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Can someone answer this political question intelligently?
Just curious as to why (considering the results of the mid term elections) it was okay to give Bush 8 years to make a total mess of this country, but they aren't even willing to give Obama one term to try and fix it. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that Obama does everything right, but doesn't it seem like the right thing to do to at least give the guy one full term to do his best? Let's not forget that he inherited one hell of a big mess. Are our memories really that short?
15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoAre there any french grammar experts out there?
I would like someone who is 110% sure of their answer before they respond to this. I'll get to my question in a sec but first I would like to present that my mom was born in France so I have "some" background in this area. My mom has passed however so I have no expert to go to anymore with my questions. How do you pronounce Bret Favre's name. All the announcers reverse the v & the r and make it Bret Farve, and I don't think this is correct. Phonetically I think the name should be pronounced "Fahv or Fahve" similar to Le Havre. Can anyone confirm or tell me that I am wrong if this is the case?? Please be absolutely sure of your response. Thankyou.
4 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoWhere is the best overseas place for retirement?
I have heard and read a lot about such places as Panama, Ecuador, and Mexico, but I am having a hard time deciding which one is best suited towards my personal criteria. Below, I have listed my criteria and value weighted each one from one to ten with one being not important and 10 being VERY important.
1) Weather-hot (at least 80 every day)-minimal to moderate rain- 10 pts.
2) Health Care-cheap and reliable-10 pts.
3) Real Estate-affordable, preferrably cheap-8 pts.
4) Crime-the lower the better-8 pts.
5) Close to the beach-should be within a one hour drive-8pts
6) Infrastructure-7 pts.
7) Close to a major city-in or near a big city preferrable-7 pts.
8) In a community setting. Would love to mingle-6 pts.
9) Language- English or Spanish. Will consider French or Portuguese if conditions right-6 pts.
10) Special benefits for retirees-4 pts.
11) Proximity to the U.S.-would be nice, but not a must-4 pts.
No matter what we decide, we plan on visiting first for at least 2 weeks, and renting for at least 6 months before making any permanent decisions.
5 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago6 months later, and still we are bombarded with Michael Jackson. Has anyone besides me had enough?
Don't get me wrong, he was a major superstar, and almost everyone loved him, but good gosh, enough is enough! Only one other being got more coverage and people pay homage to him every Sunday. This has been SOOOO over covered, that I am starting to lose what little interest I still have in this man. I mean, either stop or make it another holiday!!
22 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoHow do you find a virus on your computer?
I've read some of the responses to similar questions, but what I'm wondering is how would the geek squad go about looking for a virus? I'm running windows XP. I know of some of the programs out there that do it for you, but I'm looking for the process that a computer geek would use to get rid of a virus. Thanks.
6 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoI have a computer question?
I am running a relatively new version of windows (not vista) and my problem is that every time I try and delete a document and send it to the recycle bin, it goes there, but before it does it creates a copy that stays in the document folder. Does anyone know how I can disable that copy feature so that I can empty my folder? I have tried the edit feature and "select all", but it still creates a copy of every document. Please help!!
4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoLadies. This one's for you.?
I'm just wondering how many Ladies out there actually win when having a playful tussle with their boyfriends/husbands. And how many of you wish you could win, but your guy always feels like he has to win because it would be "unmanly" if he lost?
31 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoAnyone know Microsoft Excel ? Help!!?
Here is my problem. I am trying to alter some cells on a worksheet that I've already created, and it requires me to change the width of some cells in a column. I know how to highlight the cells that I want to change and I know how to go to the format item and change the width, but even though I've highlighted the cells I want the change to affect, as soon as I do the formatting the whole column changes to the size I specified. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I just want to change the cells I highlight....thanks.
5 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoDoes anyone know why eating soft serve ice cream compels me to want to use the toilet??
It seems that everytime I eat soft serve ice cream (especially the low fat, low sugar variety) I am between 15 and 30 minutes away from having to sit on the toilet. Does anyone know what causes this reaction? Also, I've talked to others who react the same way I do, so I know I'm not alone. Thanks for any help.
5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoDebra Messing. Is it just ME?
I don't know what it is, but after seeing her in Will & Grace, I just can't stand this woman. What I can't figure out though is whether I just couldn't stand her character or I just don't like the actress. Anyone else feel the same way?? I'm inclined to think I just don't like the actress since I don't like her in anything I've ever seen her in. Overall I liked the popular comedy however.
2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoCan anyone tell me the name of this song and who sings it?
Unfortunately I don't have much of the lyrics, but the words, "I don't think so" and "Don't you care about me" are two of the lines I can remember. It's got a really catchy beat and I'm sure it is heard on the popular or hip hop radio stations. Thanks in advance (and 10 pts. to the 1st person to get it right).
3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoGuys, has this ever happened to you? Have you ever been sat on by a girl?
Maybe it was an older sister, or a neighbor girl or maybe just your girlfriend, but I know that when I was around 12 or so my friends older sister one day put me in a headlock and took me to the floor then sat on my chest. I've also heard from other guys who have told me similar stories. Has anyone else had this happen to them, or does it still happen with regularity? I'm just curious about this.
12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDoes anyone have any information about Costa Rica or Panama or suggest another retirement location?
If anyone can offer any information on Costa Rica, Panama, or another retirement destination (outside the U.S) it would be greatly appreciated. We would be interested in the following:
1) the cost of a modest place to live
2) Relative closeness to conveniences such as groceries, hospitals, banks, etc.
3) climate
4) proximity to the beach
5) overall cost of living
6) Approximate population of americans in that area
Any information given would be deeply appreciated. Thankyou!
4 AnswersOther - Latin America1 decade agoHere's a real challenge. The Bush cabinet?
Can ANYONE name every member of the Bush cabinet who has retired, left, or otherwise just stepped down since the beginning of his first term? I think the first was Colin Powell, but I could be mistaken.
2 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoCan someone please explain to me how Guiliani can be the republican front runner?
He is pro waterboarding, and a Bush crony to boot. This just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not a republican, but even if I were, he'd be last on my list. I think he'd make an absolutely HORRIBLE president, perhaps even worse than the one we have now. Is that what everyone really wants? I sure hope not!!
21 AnswersElections1 decade agoI would like to know why we voted in democrats at the midterms. G.W. does what ever he wants anyway.?
The only thing bigger than our presidents ego is the national debt. But no matter how much we talk about it, that's all it is-talk. Why are the democrats so afraid of this president? He wants all this money for a war that no one (but him) wants to be in, but yet vetoes s-chip. On top of that, he has the absolute audacity to berate congress because they don't want to "rubber stamp" everything he wants.
Think about this:
1) Since he first took office, most of his original cabinet is gone. Coincidence?
2) He has lied to the people over and over
3) He has the lowest approval rating (by some polls) EVER.
4) He has ruined our global image
5) He has gotten us into a war that now he has no idea how to get out of, so therefore he intends to just "pass it on" to his successor.
6) He has no idea how to secure our borders.
7) He has no idea how to balace our budget.
8) He has no idea how to handle disasters (Katrina)
Nixon would be a blessing compared to G.W.
5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago