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  • Girls!!!! Did I say something wrong in this conversation?

    So recently I've been talking to this girl who my friend tried to set me up with and we went on a date. The date went extremely well with her laughing a lot and I then I asked her if she would want to go on a second date which she responded with a definite yes. The next day she texted me and told me that she had a great time and is hoping I had a great day and then she didn't respond to my text which basically agreed with her. Three days later she texted me saying she was feeling like she jumped too quickly into dating as she just got out of a two year relationship and she was mad at herself because in her words, "I'm an amazing guy." . I responded that I would be ok with just being friends and kept the conversation going for two or three more back and forth responses and then I tried to end the text conversation by saying "no problem! alright well have a good night!" after she gave me a short last response but never responded back. Would this offend a girl if the guy end a conversation like this?

    She would wait a couple hours to answer some of my texts and her last response was just thanking me for a suggestion I made about a book. I also know it had nothing to do with the way I look because she kept telling me how attracted she was to me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Girls!!!! Did I say something wrong in this conversation?

    So recently I've been talking to this girl who my friend tried to set me up with and we went on a date. The date went extremely well with her laughing a lot and I then I asked her if she would want to go on a second date which she responded with a definite yes. The next day she texted me and told me that she had a great time and is hoping I had a great day and then she didn't respond to my text which basically agreed with her. Three days later she texted me saying she was feeling like she jumped too quickly into dating as she just got out of a two year relationship and she was mad at herself because in her words, "I'm an amazing guy." . I responded that I would be ok with just being friends and kept the conversation going for two or three more back and forth responses and then I tried to end the text conversation by saying "no problem! alright well have a good night!" after she gave me a short last response but never responded back. Would this offend a girl if the guy end a conversation like this?

    She would wait a couple hours to answer some of my texts and her last response was just thanking me for a suggestion I made about a book. I also know it had nothing to do with the way I look because she kept telling me how attracted she was to me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Girls!!!! Did I say something wrong in this conversation?

    So recently I've been talking to this girl who my friend tried to set me up with and we went on a date. The date went extremely well with her laughing a lot and I then I asked her if she would want to go on a second date which she responded with a definite yes. The next day she texted me and told me that she had a great time and is hoping I had a great day and then she didn't respond to my text which basically agreed with her. Three days later she texted me saying she was feeling like she jumped too quickly into dating as she just got out of a two year relationship and she was mad at herself because in her words, "I'm an amazing guy." . I responded that I would be ok with just being friends and kept the conversation going for two or three more back and forth responses and then I tried to end the text conversation by saying "no problem! alright well have a good night!" after she gave me a short last response but never responded back. Would this offend a girl if the guy end a conversation like this?

    She would wait a couple hours to answer some of my texts and her last response was just thanking me for a suggestion I made about a book. I also know it had nothing to do with the way I look because she kept telling me how attracted she was to me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What do you think of this song?

    I wrote this song about the long distance relationships that my girlfriend and I are dealing with right now and I wanted to show her this song when I get back. Tell me what you think. Do you think she'll like it?

    PS. To turn off the commercial click on it once and delete to tab that comes up.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is she falling for me?

    Ok so me and this girl have been dating for about 3 months and we became official about a month and a half ago. We go to the same college but are on winter break and she lives a few hours away so we only get to see each other every couple weeks. She recently came to visit me and we had a fantastic time. Everything feels natural around her. Even when I do or say something embarrassing she thinks its cute. So in essence she likes my flaws. She laughs at almost everything I say, and her eyes light up whenever I see her. So when I took her back to the train station yesterday, she got a little choked up when we had to say goodbye, and sounded like she was about to cry. Does this mean she is falling for me? I think I might be falling for her already, which is ridiculous because it takes me forever to fall in love.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What do you think of this saying?

    If your going through hell, keep going because at the end of every problem there is a solution.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • How would you modify a crabwalk for a child with cerebral palsy in a wheelchair?

    The child also has problems with controlling their arms, and legs.

    3 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • What is wrong with me??? Help!! Can't get any sleep?

    Ok so for about 2 weeks now I have been dealing with really bad insomnia.For a while it was anxiety that was keeping me up and no medicines were working. But I recenelty found a medicine that helps calm my anxiety but I still can't sleep. What is happening?? Please someone help I haven't slept in two days and have been dealing with a lack of sleep for too long and its finals week at my school.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Anyone else think the nba offenses as a whole have been pathetic this season?

    No one seems to be a "superstar" this season.

    3 AnswersBasketball9 years ago
  • How often should you be in contact with a girl when you first start talking?

    assuming she likes you and you like her and your both in college.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What does it mean if a girl takes a while to respond to a text like this?

    Ok so me and this girl just went on our second date, and after the date she texted me like an hour later stated that her roommate thought we had a cute conversation. So I said yeah and that I had fun tonight. However, after sending that she took like an hour and half to respond to it. She said she had fun too but it almost makes me think she didn't want to answer. On the date, she avoided eye contact like the entire time.She also didn't say anything about going on another date. So Im wondering if she didn't have fun. It seemed like we had a blast and I made her laugh a lot but some girls laugh just to be polite. She also said that she avoided eye contact because she was nervous but Im not sure thats actually why.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Did I screw up already????? Girls please answer?

    Ok so there is this girl I met yesterday who I hit it off with really well, she gave me her number and told me to text her today. So today I texted her and we had a short conversation. I asked her if she has a lot of homework this weekend and she told me she has 3 tests this week, and I replied saying that sucks and that next week is fall break. My phone says that she read the text and hasn't answered the text in two hours. She told me that she had 3 tests the day before, and I might have come acrossed as I forgot. Would that make her mad and not want to text me back, am i overthinking or is she just not interested?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Should I text her, call her, or do nothing?

    Ok so there is this girl who I met last thursday night who was showing all the signs of being interested (touch my leg, pupils dialated, constantly smiling). Her friends even told me that she seemed interested in me. So I gave my number to her friend to give to her(because I forgot to give it to her the first time). So after a few days she texted me and we had a short conversation. However, it seemed like she wasn't contributing much to the conversation ((waiting 15-20 minutes to answers text (although I was as well), not really asking questions in return)). So after a couple hours I just stopped texting her all together. However, now Im wondering if I made a bad decision. What do you think I should do? Should I text her, call her, or do nothing? She is in the talking stages with another guy.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Did I screw up?????????? and how do I fix it?

    Ok so there is this girl I met last thursday and we hit it off really well. At the end of the day, I gave my number to her friend to give to her (long story). After a couple days, she finally texted me. I asked a bunch of questions and she waited like 20 minutes to answer each question. Every time she answered a text it wasnt really contributing to the conversation she never really asked me any question. So after a while, I kind of took it as she wasn't interested and stopped texting mid conversation. Its been a day and I feel like I screwed up big time. What should I do??????

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Should I give up on her?

    Ok so there is this girl I met on thursday. We hit it off really well, she maintained constant eye contact, was somewhat touchy feely and laughed at every little stupid thing that came out of my mouth. However I forgot to ask for her number, and ended up having to give my number to her friend to give to her. So three days after she got my number she texted me saying hi. But every time I text her, she takes like 30 minutes to reply and gives somewhat short answers and never asks questions in return. She also is talking to another guy. Should I give up or keep trying?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Am I going crazy???????

    Ok so one of my greatest fear has always been going crazy and I fear it might be becoming true. Sometimes when I'm in large crowds of people, I'll hear someone calling my name during conversations people are having. Sometimes I'll see what looks like a quick spark of light in the corner of my eye. The other day when I was going outside to play basketball, I saw what looked like my dog walking towards me in the corner of my eye. When I turned to look at him, there was nothing there. Am I just being paranoid or is it possible that I might be going crazy? I have severe anxiety disorder so I am prone to fearing insanity.

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Am I going to hell no matter what?

    I've had a rough life due to mental illness. All I really wanted was to have friends and companionship but I haven't had much luck with that. As a result, I have often blamed my problems on god. When I was younger I constantly bashed on him for being evil and a tyrant. Truth is sometimes I still feels like hes bad. But I do believe in him, and I feel like I've blasphemed way to many times in my life to ever be forgiven. I want to believe god is good but its hard sometimes for me to think he is. I've suffered a lot in my life, and I dont understand why I should have to continue to suffer in my next life. I really don't want to suffer, but I feel like I already doomed myself. Do you think I dug my own grave?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago