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  • How to handle a friend that wont leave you alone? Feeling like im being stalked/smothered.?

    Hes been my friend for 15 years. He has a lot of problems like depression/anxiety these problems seem to get worse every day. Hes in therapy/on meds but it doesn't help. He messages me on FB a hundred times a day & constantly texts. The second i open my facebook he messages me. I feel like i cant even open and check Facebook because the messages start flooding in. Like he sits there and waits to see when i was last active. If i dont answer he says "u were just active 10 minutes ago and you didnt answer me"! Ive even tried turning off chat and it doesnt stop him. Ive tried telling him several times that i feel overwhelmed with all the texts, and that we can be friends and not talk every second of every day. Then it stops for a day or two and starts right back up again. Telling him does nothing. I have a spouce and family that i have to take care of and i feel like i have to be a therapist to him on top of my home life. One of my kids is handicapped and that in itself takes a lot of my time and energy. But my friend still expects i cater to his every text. He lives far away and has no car so he cant come here to my home but the calls and texts are so overwhelming. I dont want to end our friendship or hurt his feelings but i feel out of options. Im also afraid ending the friendship could cause him to harrass me more or possibly talk bad or spread lies and stuff over facebook about me. But i cant take much more. It feels like a toxic one sided friendship. Idk what to do..

    2 AnswersFriends3 years ago
  • Recently sold an airconditiner on a sell and swap site and now the buyer is claiming it doesn t work and they want their money back.?

    I sold my air conditioner because I now have central air. I hadn't used it in about a year but before I listed it on the sell and swap site i plugged it in and it seemed to be working fine. Screen was light up allowing you to set the temp and it was blowing out cool air. I delivered it to the woman was paid $100 and I left. She now keeps messaging me saying it doesn't work and if I don't give her back her money she's going to call the police. I'm very upset because I tried it and It was working. I offered to give her money back to her to avoid confrontation and she hasn't responded to me since. Do I have to give her back her money?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Ultrasound(for gallbladder) to determine stomach pains?

    I ve been having a lot of digestive problems and my doctor sent me for an ultrasound this morning. The woman who did the ultrasound didn t say anything to me. When it was done all she said was my doctor will have results in two days and she sent me home. I m not sure what to think. If she saw something bad she probably wouldn t have sent me home right? Has anybody had this experience before and then when your doctor gets the results you find out there is a problem? I m just assuming everything is fine and she didn t see anything alarming because she just sent me home after the test and didn t say anything other then two day wait for results. Should I assume it s fine or could there still possibly be something wrong even though she didn t tell me and sent me home?

    3 AnswersOther - Health4 years ago
  • Explain the ending of The Green Inferno please?

    So was the guy she left behind in the cage still alive because the sister called and said she found a satellite photo of her brother? And why did she lie to protect that tribe? The ending was just disappointing to me because I really just didn t get it.

    1 AnswerMovies6 years ago
  • My right ear feels extremely "full" of clogged on and off throughout the day. Worse in the morning.?

    For the last four days my right ear feels like it s full or clogged. I m not having any pain fever or drainage from my ear. It just feels stuffed. In the morning when I wake up it s so full that I feel like I can t hear out of it and I can t even feel my ear. After waking up standing up and jiggling my ear lobe it starts to fade away and the fullness isn t as intense. I don t think I have an ear infection it s not painful just extremely strange. I m 28 and have never had ear nose or throat problems. I ve probably only had 4 or 5 ear infections my whole life.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Numbness warmth tingling and vertigo like symptoms.?

    June 9th I was admitted to the hospital the entire right side of my face and my mouth and tongue were numb. Also my right arm. I was there 3 nights. They released me finding nothing wrong. I've had all sorts of blood test and two catscans done all normal. I still have these sensations on and off and now recently I'm feeling "pins and needles" and extreme warmth in both of my legs and twice this week I've had dizzy spells or feelings of having vertigo. So dizzy it actually made me have an upset stomach. I can feel my legs but the tingling and warmth is so uncomfortable and odd feeling. Sometimes I have these sensations all day long other days I don't feel any of these sensations. But there coming on at least a few times a week sometimes every other day. I don't know what to think because I've had two cat scans done and blood work it's all normal. Is there something that could possibly be wrong that wouldn't show up in cat scans and routine blood work?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • I gave personal info to a scammer please help!?

    This afternoon my husband and I were hit with the IRS scam. Yes I now know that they NEVER call. It's to late for that. I normally never fall for this but I have to file as injured spouse and I thought maybe there were issues with it and I thought maybe they tried to reach by mail but couldn't because we just moved a few weeks ago. Anyway they have my name and address and social security number. They didn't ask for bank info credit card info and they didn't tell me that I owed money they didn't ask for money what so ever or anything money related. But still they have my name address and social security number. I called the FTC and reported it I also reported it to the state attorney general I reported it to my bank anyway even though I didn't give them bank info. I also reported it to transunion and they put a 90 day security on my social security number. Transunion said the other two credit bureaus will be notified within 24-48 hours of the security put on my social security number. I also reported it to the social security administration. As of now transunion told me I have nothing on my credit report an that I don't even have a credit score I have no credit and I am currently not working. I'm hoping because I have no credit and I can't even get a loan or credit card myself believe me I've tried lol that there won't be to much they can do with my information. I think I took all the proper steps but I'm still a nervous wreck and I feel so stupid.

    2 AnswersCredit6 years ago
  • Ate fast food 4 hours ago and now have stomach cramps and diarrhea?

    Roughly about 4 hours ago myself my husband and our son stopped for fast food. I know I know bad choice we very RARELY eat fast food but we had a very chaotic day and didn't want to wait to get home to make dinner. Anyway everything looked smelled and tasted just fine. It's been about four hours now and I'm having really bad stomach cramps and diarrhea on and off. Is 4 hours after eating something to soon to feel these effects? Another strange thing is my husband and son aren't sick at all. I'm not vomiting but my stomach is killing me! Maybe it's just me and it wasn't the meal I ate? Because again my husband and child feel fine and they ate there with me. Just wondering again is 4 hours after eating to soon to feel these effects? Thanks! Never eating fast food again!

    2 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • Extreme pain in hip/groin only when sitting?

    For about 5 months I've been having pain in my right hip I'm 27 years old. I don't do any extreme physical activities ever. I don't know what could've cost this. Driving is the most painful, if I'm in the car for more then 15 minutes I start getting sharp stabbing pain in my right hip. Also sitting at the kitchen table chair or computer chair. I can stand and walk all day and not feel it but when sitting or laying on my right side it's excruciating. Then I'm soar for an hour or so after standing. But the pain slowly subsides after standing. I also get a loud snapping sound in my hip several times a day. What is going on?!?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • How to stop seeing someone's Facebook posts without removing them from your friends list?

    I have a cousin that posts 8 million times a day of things I don't particularly care for and all his crazy posts and pictures are clogging up my newsfeed. It's family so I don't want to un friend him I'd just like to not see his posts anymore. I tried clicking the little down arrow on the side of his post but all it does is give me the option to "report" the post. I'm stuck!

    2 AnswersFacebook6 years ago
  • Should I get a second opinion I think I have a kidney infection?

    For four days I was having fever on and off chills shaking weakness and lower back pain. Last night I took an at home urinary trac infection test it showed up positive so I went to the urgent care. She said sure enough I had one and put me on antibiotics twice a day for a week. I told her that this has happened to me before twice in the last 9 years and I was hospitalized for it. I get uti but NO pain during urination so I never know I have one until I start getting fever. I've been on the antibiotic now for 24 hours but keep having bouts of fever and chills and weakness/back pain. Then it goes away I start sweating and I feel like a million bucks then a few hours later the chills start again. Should I give the antibiotic another day before I go back to the doctor? The doctor told me she doesn't think it's in my kidneys but I find it odd that I am this weak and in pain with fever and chills on and off all day for the last 5 days now all from just a uti. Again I've had kidney infections in the past. I just don't want to go back complaining to soon I've only had antibiotics for 24 hours now. Thank you.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases6 years ago
  • I never feel full what's wrong with me?

    For quite sometime no matter what I eat or how much I never feel full over the years this seems to get worse. I know it sounds hard to believe and I don't do it purposely but I eat and eat and watch everyone else eat and notice them feeling full and I start to get self conscious because I know by this point I should be full as well but I'm not! I feel just as I did when I first day at the table. This is so embarrassingmy family will look at me like omg I can't believe your still eating! So I have to stop so they don't give me those looks. But I'm never full. I've put on a little weight and I'm scared of letting this get out of control I don't want to end up morbidly obese one day but I don't know what to do I feel helpless..

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Question about using snapchat? Please help! Thanks!?

    So I recently got a snapchat I only have one friend on it that's what he uses and asked me to make one so we could talk. My question is that sometimes I get an alert and it says he's typing and that he sent me something so I open it like today it was a little video of a wall and he said he hit his head on it. So I type back are you ok and then he types back WHAT? WHY? Oh cause I hit my head? Yea I'm ok. It just seemed like he didn't understand why I was asking him if he was alright but it's like ummm you just sent me that?..?... I guess what I'm curious about is if he's updating his story does it automatically get sent to me as a message even though he didn't actually send it to me specifically? I just don't want to answer to every little thing if he's not actually sending it to me that makes me feel like an idiot. Any help would be good on this one!

    Friends6 years ago
  • New to snapchat I have an urgent question please help!?!?

    So my friend recently asked me to get snap chat so we could talk, I've never used it before and so far it's ok but we were just messaging back and fourth and all of a sudden it looked like he sent me a "live" video like Skype I didn't know what to do and it went away as quick as it came up but I don't know if he saw me or not. He didn't say anything about seeing me but he's never seen me without makeup and I was in bed and my hair was a mess, I guess what I want to know is did he see me? I don't think I actu accepted the live video chat but I don't really know how it works to be honest. Do I have to accept it before he can see me back or will he automatically see me as soon as he sends it? 10 points best answer!

    2 AnswersOther - Internet6 years ago
  • autism and mood swings? Normal?

    My son is 9 and 1/2 years old we got the autism diagnosis when he was just a little per a year old. It seems the older he gets the more intense his mood swings are becoming. No exaggeration he will go from laughing like crazy to crying like he's very depressed and back to laughing again all within just a minute or so. With no visible signs of anything around him causing him to start crying or laughing. He's non verbal and I kno a lot of behavior stems from that but the mood swings seem very intense I'm just wondering if any other parents or caregivers of people or children with autism notice mood swings like this? Is it normal for him to have these mood swings? His autism is more on the severe side.

    2 AnswersSpecial Education7 years ago
  • Can mental illness / paranoid schizophrenia develop almost like out of nowhere? I never felt like this before...?

    I'm 27 years old and never really suffered from mental illness growing up. I've always had slight anxiety and very minor depression but nothing that ever really felt debilitating. Over the last few years I've noticed a lot of changes in myself. EXTREME paranoia. I feel often like people are harming me or my family plotting malicious things against me. I have become very reclusive almost never leaving the house or allowing anyone in my house. Extreme anxiety. I don't really hear voices or think the tv is actually talking to me but if I see something on tv that sets me off or makes me upset I may take it as a sign that whatever happened on tv is a sign someone is doing or plotting the same malicious act against me or my family. I'm to paranoid to even seek a counselor I feel like they will use anything I tell them to harm me like put me away or tell me I'm not fit to live around other people. I know these thoughts are probably over the top but there there.. On bad days I'll even think that my own family husband or my parents is plotting to hurt me in one way or another. I never use to feel like this growing up everything was so normal for me. It's like over the last few years I've had these thoughts. I feel like why? I've always been fine.. My dad and his sister my aunt both have schizophrenia diagnosis I'm worried it is hereditary but I feel like I've always been fine why now? A few years ago I went through a nasty divorce (I am re married now). Could this trigger it? Idk...

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Do you yell at the video game you are playing if you get stuck on a certain part?

    I was stuck on a part of god of war 3 for like a half an hour and I was soooo mad I started yelling and screaming at the game and snapping at anyone in my house who was telling me to take a break or whatever. I was just so upset I couldn't beat it. My husband was looking at me like I was nuts lol. Guess I'm just wondering if it's like normal like if anyone else does this when they can't beat a part of a game and they get annoyed lol. I feel like a crazy person now haha.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • I left my job of 9 years to be a stay at home mom to my autistic child, does this make me lazy?

    I've always worked since my son was born. He's nine now and has severe autism. The older he's getting the more challenging his disability is becoming. I left my job of nine years about two months ago to stay home with my son. My ex husband argued with me this morning because I asked for child support (it's been almost a month since he's given me anything) he said I rely on him for money and it's not his responsibility and it's not his fault I left my job and have no money. He told me I sit on my butt all day long and that I'm lazy for not working anymore. I can't stop crying and I feel terrible. He's court ordered $80 a week and I'm lucky if he gives me that once a month or once every two months in 2012 the whole year he didn't pay anything at all. I try to work with him I know he has bills to. I never call the courts on him when he doesn't pay. When I do ask for something or even for him to buy winter pants for our son he breaks me down and calls me names. He barely sees our son he doesn't know what I go through with his autism on a daily basis. I couldn't handle the stress of work and autism all together. So what I wanted to be a stay at home mom after nine years of working. I don't see how that makes me useless and lazy. I just can't get his words out of my head. He makes me feel like a bum because I asked him for help with our child.. It doesn't seem fair that he talk to me like this. But he just has this way of making me feel like maybe he's right.

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • What is the first step to take to home school my child?

    I have been considering home school most of last year, all summer and now all of this school year. My child has autism he is 9 years old non verbal. I have had nothing but problems with the school they don't understand him. And every time I mention switching schools they don't want to hear it. He screams and cries every morning and has great anxiety to go there and it's causing me anxiety. I haven't seen any changes in him in at least two years. I feel like I know my child best and what he needs to work on. I left my job of 9 years to be home with him so now I have all the time in the world. I keep saying I'll give it some time I'll give them another chance but after about 1 year total I still want to home school. I just don't know what steps to take first? How do I go about this? I live in Rhode Island and I can home school in this state no special degree or anything needed. Do I just pull him out of school? Do I go to the education building in my town?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago