought people to the arena, so despite his in ring style not being great I give him credit as an entertainer.

    End of the day, I don't know how Flair was rated so well by people, perhaps he is just out dated? But compare him to an AJ Styles or Randy Orton nowadays, what is so special?

    Also, this isnt a hate on Flair I found him comedic and don't mind him, just a personal opinion.

    3 AnswersWrestling4 months ago
  • Despite covid19 troubles was Wrestlemania 36 a surprisingly good pay per view?

    I found it to be very entertaining, I even find the weirdness of having no crowd and silence actually made the show feel especial in a weird way but was overall a good solid pay per view 

    3 AnswersWrestling4 months ago
  • Who was Jack the Ripper?

    I know it hasn't been "solved" but did they find any most likely suspect in the case and what are your personal beliefs on who he was? I find it so interesting 

    3 AnswersHistory4 months ago
  • What is Victoria/Taras Widows Peak finisher actually do?

    In terms of what the move is supposed to do? It is the best women's finisher in the business in my opinion.. It looks vicious but is it supposed to render the opponent unconscious? I feel as if it wouldn't knock someone out, more so jar their spine, or it supposed to hurt the knees or hips? Not sure?

    1 AnswerWrestling4 months ago
  • Do you think Randy Orton get the credit he deserves?

    Put it this way, Orton has been one of the stand outs in the Covid era of WWE. And when people speak of "all time greats" and "mount rushmores of WWE" his name seems to be forgotten. It may be because Orton is the only full time star left from a completely different era of wrestling, and when he retires it may become more recognised. He hasn't ran off to Hollywood or left for other company's for the near 20 years he has been there.

    You think of Brock Lesnar who barely shows up,

    Or Cena who claims he loves WWE but did just what The Rock did and left for movies. Or stars with limited dates and schedules.

    I honestly just think that Randy, even though he doesn't say it.. SHOWS that he loves the business. Covid19 has hit and he is one of the few still giving it his all.

    7 AnswersWrestling4 months ago
  • Is there anything with me wanting to drink red wine to be abit healthier?

    My partner had a go at me, because I said I'd rather drink red wine than beer as it atleast is better for your waistline and better for your heart. But she cut the idea down, told me what's the point and it's still bad. Just keep in mind I'm not a big drinker especially for a male in my 20's, I don't drink excessively but don't mind a cold beer now and then, I thought changing to red wine would be better but just get put down for it lol

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 months ago
  • Why did Italy change sides in WWII?

    I've taken an interest in history but can't find a direct answer online.. I can't seem to put together what happened? I can tell that Benito Mussolini had something to do with it, I'm sure I've gathered that he an Hitler had a good relationship but what happened for them to turn against Germany and switch to the allies halfway through the war?

    6 AnswersHistory5 months ago
  • Do you think a John Cena heel turn could happen this day in age ?

    When or If Cena does come back to wwe before he does hang up his boots.. I'm expecting him to have atleast one last semi proper run before that happens. (Even if it's as a Lesnar like contract)

    Anyway for years people argued Cena couldn't turn heel, it would just never happen and I agreed at the time but now I don't know.. honestly look at the product and remembered when people said Cena needs to be a babyface for the kids and all that but now look at it.. he's not even there!? He hasn't been in the ring in a match for over a year? I think the time has come it would be okay, like clearly it wouldn't hurt or be a big deal considering he's not there anymore really.

    Could really help with ratings 

    2 AnswersWrestling1 year ago
  • Who in your opinion is the Mt Rushmore of Wrestling?

    Basically meaning the top 4 biggest stars ever.

    Write it as you wish, WWE or non WWE or whoever.It's interesting because of all the names that come to mind here is my Mt Rushmore.Order is in times of eras.Hulk HoganStone Cold Steve AustinThe RockJohn CenaThis definitely isnt a popularity vote as im personally not a big Hogan fan but gotta give credit where it's due he's up there.I'm interested in your thoughts? And who would you pick?Honourable mentions:Plenty of them.Undertaker Bruno SammartinoBret HartRic FlairStingShawn MichaelsThen getting abit more freelyTriple HRandy OrtonRoman Reigns (years to come)Brock LesnarChris JerichoAll from different eras and all respectable considerations.. (I really do think Taker is in a league of his own as the GOAT) as he survived all 4 eras when my 4 picks represented and was a top star the whole time.But those are my 4.

    9 AnswersWrestling1 year ago