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Spit, spat, spot in the bible?
My husband said that the word "spot" is used as a past tense of spit in the bible, but I have looked everywhere and all I can find is "spit, spat, sput". Does anyone know if it ever said spit, spat, spot? Or was it always "spit, spit, sput?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoHow many hours would it take a Cessna 421 C to go 600 miles?
Since I don't want to have to rewrite the entire book, I am only changing where the main characters live to get them closer to the destination they need to travel to via a very small plane. So, how long would it take this particular plane to travel roughly 600 miles? Google maps doesn't go over water (which they need to in the story) and by car it would be 705 miles away. I really need help with this since I know absolutely nothing about small planes, or even big ones for that
4 AnswersAircraft10 years agoHow long would it take a prop plane to travel 1,000 miles?
Research for a fiction book I am writing. Also, would it need to refill along the way?
2 AnswersAir Travel10 years agoHow do I get a statement showing payments from Greendot Corp.?
My husband and I have been paying every month for a storage unit for 3 years. The manager has told me we haven't made any payments and won't tell me if our stuff is still there or not until we pay him 3000.00. The problem is that we can't get green dot to send a statement proving our payments for the past 3 years because they don't have Humans to speak with and when we leave a message about how dire the situation is, they never call us back. Without that paperwork, we have no defense against this jerk of a storage manager and we'll lose all of our childrens memories and everything. There HAS to be a number where a real human answers. If not I swear I am making a Huge list of people to sue starting with green dot!
1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade agoWhat is the cause of inability to vocalize or understand words you read?
The other day I was reading something on my computer when all of a sudden a very short sentence of simple words that I knew were like getting confused in my head and I could not say them. It really frightened me. I am 50 years old and have had a cavernous angioma of the right temporal lobe since birth, but I have never had this problem before. I wasn't even tired. It was as if I was a child trying to sound them out for the first time but my mouth just couldn't do it. What could possibly cause this?
4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoIf I delete my Yahoo Answers account, will my posts also be deleted?
I want to publish a poem I posted here for critique, but now the publisher won't use it because it has already been used on Yahoo Answers. How can I at least delete the post of the poem or change it so it doesn't show up in the search engines?
5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoHave you ever met someone that you thought might be an "earth angel"?
Back in the 1980's, my mother in-law took me to MacDill AFB to get some groceries. If any of you had been there back then you would know that the Commissary was much like a mall with a food court. Anyway, we decided to get a bite to eat before doing our shopping, so I went and sat down at a table while she went and got the food for us.
I was always a bit on the shy side and sat there trying not to make eye contact with any of the other folks sitting close by me at other tables while I waited. Then along came this old man. He looked to be around 60 years old, wearing a white t-shirt, white shorts and toting a backpack. His face looked tanned and weathered, but very kind. He approached our table and asked if he could sit down for a moment. Of course being the shy person I was, I said "sure", not wanting to be rude even though I didn't know him. He sat down across from me and took a sip of water from a canteen he had strapped to his belt. I remember feeling a bit uncomfortable at first, but then he spoke up. He asked me if I was excited about the baby I was carrying. I was stunned because although I was pregnant, I wasn't showing in the slightest bit and hadn't told him about it. I made slight eye contact with him and couldn't help but smile as I answered him with a timid "yes". The minute I looked into his eyes, it was as if I was in the presence of God. The only way I can explain that is that I felt at peace, which was odd for me. And I felt as if he was looking into my soul and was happy with it. He talked with a soft voice, very caring. It was like listening to angels sing. I was in awe of him. I also remember that even though many people speak of angels having a glow about them, that while he didn't have a "light source" around him, he did in fact seem almost "luminescent", if that makes any sense. This man, although for all purposes looked like an ordinary man, was not. We talked about the warm weather in Florida and I asked him if he lived there or was visiting. He answered with a resounding "I don't live anywhere, but travel all the time". Even though he was carrying a backpack, he didn't seem like a "typical" homeless person. I asked him why he traveled so much and he said "I like people and I want to meet as many as I can while I am here on this earth." THAT was the corker. At that very moment I KNEW there was something heavenly about him. With that answer, he stood up, smiled and said "And now I must be on my way" and he walked away leaving me with the most profound feeling I had ever experienced. To read this story may leave you feeling like "what was the big deal?", or it may be something that you have experienced, but whatever you feel about it, I'd like to know and if you have had this sort of experience, I'd like to hear your story.
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoTickle me elmo is barking and not moving?
We just put new batteries in him and he was only used for 1 day since we changed them. Now he makes this strange sound (can only be likened to a dog bark) and he won't move. Has anyone else had this problem?
3 AnswersToys1 decade agoDo certain meds cause hiccups?
I have noticed over the past several months that I have been getting the hiccups like 4-8 times a day and it's getting really old. I take Keppra for seizures, Cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxer) and Xanax at night to help me sleep(otherwise I'd just have a series of panic attacks all night). I also occasionally take Darvocet for icepick headaches. Anyone know if hiccups is a side effect of any of these?
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade agoHow many people here are?
Pro Iraq War
Anti Iraq War
What are your reasons?
6 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoGross but funny question?
Do you think someone will eventually come out with some sort of food additive that will make you toot in color? lol Imagine being out in public and being able to avoid those hidden clouds of yuck because it's tinted green or Sorry, but it's a funny thought. ^_^
6 AnswersOther - Science1 decade agoHave you ever looked in the mirror and wondered?
Why am I me and not someone else? My daughter and I talk about this a lot because it's really weird when ya think about it. Like just the fact that you can NEVER be anyone else, even if you get a sex change, name change or will always be YOU. Makes my head
6 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoWhen grocery shopping, are brand names important to you?
I myself don't like the prices of most, but do on occasion buy name brands because the store brands are just gross and a waste of money if nobody eats it.
5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoDo you feel that when a woman reaches a certain age, she should cut her hair short?
I'm 49 and have hair just past my shoulders and I am starting to wonder if it just makes me look like I am trying to look young, or if it's accepted in todays society.
17 AnswersHair1 decade agoCould this be a hernia?
I have had problems lately when I get up from a sitting position. I'll get like a cramping sensation on the right lower side of my abdomen, and it feels almost as if something is pushing out and I have to lean forward and put serious pressure on it with my hand to get it to relax. It's extremely painful. Any ideas?
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoWhich is worse in your opinion?
1. Snow/Rain
2. Tornadoes/Hurricanes
3. Tonsillitis/stomach flu
4. Traffic in city/ long boring stretch of nothing
5. Neighbors that blast music/loud kids next door
6. Rent to own furniture/living with crappy furniture that you own
Please pick one of each. Thanks :)
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoHave you ever had this sensation?
I have on occasion been laying in bed trying to go to sleep when I start feeling as if my arms weigh a thousand pounds each and I get this horrible smell in my nose like rotting meat and it seems to come on with a visual disturbance of what rotting meat would look like. Anyone have a clue what causes this because it's really frightening and not to mention gross.
2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoHow many men color their hair?
What would you say is the percentage of men that color or bleach between the ages of:
55 and up
8 AnswersHair1 decade agoWhat is something that "The Sims" say that cracks you up?
With me it's "Flick narb!"
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago