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Was i wrong to cut off my bff after years of his stupidity and abuse,as well his obnoxiously boorish behaviour?
I had this friend since we were 14yrs old he's a very spoiled person and lazy to boot.never help anyone else. Never really had any money to pay for dinner but some how found a way to come anyway. Would order like he had three (3) stomachs and drink like a fish. When the bill came he'd never pay his share. All the while dinners being served he'd b making fun of me really loudly. When I told him I didn't like that he'd make a nasty remark and laugh. He'd be chasing the bus boy around the restaurant btw he's gay I'm not. If he over did it on Scotch then he'd get violent and punch me in the arm.I stopped going out with him for a long time,but he called and said he'd b fine he was his usual obnoxious self at peter lugers even his mother told him to shut the F up a few times. I gave him a few days to sober up then I called he though it was all a joke,I told him he's never allowed out in public with me until he goes to rehabilitation he laughed. He called me about two weeks later and started cursing me out I saw how drunk he was and I ignored him. Since that time I haven't even thought about talking to him. If I could I would never think about him again. Btw I'm 53 and he's 55 unemployed pot smoker living with his mother
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoThe elections only days away the msm and the Democrats have pulled out all the stops?
To get the Kenyan reelected do think after he loses the presidentancy the senate that they will continue to try and destroy the USA or are they going to give up the ghost and finally admit that they've been beaten or will they resort to terrorism like the lowlifes they are
3 AnswersElections9 years agoWhy does the kenyan call what happened?
At fort hood a work place violence incident. Instead of calling it what it was an act of terrorism. Is he sticking up for Islamic terrorists or lying to us or himself like benghazi
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years agoI need the liberal opinion on this issue?
Early voting is favoring mitt Romney, does this mean that we are finally rid of the Kenyan and his failed polices. Or are you guys going to try to steal this election to finish off the USA for good
4 AnswersElections9 years agoWho was the worst president between the two listed below and only the two listed below beacause they are?
The only two who can count as truly terrible presidents in recent history. 1. Jimmy (the grinning monkey) Carter or 2. The Kenyan
9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoWheres Nancy pelosi? (the wicked witch of the west)?
Normally the wicked witch of the west would be all over the airwaves. The elections near as well as a close one where's the screeching batshit crazy thing been
8 AnswersElections9 years agoI didnt know obama and the dems are so blood thirsty ?
All they keep on saying is that Obama killed osama any other time they would be screaming murderer if anyone else claimed credit for taking out a terrorist. Besides he didn't do squat it was the US navy seals who did all the real work. The liberals were nice and safe back in an underground bunker in DC
6 AnswersElections9 years agoRachel madow? is it a profane useless inane lefty shrew or just plain old garbarge?
The darling carpet muncher of the left who's supposed to be a genius. Her biggest calm to fame was making up a disgusting play on words for the tea party. So my question is Rachel what have you done lately besides whine,lie,and munch some carpet. Cause I haven't seen squat as per usual
6 AnswersPolitics9 years agoIs kathleen robertson a godess?
Just saw her boobies on tonight's episode of boss
1 AnswerGender Studies9 years agoJoe biden is he nuts or just saying?
What every bats**crazy liberal believes in his racist place where a heart should be
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoIf liberals are safe in a zombie apocalypse?
They are devoid of higher brain functions like independent thought or reasoning so does that mean they'll survive or accidentally kill them selves when then pick up a weapon
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoWhy cant obama run on his record?
His has a great record of blaming former Pres Bush for all his problems, his handling of the economy has done wonders for poverty, his foreign policy is the best he insulted all of our allies, his immigration policy has Mexico and terrorists jumping for joy. And last but not least he's letting Iran get nukes so they can kill off Israel as well as the good old USA the country his leftist heart hates with all its mite. So why doesn't he run on his accomplishments. I thought he'd be proud of all he's done in just 3 1/2 yrs. I know I would if I was a communist who hates the USA
8 AnswersElections9 years agoShould i get another cat?
I had 2 cats one lived to 22 yrs of age I had to put him to sleep because he got very sick. My other cat was very very sick from the age of 1 yr he died a few months after the older cat. I have been very sick and weak to the point of being disabled and not being able to work. I miss my cats and am lonely should I get another buddy or just stay the way I am right now alone and cat less, or get a new buddy who might make me go out for food and litter and such. There are days I don't leave the house because of my disabilities. I need a second opinion thanks
8 AnswersCats9 years agoWhy is it that facts and logic never sway a liberals way of thinking but lies and distortions will ?
Just research any liberal issue like they're for the poor or they only want income equality hows that possible when they're all multimillionaires do they mean for everyone else but them because we know that they love the good life just look at any liberal
8 AnswersElections9 years agoWill obama declare that he is responsible for the sun rising every morning and the moon every night ?
He seems to be taking credit for everything else
7 AnswersElections9 years agoWhen the price of gas was high but not as high as it is now.?
The domocrates were screaming that Pres. Bush was allowing his buddies in the oil industry to gouge the American people why aren't they screaming the same thing about Obama now. Seems to me that they are two faced or is there a better way to describe their lack of common sense
4 AnswersElections9 years agoDo you think obama or the dem party is ruining this country?
Why do the dems lie about everything and then blame president Greoge W.Bush for everything that Obama's done. He's been the president for three years when is he ever going to take responsibility for his failed policies
9 AnswersElections9 years ago