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Pig on a stack of money

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  • What does Ramadan have to do with this?

    I'm seeing a muslim girl and kissed her neck the last time I saw her.

    I sent her a message today saying I want to do it again and she said it's Ramadan and I can't do that. I thought this was a fasting thing?

    7 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • Books on how to become completely dedicated/successful?

    I'm thinking books on how to make yourself think like a winner/the successful/the elite. The guys with the top careers, top athletes, etc.

    I have career and gym goals and I have good ideas about how to achieve those but I find myself being lazy/a procrastinator and not doing what I know I should. I want to train myself to have a mindset where I just do what I know I need to.

    How do I make myself so dedicated?

    Many thanks

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • How do you watch disturbing movies?

    I'm watching a movie now where a few people are skinned alive and thrown over a ledge. It doesn't show a lot but the whole thing is pretty disturbing to me. I normally avoid things like Saw and movies with this level of violence.

    How do you be less bothered by it? It's not like I'm a kid, either lol

    8 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Do Giant Pacific Octopi have any predators?

    that site says otters and seals... how can such small, weak animals kill a giant octopus?

    1 AnswerZoology8 years ago
  • Why don't fish freeze to death?

    A human would freeze in the sea, why don't fish?

    Do they not even feel uncomfortably cold in the sea?

    4 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • Should I look for another job?

    I've been working in an office for 11 months now. The first 10 were temping but a month ago I was made permanent. I've been wanting to study for a specific qualification for a couple of years now and now the company is willing to pay for it (it's quite expensive). The problem is, i'll be contracted to work here for the time spent studying and a year after that (totalling 4 years) and I really don't like my job.

    I work with rude people and have to teach someone who is very lazy and the manager makes me do the work she doesn't do, and I don't see this changing. Is it worth me holding off on the studying (I would have to wait at least another 6 months if I don't do it now, but I am only 20) so that I'm not tied in with the company and can look for other jobs while I work here? Or should I grit my teeth and put up with it until I can move to another department?

    I think once I decline studying the qualification they know I've been dying to study, they'll know I'm looking at other jobs.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Can someone explain this joke?

    Two chemists walk into a bar.

    The first one says, "I'll have some H2O."

    The second says, "I'll have some water too. But why'd you order it like that? We aren't at work."

    The first chemist excuses himself and weeps in the bathroom.

    His assassination plot had failed.


    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • What do you think of this martial artist?

    Part 2 shows the kick. Pretty effing crazy. I would have thought although the pain signal isn't really there it would at least damage the person ?

    2 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • What to do about this girl?

    I'll try and keep it short:

    I met this lifeguard at a pool on Saturday. Talked to her during my time there and got her number. Anyway we texted Sunday night a bit, she was using lots of smileys and 'ha's', despite being a little shy in person, which I took to be a very good thing.

    Anyway, she was texting pretty quickly until the last text which took a few hours. It was late when I received it so I replied in the morning and haven't heard back since (now Wednesday evening). I thought things were going great but this is a little worrying.

    My friend said to ask her out soon before our chemistry is lost and I agreed but surely I should wait for her to reply before I ask her to do something? Also, my friend recommends texting tomorrow even if she hasn't replied, asking her out. Is texting fine? He thinks calling will put too much pressure on her & not let her think about it, which I can see, but is text asking out lame or ?


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is there a way to see what your most recently modified files/folders on your computer are?

    I was playing a video game on my PC. I made a video of what I was doing in-game but the file didn't save in its normal place. If I restart the game without renaming that file it'll be deleted!

    Is there a way to list ALL programs on your computer, or at least show the most recent one, in order of most recently modified? I know you can do for the contents of a file, but the problem is I don't know where the file is...


    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Why do girls look at the floor when walking past?

    I started a new job recently and am sat facing the doorway to the whole office (big office with like 40+ people in) and the only drinks machine/kitchen are in my eyeline because of where my computer is.

    2 girls look down when walking past me. 1 I've met before at a friend's birthday party (it was that friend who got me the job). I spoke to her then and maybe made a comment on facebook since then but otherwise no contact (for about a year). We've not said hi to each other or anything and she's been around my section as she's friends with my coworkers, it seems like she's pretending not to know me. We didn't fall out and we barely know each other (is that why's it awkward? not quite friends but not exactly strangers?). Or am I imagining that she's looking down when walking past?

    The other girl's just a girl who walks past a lot to get to the drinks machine. I don't know her but she always looks down when walking past. I don't know if it's specific to me or just because she doesn't like being in someone's eyeline but she does it (looks at the ground).

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Should I have to pay rent?

    I'm 19, done 3 years of college and it took me over half a year to find a job (with constant berating about it). Anyway, I've just started my new job and get paid £8 an hour, which equals £280 a week (before deductions) with my 9-5 hours.

    So far I've been living off savings from a 1 month accounts job I had during college and £50 a month I got as an allowance.

    Now that I'm working my mum and especially step-dad want me to start paying rent. He said I don't have to the first month as I've been so long without money but after that he thinks I should pay £35 a week (apparently he thought £50 before that). I think this is just greedy and, perhaps an exaggeration, but extortion as well. Why does my having a steady income for the first time mean they get money from me? Taking money from me because they can makes me annoyed at them.

    Yes there are living expenses but I've been living here for 19 years, it's hardly my fault I was born and also I'll be leaving in a couple of years! I'll be buying virtually ALL of my own food and spend only my nights and weekends at home, still doing chores.

    What do you think?

    8 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • A few questions regarding info for employers (careers and employment)?

    1) say I apply for a job that advertises a £20,000 - £23,000 salary. I have very little work experience (though qualifications are good) and would be willing to work for less, say £17,000. Should I write in the cover letter that I'd be willing to work for less than advertised? If so, should I write an amount (exact, or approximate?).

    2). I finished college in July. I took the summer off and started applying for jobs in September. I haven't had much luck (1 interview) but have been demotivated and haven't been looking as much recently. If an employer asks why I've been out of work since july, what should I say?

    Thank you

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • What's wrong with this 'chat up line'?

    In the past I've gone up to girls in clubs and said 'Excuse me, you're very pretty' then follow up with 'what's your name' and all that jazz. I think it's worked twice ever lol. Do I come across as weird? Desperate? Do girls find it creepy?

    Can anyone suggest alternatives ? :) many thanks

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How do you apply to jobs directly?

    When I go through job websites all I get is job agencies. As I don't have much experience, I've told I'd look more appealing if I applied directly, saving the company the cost of an agency but where do you find such vacancies advertised? It seems like these ridiculous agencies are everywhere

    careers and employment

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Do people really get used to alcohol over time?

    Like I'm 19 and I only started drinking when I was 18, and not even that much since then.

    A lot of my friends have been drinking since their early teenage years and it takes them a lot more drinks to get them drunk than it does me. They say it's because they've been doing it for so long they're used to it now - is that possible?

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • What are some good whiskies that aren't too expensive?

    That you might find in a UK pub? I'm looking to try new drinks and wouldn't mind giving whisky a go.

    Yesterday I had one called Jameson Irish Whiskey (not overly keen on) and Southern Comfort (delicious). Are these good whiskies?


    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • Alcohol from tap more potent than bottle/cans?

    Someone told me you get more drunk drinking drinks from taps (draft i think they're called?) rather than from a can or bottle... is there any truth to this?

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • Any good alien documentaries online?

    On youtube or whatever? I'm interested in some good, well made documentaries :)


    1 AnswerAstronomy & Space10 years ago