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  • How do midges appear?

    There were so many midges in Scotland how do they appear this time of the year? Is it to do with lack of oxgen? Does anyone know if midges appear anywhere else as well as Scotland?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Midges!!!!!!!!!!?

    I visited Scotland with my husband last week to visit brother and family for the first time since they moved there earlier in year.

    Its a nice place to visit however what put me off are the insects called midges that bite you. Has anyone else had that problem while they have been there. Does anyone live there and has experience living with this? I really like to visit Scotland as I havent done for a long time.

    But the midges have put me off. Its mostly in May and summer months they appear dont they???

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Midges in Scotland?

    I visited Scotland with my husband last week to visit brother and family for the first time since they moved there earlier in year.

    Its a nice place to visit however what put me off are the insects called midges that bite you. Has anyone else had that problem while they have been there. Does anyone live there and has experience living with this? I really like to visit Scotland as I havent done for a long time.

    But the midges have put me off. Its mostly in May and summer months they appear dont they???

    7 AnswersGlasgow7 years ago
  • Will we have to use passports to Go to Scotland if it goes independent?

    And will the driving situation to the right happen or was that just a April fool joke?

    8 AnswersOther - United Kingdom7 years ago
  • Please let me know if its ok to have the bthub 5 wired to the modem?

    I didn't realise you could use the bthub 5 without the modem. But the internet has been working ok since I had the new hub a few months back. I have the hub wired to the openreach modem.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking7 years ago
  • I asked a question yesterday about downloading?

    I asked about downloading the comic relief single but I havent got one answer does has this happened to other people have they ever had their questions unanswered? Thanks. I usually get answers but I dont know what has happened this time.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How can we get hold of the comic relief single?

    I cant find it in any stores now is this the end of cds as well?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • how can we get hold of the comic relief single?

    I cant find it in any stores now is this the end of cds as well?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • About record sales in stores why they are declining?

    Where can we get hold of records like cds now? They seem to be disapearing everywhere now. Apart from the ones which are sold in certain stores which are not singles or present albums etc. Is this to do with downloading music now? And how can we purchase music from the internet without using credit or debt card? Isnt there another way?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • About record sales in stores why they are declining?

    Where can we get hold of records like cds now? They seem to be disapearing everywhere now. Apart from the ones which are sold in certain stores which are not singles or present albums etc. Is this to do with downloading music now? And how can we purchase music from the internet without using credit or debt card? Isnt there another way?

    2 AnswersMarketing & Sales8 years ago
  • Why do people like Mrs Brown's boys so much?

    I dont know what the fuss is all about this sitcom. Once I saw a bit of it and thought there is too much bad language in this and for a character who is past middle age to swear so badly. No way I watch this now. Maybe its funny but I dont like watching stuff with bad language in it. Do we necessary need bad language. There is still plenty of humour with out this. I laugh at stuff without it too. The same without explicit context. Whats the world coming too. I dont know why I feel bogged off when people who Im with or hear good comments about sitcoms which dont appeal to me. Maybe I think differently from others. And its also the way Im brought up.

    17 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    It may be funny but do we necessary need bad language to enjoy a sitcom like this? I thought it looked funny too but its the language which puts me off. I would like to see this too if there was little or not bad language but there is too much of it. Sorry.

    1 second ago

    6 AnswersComedy8 years ago
  • Why do people like Mrs Brown's boys so much?

    I dont know what the fuss is all about this sitcom. Once I saw a bit of it and thought there is too much bad language in this and for a character who is past middle age to swear so badly. No way I watch this now. Maybe its funny but I dont like watching stuff with bad language in it. Do we necessary need bad language. There is still plenty of humour with out this. I laugh at stuff without it too. The same without explicit context. Whats the world coming too. I dont know why I feel bogged off when people who Im with or hear good comments about sitcoms which dont appeal to me. Maybe I think differently from others. And its also the way Im brought up.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Does anyone else answers get reported?

    Unfortunately I had a warning that my answer had been reported and I never intend to offend anyone. Have you ever a something reported without intending to offend anyone? Do you feel angry upset , let down or dont care.


    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do celebrities gets paid for being in the jungle in Im a celebrity?

    I had thought they maybe doing this for charity

    I heard they were doing this for charity. I know that the costs of the calls go to charity though.

    And whose idea was this to make this programme?

    Who was the best celebrity in this programme since it started I think about ten yrs ago?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago