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Lv 5
krute asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Can someone please explain to me how Guiliani can be the republican front runner?

He is pro waterboarding, and a Bush crony to boot. This just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not a republican, but even if I were, he'd be last on my list. I think he'd make an absolutely HORRIBLE president, perhaps even worse than the one we have now. Is that what everyone really wants? I sure hope not!!

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because it looks like the Republicans will surely lose the Senate again, and more completely, next time around, even if the overall vote goes 50-50, because most of the exposed seats are Republican. Plus, they are likely to lose control of the House even further, because they're also losing the battle for campaign contributions.

    Giuliani tests better in polls than any other Republican against any Democratic challenger, because he appeals to ideologically middle of the road, less educated (working class), American men, because of all that pugnaciousness. The Republicans are desperate not to lose all three power bases, and Giuliani is, apparently, their best bet. He tests especially well against Hillary, who is the best bet for the Democratic nomination. That's why.

    Incidentally, that also appears to be why the Republicans are talking up the threat from Iran. Domestic security is about the only area that favors Republicans, and if the next election is about that, they have a good chance.

    By the way, I agree with you, I think he'd be a terrible president. We'll see. You're all registered to vote, right?

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't decided on Giuliani yet, but I have certainly not ruled him out. Whatever candidate I choose will have to have a very clear understanding of the terrorist threat to this country and a commitment to seeing it resolved. I think that is WHY Giuliani is a front runner. He is clearly and unabashedly for resolving the Middle East crisis. Reasonable people who have other important issues they would like to see corrected by a presidential candidate recognize that until peace in the Middle East has been achieved, everything else must take a back row seat...because if the US doesn't exist in a few years, their "issues" will be pretty irrelevant.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In the country of the blind a one-eyed man is king. Giuliani is like the tallest man in a midget contest. He is deeply flawed, but less so than the competition. McCain is old and sad, and he gave up his integrity to back Bush. Mitt Romney has an even worse flaw for the Christian Right. The rest are all '. . . who?. . ' except Ron Paul, and there's no way the party is going to let Paul get close to the nomination.

    Giuliani is still coasting on a wave of press adoration from 9/11. This led him to be the biggest money-raiser, which makes him even more press-adorable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Despite what you have heard, not all Republicans are ultra conservative on all issues.

    Guiliani is liberal on social issues and conservative on those that REALLY matter to the vast majority of Republicans.

    Yes, he has his skeletons, but has always owned up to them, as opposed to denying them or, blaming others for them, which indicates that he meets the standard of morality that is most important - honesty and self-responsibility.

    Unlike some of the candidates, Rudy's firsthand experience of 9/11 assures Republicans that he will not lose sight of our need to remain vigilant about terrorist activities and we are comfortable with the knowledge that he will ensure our military is strengthen.

    I like his hard stance on crime and his wish to be creative in dealing with the abortion issue.

    Americans could use a few good lessons and I think this guy might be the one to teach them.

    Plus, his platform on 2nd amendment rights has been misinterpreted and he is not nearly the threat that some think he is on that issue.

    And, his health care plan is the only one that actually makes sense.

    Visit his website for more info.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What the hell are you talking about? Giuliani pulled through strongly for NYC after 9/11. And pre-9/11, Giuliani pulled New York out of bankruptcy and cleaned up the streets. He added more law enforcement and has made NYC what it is today. He's the best thing on the table now for both sides. You can't get any better than Giuliani.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He is NOT the republican front runner. The managed major news media has him billed as such but it's all hype. I mean the guys more liberal than Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer & Hillary Clinton! Look for Guiliani to place POORLY in the primary!

    Source(s): Every body is seeing this one!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    The Problem is, SIR... Nobody really likes the guy... The Media sure does.... a lot of us are looking at RON PAUL, and we're trying to spread the word, because it only seems possible to find out about him on the Internet, and he happends to be the most searched presidential condidate online today, and he has the most YOUTUBE videos and most watched ones too.

    He's gaining momentum, and it's so funny, because he's 72 years old, and been preaching the same simple message for 30 years, and we're finally catching on.

    RON PAUL 2008... YOUTUBE HIM!!!

  • mick t
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because there's a group of people who narrow the field for us each and every election cycle until the only candidates standing are friends of theirs. Rudy is one of their good buddies. Why do we only hear about 10 candidates or so, when something like 150 people are running for president? Wouldn't it be fun to hear some of the different points of view? What's the point of free speech if you let somebody else decide what you hear?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You, obviously, have no idea what Giuliani brings to the table. He took New York City out of bankruptcy, created a high quality of life for a city drowning in squallor, brought pride to a community that hated everything, managed the worst crisis ever to occur on American soil and pulled together the American people to a solid cause...just exactly do you want from a leader?!?! Hillary???????!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Rudy is a liberal. No two ways about it. It just goes to show that there is no "two party system". Its a one party system with big business running the show. The front runners aren't any different.

    That's why I support Ron Paul.

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