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Do you need good knowledge of derivatives in the finance industry?
I have recently completed my bachelor of finance degree and I am soon planning to look for work (financial planning, financial analysis etc.)
I did pretty well in university and i’d say I have a good understanding about finance however one thing I always wasn’t fully confident in was the derivatives side (so dealing with options). If i want to become a financial planner or analyst, do I need to have a good understanding of derivatives? I remember one lecturer saying that you can work in the industry without ever dealing with derivatives because that’s a whole separate thing. Is that true?
1 AnswerFinancial Services2 months agoWhy can’t i make my girlfriend laugh anymore?
I’ve been dating my girlfriend for half a year now and at the start and even before we started dating i used to always make her laugh.
I’m naturally a funny person. All my friends tell me so. When i’m in a room with people i always tend to be the funniest person in the room and make everyone laugh, even now.
But for some reason i feel like my girlfriend just doesn’t find me funny anymore. I never hear her laugh at things that i say that most people would find funny, i feel like she just doesn’t get my humour anymore. It really took a hit at my confidence (only when im with her - because i can still make everyone else laugh) so i tend to force trying to be funny which i feel just makes it worse.
However, just recently she was describing me to someone and said that i was funny which kind of shocked me.
I don’t know if it’s just in my head or what
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 months agoIs sex possible with a downward curve penis?
I have a 6 inch penis with a pronounced downward curve. Basically, if you pointed a banana out from your body that’s how it looks like.
I’m still a virgin however I started talking to a girl and i’m worried if sex is going to be awkward because of my penis shape. I am aware that doggy-style is preferred with my penis shape however I don’t want to be limited to only one or two positions.
Also, i am aware that 6 inches is a decent size however because of the downward curve it makes my penis look smaller than it is compared to when i straighten it with my hands. I’m worried it may cause the penis to slip when having sex.
Any tips would be appreciated
8 AnswersMen's Health5 months agoMy girlfriend rarely compliments me. What do I do?
So while me and her were at “talking stage”, she made it clear to me that she sometimes has a hard time showing affection and doesn’t know how to compliment me but she reassured me that it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like me or whatever.
I thought that wouldn’t be a problem because i know that she loves me however sometimes it’s just a bit frustrating because i regularly compliment her and make her feel good about herself and sometimes i would like if it would be reciprocated. I know that she still loves me but it’s still nice to have that bit of reassurance.
I don’t know if i should talk to her about it because at that point i feel like the compliments would just be forced and i would be able to tell when it’s forced so i don’t know what to do
4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 months agoHow to avoid being jealous when my girlfriend gets a lot of attention?
I’m usually not a jealous person, in fact i try my best not to show it even when I do because I don’t like jealous people.
However, when it comes to my girlfriend, i can’t help it sometimes no matter how much I try not to. My girlfriend gets a lot of attention from guys; she’s always telling me stories how guys are always trying to buy her drinks etc. (she’s not telling me to try make me jealous, i know) and it just makes me lowkey mad. I never show it because i don’t want to be THAT toxic boyfriend but i can’t help it.
I trust her 100% but it still makes me kinda mad. I’d like to believe that i’m not insecure but maybe deep down i am. Is there any way to get over this kind of jealousy?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 months agoIf English wasn’t my first language but is my best language is it considered my first language?
I was born and live in an english speaking country however i learnt my native language from my parents first and still speak it to this day at home. Now, obviously, my english is a lot better than my native language but if someone asks me “Is english your first language?” What should i say?
4 AnswersLanguages1 year agoCan I transfer all my ios apps to a new iphone?
I currently have an iphone 6s. I know you’re able to transfer all the apps over to another iphone, but i have an app like playtube that downloads youtube videos on my current phone. However the app isnt on the app store anymore. Would the app and all the data on it still transfer to my new phone even if the app isnt available on the app store anymore?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 year agoAre you still considered funny if people laugh at you rather than with you?
Let’s say there’s a person who, when people are with him, he always seems to make them laugh. However, more often than not, he’s just making himself look silly or something to make people laugh so they’re laughing AT him rather than WITH him. Would you still consider him a “funny person”?
Polls & Surveys1 year agoIf I’m not ill after two weeks of quarantine, why should I stay in quarantine?
If it takes up to two weeks to show symptoms for coronavirus, why does everyone else have to suffer by staying in quarantine if they’re not ill. If, after 2 weeks of quarantine, you show symptoms of coronavirus, STAY HOME. If not, you hould be able to go out like normal right?
I just cant stay like this for months, i’m losing my mind
8 AnswersPolitics1 year agoWill coronavirus affect my europe trip?
I’m planning on going to europe in july and going to a few festivals/events etc. Do you guys think coronavirus will escalate and cause cancellations on festivals like ultra europe and/or flights?
12 AnswersAir Travel1 year agoBlack spot under skin?
So about a two weeks ago I was at the gym and went to lift something up and something pinched me on the finger. It was a little sharp but i didn't bleed or anything and it didn't hurt but i noticed a black spot on my finger. It looks like someone got a sharpie pen and dabbed a spot on my finger. At first i thought it was from the outside and i went to wash it off but nothing came off. I assumed maybe it was bleeding from under the skin but the spot has looked exactly the same for 2 weeks. It doesn't bother me or hurt or anything but i'm just curious as to what it is and when it will go away
1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 year agoI'm scared to get into a relationship?
I'm a 21 year old male and by this age i'm getting pretty desperate for a relationship however every time the opportunity arises and things start to get a little serious with a girl, I get scared and back off. I used to think that the girls just weren't good enough which is why I back off but i realised that I'm just making excuses.
I have no problem talking/flirting with girls when it's no strings attached but as soon as a girl mentions a proper date or something like that i just get scared. I hate the whole idea of meeting the parents and all that, it's just a lot of pressure.
Any advice or motivation would be appreciated,
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 year agoWhy do girls leave you on read?
I just want to have a quick rant about this because I don’t understand their thought process. I was just left on read after DMing a girl on insta, and i don’t take it personal or anything, but i just dont understand how someone doesnt have the respect or decency to at least reply.
We have a lot of mutual friends and we know of each other so it’s not like im some random guy and i’m pretty good looking (not trying to sound up myself). Like fair enough if she doesn’t like my looks or whatever but at least have some respect and reply. It can be a dry reply, i can take a hint.
I’d never raise my daughter like that. Treat the janitor the same way you’d treat the ceo
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year agoHow to deal with being skinny fat?
I'm 20 years old. As long as i can remember i've always been skinny fat. I look skinny (or normal) with clothes on but i have a bit of a belly (specifically lower belly and around the waist). I've always been active by playing sports and i've been going gym regularly for the past 3 years. I've acquired quite a bit of muscle and my arms are pretty toned however i still have belly fat lurking. I've had periods where reduced my calories significantly and eaten cleanly but it seemed like i was losing fat everywhere EXCEPT my belly.
I need help, i want to lose my belly fat so i can have a toned stomach for the first time in my life 😩
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 year agoHow tall should you be to dunk a basketball?
Obviously it depends on your vertical jump, but what i mean by this is how tall do you have to be to have no excuse NOT to be able to dunk?
I'm 194cm and it surprises a lot of people when i tell them i can't dunk. I don't play basketball competitively but i play enough casually that i feel like i should be able to dunk by now. I've always been pretty athletic, i've played football (soccer) competitively my whole life and i'm generally good at most sports but i still can't dunk. I don't really work on my vertical jump but i still feel like i should be able to dunk anyway.
Is it a matter of bad form or what?
3 AnswersBasketball1 year agoIphone 6s home button stopped working?
My home button suddenly stopped working. Legit one second it was working, then the next second it stopped. I tried restarting my phone a few times to see if it was a software issue but it still doesnt work.
I honestly don't feel like it's a hardware issue, i've had my home button stop working on old phones before and usually it gradually gets less sensitive over time until it finally stops working. Whereas it was perfectly fine for one second then just stopped working out of no where. Plus i havent dropped my phone or anything like that. Are there any other possible fixes?
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans2 years agoCold sore isn't healing?
I've had a cold sore on the side of my lip for like a month now but i don't think cold sores are meant to last this long. At this point i don't even think it's a cold sore anymore, my lips have like 2 cuts/splits in them so when i open my mouth they open up and it hurts. When i wake up in the morning ill have a scab on it which suggests it's healing but whenever i have to open my mouth to eat or whatever the scap just rips apart and it feels like it's a never ending cycle.
What do i do?
1 AnswerSkin Conditions2 years agoHow to treat my cold sore?
I've had a cold sore on the side of my lip for probably like 3 weeks now. I've never had a cold sore last this long before. About a week ago i purchased a cream for cold sores about a week ago and i have been applying it but i dont know how much it's helping. A few days ago it got to a point where it didnt really even look like a cold sore, but more like cuts from biting my lip or something. I couldnt really open my mouth wide otherwise the cuts would open and it would start hurting. I started putting vaseline instead of the cream to heal the cuts and it has worked a bit but i still cant fully open my mouth comfortably without a bit of stinging. What should i do? Should i continue applying the cold sore cream or put vaseline?
2 AnswersInjuries2 years agoHow much harm can occasional smoking do?
I'm 20 years old and in my lifetime i've probably smoked about 8-15 cigarettes (in total).That might not seem like much but i'm sure every cigarette does substantial damage to your body.
I've only smoked when i was drinking and someone offered it to me but i'd feel extremely guilty the next day so i've decided to put a stop to it. I'm just wondering could it have done a lot of damage to my body already? I've always been a fit guy, i play sports often and go gym but i understand that it doesn't make up for the damage it does to my body
5 AnswersOther - General Health Care2 years agoWhy don't male designer cloths cater to tall people?
I'm a 194cm average weight male and i always have trouble finding decent fitting t-shirts and jumpers for more high end brands like armani exchange, hugo boss, givenchy, tommy hilfiger etc. Rarely do these brands have shirts above size XL and even if they do it's always too short for me. I'm quite skinny as well so it's not like my belly makes the shirt smaller, but every time i try on the largest size they have, it's always way too short.
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 years ago