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Kinda busy now, won't be answering as much. Avid reader and writer. Likes science and is fascinated by things that fly. Animal lover, and hermit crabber for 4 years. Likes to listen to Michael Learns To Rock. I am occasionally in Yahoo!Answers Indonesia. Not a native speaker of English, so forgive me if I make misunderstandings or typographical and grammatical errors or hard to understand statements. Also forgive me if either I write in a long-winded kind of way or in a super-brief format. I strangely can switch from one to the other in an instant. Top Contributor in Books & Authors from April 1 to June 3. And I became a top contributor again in June 11 even though I'm not that active? How come? And I'm again no longer a top contributor at 8 July. Visit my site:

  • Writers, do your characters develop your plot, or does your plot develop your character?

    Just a little survey by me.

    An example of characters developing the plot would be your characters having conflicts and thus creating a plot.

    An example of plot developing the characters would be your character getting caught up in something unexpected which develops them throughout the story.

    Mine would be a case of characters developing plot. Two characters from one group are in conflict with each another, and one of them split from the group and starts another group which opposes the first group.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How do I stop YouTube from asking for my full name?

    This is really annoying. I can't watch a video (including mine), comment, etc. because of it. I will not pick from the two options "Same name" or "Different name". There is often no "Ask me later" button, but it shows "Why is this important" and clicking it will link me to a page which encourages me to use my real name. I don't want to use my real name for privacy reasons, and the fact that people already know me in the internet using SlurExe97 as my name. Please help, thanks.

    2 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • Something I drew, please give feedback and criticism?

    Pencil and pen on paper, photographed.

    It's a coloured version of:


    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • I just drew this, some feedback please?

    It's a copy of Lyudmil from Castlevania: Nocturne of Recollection.

    The pics I copied it from are in the description.


    4 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • What do you think of this writing? I wrote it when I was 8th grade?

    It's pretty short, only 2494 words (counted by Word) in 7 short chapters, one chapter is just about a page long. Please tell me whether this good, I just found this in my old files (and decided to upload it). It was for a project and I kinda did it in a hurry. I think it's rather cliche myself.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Why when a plane is in flight, the wingtip goes up?

    I notice that when a plane is flying the wing is a bit more curved upwards towards the end (it's not its dihedral, it's curved more upwards than that) compared to when it is on the ground. Why is this?

    The planes I notice this on is commercial airliners so far.

    4 AnswersAircraft8 years ago
  • Have you ever drawn what you think a character in a story looks like, from your original or others' story?

    I do. Doesn't mean I can really draw well though, results often come out oddly. I just like to pretend I can draw :P

    I draw what I think my original characters will look like, and keep making modifications until it comes out that I like it. Then I can put some description on paper.

    BQ: If yes, why?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers, what was/were your first character(s) you wrote down like?

    Was it a mary sue or gary stu, a despie, or a self-insertion? Or was it simply copied from another character you like with some modifications?

    Mine was a combination of all of these. A friend pointed out the mary sue part to me, then the fixing starts. I was in 7th grade.

    BQ: How did you find out that how you made your character is wrong?

    BBQ: When was your character made and when did you realise that you made it he wrong way?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers, if your book got published, what would you like it to be adapted into?

    Would you like it to become a movie? A video game? A cartoon? Or do you not want it to be adapted into anything?

    I'd like mine to be adapted into a movie or a video game.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Have you ever written something so bad in the past, you would be embarrassed to let others read it now?

    I do. I've written very bad stories with very sue-ish characters when I was just a 7th grader (never wrote fanfics before). One is about a female Dhampir from Castlevania (which is impossible in that universe's circumstances), who always gets the trust of the canon characters immediately after their first meeting. Plus, she somehow turns out to be more powerful than all the canon characters (and the canon character's been there all the time fighting the villains, while she just disappears for 600 years and suddenly reappears, beating the main villain in one shot).

    BQ: What is your about?

    13 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What kind of book title do you like and why?

    Do you like it short, long, catchy, intriguing, meaningful, or others?

    And why?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers, do you have non-human species in your story?

    Like vampires, werewolves, and any other sentinent species, original or adapted from mythology.

    BQ: Are there any non-sentinent species?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • A hard landing isn't supposed to break a commercial airliner apart right?

    A Chinese-made commercial airliner (I forgot which one) recently in two (behind the wings I think) during a hard landing. All onboard survived. As far as I know, a hard landing shouldn't break a commercial airliner apart. Is it actually possible that that airliner broke solely because of that hard landing?

    9 AnswersAircraft8 years ago
  • Can I have a story inside a story (read description)?

    A girl, the main character, is told to read a book, which she does. It tells the backstory of the main villain, which his name is also the title of the book. The part about it being a backstory is unknown at the time, she thinks that it was just an ordinary storybook. I plan that it will begin on a new chapter. So the final sentence of he last chapter will be something like, "she picked up the book and read it". The story won't be too long, maybe 2-3 chapters. After the backstory part is finished, the story will continue from where it left off.

    The backstory itself is a sad story and it is vital for the girl to know the main villain, his capabilities, his actions and why he acted like that (or else he might kill her easily).

    Has this been done before, and can I do it? Or it will be too distracting for the audience, having a story in a story?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers and readers, what do you hate or dislike in a story?

    I dislike:

    Random romance which is not necessary for the plot but is put in

    Info dump beginnings

    Too much telling description

    Story that goes too slowly

    Unrealistic, mary sue, or "cookie cutter" (very similar in all aspects) characters

    Unrealistic or confusing plot and storyline

    Purple prosing and exaggerating

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers, who do you ask feedback from?

    I ask my friends and English teacher, but I mostly take the reviews my teacher give more seriously because I am sure he has read much more and better literature than most of my friends, so I can be more sure of his opinions on how good it is. But I still take the negative reviews my friends give seriously, because if they do give me negative feedback that means they have noticed something wrong with my writing, and other readers will too, so I will fix it. If I'm just bored, I'll ask in Y!A for feedback, but that's just if I have nothing better to do.

    BQ: Whose feedback do you take more seriously?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Something I wrote when I was 13, what do you think?

    This was the very very first version of LotO, written several years back when I was still 13. Please don't judge the current story by this. Up to chapter 3 is posted, if you want to read its continuation.

    What do you think? I think it's pretty bad, is it?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers, have you ever gotten inspiration from a dream?

    I have. These are a couple of mine:

    I dreamt that I was pushed over my wrist was crushed by some evil-looking lady in a long green dress (the same clothes I was planning for the evil daughter of Draco to wear). Makes me put in that a few of my characters should get injured in battle or even killed, even before the final confrontation.

    I dreamt that there were four people on an endless journey to nowhere, and I heard one of them say, "We've had no water for two days, Gandalf!" (didn't make sense I know) even though I didn't see any other people with them four. That makes me think of Frodo and Sam's quest to Orodruin, and it makes me put in that one quest where my characters are searching for something important takes them to a mountain.

    So, what's yours?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers, what famous/notable real-life objects, places, etc. will appear or get a mention in your fiction?

    Here are mine:


    Concorde and Spitfire is likely to get a mention. One character will be reading a middle-ages hardcover book which I haven't decided the title. And a lot of famous paintings, one of my characters is so rich his house is more like a castle.


    Bran Castle is going to appear in mine, and the Führerbunker will either get a mention or appearance. A lot of the world's countries will be mentioned too, as my characters travel from one place to another.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers, what are your main inspirations for your writings or other literary works?

    Mine are the Castlevania series, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and The Chronicles of Narnia series.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago