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  • Guinea pigs - 2 males - dominance behaviour/displays.... normal?

    I got 2 beautiful male guinea pigs about 5 weeks ago from a reputable source. They are healthy and bright eyed, inquisitive and totally as expected in that way. I believe they were litter mates, and are now both about 18 weeks old.

    All the guinea pigs I've had before have been female so I'm not accustomed to dominance behaviour being displayed. Basically, one piggie is constantly trying to get his head either under the other's bum, or under his neck/body. The other piggie then responds to this by rumblestrutting, swinging his hips from side to side.

    When we let them have floor time, the 1st piggie attempts to mount the 2nd one. They periodically chase eachother like loonies, round their very roomy cage. The behaviour displayed has always fallen short of actual injury to either piggie.

    We have put 2 food bowls, 2 water bottles, 2 spaces for hiding etc, which has cut down on the dominance displays, but will they eventually settle it and one will be dominant and one subordinate?

    They have plenty of food, play, stimulation, so I'm satisfied that boredom is not an issue.

    Thanks for any advice.

    1 AnswerRodents7 years ago
  • How much to fit extra electric heaters?

    I am moving house soon but the new house only has one economy 7 wall heater. It is mostly open plan with a very warm conservatory, and I know that you can buy plug-In heaters, but can anyone give me a ball park on how much it is to supply and fit an economy 7 wall heater?

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • New car contract and now dealer in breach of it?

    My boyfriend recently took out a contract to lease a car for 3 years. The contract included 3 years insurance and back down cover, as well as road tax, all for one lump payment per month. He was informed at the beginning of the process that he would need 2 yearss no-claims discount as a minimum, and he thought he had it. The company never mace any attempt to verify this as accurate, and now, a month after taking delivery of the car, it is clear that there is actually only 1 year and 6months no claims. He went to the garage today and they asked him to just pay £11,000 for the car, because it is outside of the contract he took - he clearly can't do this.

    They'very told him that best case is now that he'll have to insure the car himself, which will work out significantly more than what would have been under the contract. I feel that the company have some responsibility and accountability because they didn't carry out the full checks prior to releasing the car to my boyfriend. He also made it quite clear in a phone call to the insurance division that he was unsure of the exact no-claims period he had, yet they proceeded anyway on an assumption.

    Opinions? Are there any legal pathways we can use to get out of this mess?

    5 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Tooth extraction questions.....?

    I had an upper molar tooth extracted just over 72 hours ago because it had been persistently causing severe nerve pain (but without signs of infection). The dentist did advise me that he could see from the X-ray that the root was extremely close to my sinuses, which may have contributed to referred pain into my other facial nerves. Anyways, since the tooth has been extracted, bleeding was minimal but I experienced svere back spasm about 12 hours afterward, it transpires, from impinging a disc from being in the dentist chair for so long. It was a particularly difficult extraction and the tooth had to be broken into several pieces before it could be taken out, and even then there was a lot of tugging/pulling.

    The hole left behind has now filled with a white "mush", a jelly like substance, which is peppered with dark grey. Does anyone know what this is, and if it is normal? The rim of the hoe is a very dark red. In terms of general feelings, my temperature is only very slightly raised, and pain wise, it is a constant but fairly dull ache along the upper jaw line, exacterbated by eating. I've followed all the post-extraction instructions and rinsed with salt water.

    The reason I am slightly nervous is that my mum had a similar extra tion and the hole didn't heal, leaving her with open access to her sinus, and able to flush water through the hole which would then come down her nose. Is the mush in my extraction hole normal? What are the next healing steps to be expected?

    Dental8 years ago
  • Can severe upper back spasm be linked to dental treatment?

    I had a dental extraction yesterday morning which turned out to be quite difficult (the dentist had to break my tooth into pieces to take it out). The tooth has been causing me nerve pain for some time but got really bad recently so I had it taken out.

    During the hours immediately following the tooth coming out, I noticed back stiffness. Now at 5am the following morning I am in extreme pain with my upper back and neck. I cannot even lift my arms to tie my hair back or get dressed on my own.

    Could there be any link between the dental work and severe pain in my back?

    Dental8 years ago
  • 16 dpo and still bfn? is it possible to be pregnant?

    Just wondering.... I am currently 16 days past ovulation and on cycle day 37 and wondering if I could be pregnant?

    I have slightly irregular cycles but for the last 6 months they have settled on 30 to 32 days so based on that I am about 5 days late.

    Had some mild and transient dragging pain in my lower back., and apart from that just leaking lots of water, which is unusual for me (sorry for TMI).

    I know I ovulated on cycle day 22 based on testing for LH surge.

    What are the chances?

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Anti glare mirror / glass on Peugot 107?

    I just bought a 2010 Peugot 107. I absolutely love this car because I have found it so much easier to drive in the dark. I have real problems normally because of a medical condition with one of my eyes. I can see from the manual that the rear view mirror has an anti glare position, but does anybody know if there is anything different about the windscreen glass? Before this I had a 2008 chevrolet matiz.

    1 AnswerPeugeot8 years ago
  • Recommendations for a good tourmaline ceramic ionic hairdryer.....?

    My favourite hairdryer has died.... its a VO5 Big Hair with the special unusually shaped diffuser attachment which dries my thick hair without wrecking my natural waves/curl. I have searched my local shops and online but cannot find this hairdryer anywhere, heart broken my beloved one is broken. Can anyone recommend a hairdryer that comes with a diffuser, that also has the tourmaline and ionic technology which leaves my hair so soft? Ideally one you can buy on the high street in the UK. Thanks!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • New-ish Toshiba TV buzzing like the volume is too loud (but its not)?

    Hi, thanks for reading. I have an 11 month old 32 inch Toshiba LCD TV, which has suddenly started to have poor sound quality. Its not an overt buzz, but the only way I can explain it is that its like when the volme is REALLY loud and there is buzzing/echoy noise with speech/music. Except even when the volume is quite low, I can still hear it. I have tried all the usual things, like turning off and unplugging, restoring to factory settings, and changing HDMI slot but with no change to this poor sound quality. There is nothing balanced on the tv or the stand that could be buzzing, it is definately coming from within the tv. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersTVs8 years ago
  • Euthyroid but extremely heat intolerant?

    I have long had Hashimotos disease, and have been taking thyroxine for about 10 years. However, in all that time, even when I am, euthyroid, or indeed hypothyroid, I remain in tolerant to heat. When I do all but he lightest exercise, I sweat in a manner that is excessive to the exercise undertaken. Which is fine if you are at the gym, but not so good if you walk to work, like me. I spend all day being uncomfortable. Anyone else out there with HYPOthyroidism that is intolerant to heat? My doctor thinks I am nuts.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Is there benefit in moving things round in my aquarium occasionally?

    Was just wondering...... was doing my usual routine maintenance of my aquarium today and started thinking about the decor. I have been in the habit of moving the plants and ornaments around as part of maintenance, sometimes swapping the plastic plants/ornaments for different ones. Is there any real or anecdotal evidence to say that doing this is beneficial for the fish? Sensible answers please.

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • How to turn ON battery full notification sound for Samsung Galaxy S2?

    Hi, thanks for reading. My mum recently bought a Samsung Galaxy S2. I already had an ACE 2 and it helpfully makes a beep when the battery is fully charged. However the S2 doesnt seem to do that, but my mum would like to use this function. Anyone know if there is a way to turn ON the battery full notification on the S2?

    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Will my car be a write off?

    I have a 5 year old chevrolet matiz and I was involved in a side on collision late last week. The brunt of the damage was to my car as it took full side on impact at about 20 to 30 mph. Both doors were heavily dented, and the "sill" of the car was also dented. Will it be a write off? Any ideas?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Alternative way to get into BIOS?

    Hi, my computer keyboard is behaving strangely, linked to the fn key I think. I want to get in to look at my computers BIOS, but my computer is not responding to the usual mechanism to access BIOS during startup because of the F2 key not responding. Is there an alternate way to access BIOS information?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Asus Eee 904HA num lock / keyboard problem?

    Hi, I have an As us netbook, model 904HA. It appears to be stuck in some kind of alternate keyboard mode. Some of the keys aare working as if they are in num lock mode, but other keys aren't working at all. Other keys that would only work when the FN key is pressed down, such as brightness control appear to work without pressing the FN key. I can't seem to get into the BIOS by pressing F2 at startup because it is in this other mode, so it keeps just switching the wireless LAN on and off as that is the FN function of the F2 key. Hope this makes sense. If anyone has any sensible ideas then I will willingly give them a try!!!!

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Is he wasting my time?

    I met a guy from an internet dating site (after talking online for weeks), and we really got on well. We have a lot in common. I knew from the outset that he worked nights, and so perhaps couldnt see him as often as I would like. However, after the initial week, in which I saw him twice, I have not seen him for nearly 2 weeks. I understand that he needs to rest after working nights, but if I left work on time, I could see him for an hour before he goes to work. And he works Monday to Thursday only, so he could see me Saturday/Sunday/Monday.

    After the initial times i saw him, he has only sent me a text message every 2-3 days which is basically "hi, hope you are okay". I said to him yesterday that I felt like he didnt want to see me, but he just said he does but he "is so busy". I know that he has some stress at the moment trying to organise a mortgage for his mum..... but is it really reasonable to say you are so busy that you cant find an hour for someone in a whole 2 weeks?

    Sensible answers only please.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Disappearing fish (minnow)?

    I have a tropical community fish tank, with minnow, danios, guppies, a plec and a cory. When I was feeding them last night, I suddenly realized one of the minnow is gone. I am confused and bemused.... there is no floating body, the water is clean and clear, and to the best of my knowledge, none of the species I have eat other fish. Any ideas?

    7 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • How to safely clean paint flecks from leather?

    I just bought a second hand brown leather sofa, which is in excellent condition, except for there is a strip of white paint flecks across one of the arms. Is there a way to safely remove them without damaging the leather?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Music during Janine's wedding on Eastenders?

    I was watching Janine's wedding on Eastenders and heard a lovely piece of music playing in the background, but I wasnt quick enough to catch it with Shazam. I remember distinctly hearing a classical piece by the composer Ludovico Einaudi, but there was another classic piece right after that, which was lovely. Does anyone have any idea what it was?

    5 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Why is my question crossed through? ?

    I asked a question on here (health related), ad received a handful of answers. However, today have noticed that in the list of questions I have asked, this question has a line through it and is no longer click able to read the question. Why? Have I infringed a rule or something?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago