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  • I need some help on my NFL sunday ticket problem (direct tv)?

    I hate direct TV and will be cancelling in a few days. The only reason I went with them, was for all the football games. My question is, does anyone know of a reliable computer site that i could get all the games? then i could just hook my computer to the TV and watch them like the NFL ticket..thx

    1 AnswerFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Legal form question? need advice..?

    I was wanting to pitch a charity proposal to a huge company. The thing I'm afraid of, is I present the idea, they say no at that moment..and then just take it as their own. Is there a form that anyone knows of that can be signed before discussions take place? Some kind of confidentiality/protection from "Idea theft" basically that could be used? Any help would be appreciated..thx

    P.S. I would not be presenting the proposal,or making up the don't bother with critique of grammar, that's not what I'm worried about.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Why is everyone so worried about nukes?

    I mean let's be honest with ourselves americans. The only people to have ever used them on another country was Maybe, you'd like to keep that american flag wrapped around your eyes and remain blind. But that won't change the facts, and if you think we did it because of pearl harbor then you're ignorant of history. Japan was going to surrender within two weeks, regardless of whether we bombed them or not. We did it too show our might (on civilians nonetheless).

    As far as all this "bomb,bomb,bomb Iran crap".. maybe you should look into the coup of 1953,educate yourself a bit. We (the CIA) personally destroyed their democracy.

    Blowback is a serious thing. We keep on getting in everyone affairs, making up WMD lies,gulf of tonkin lies,It just goes on and on..the bay of pigs, to the contras.

    We need as a nation to get out of this patriotic bubble. We could be a great respected nation,but as of now, can you blame the world? We have a bigger military then the next 13 countries combined..and those are allies,or at least not enemies.

    So, should we be scared of Iran and it's "nuke"? let me hear your thoughts..

    My opinion? they should be scared of the next chicken hawk that comes into office.

    Scared because they were unfortunate enough to be living to close to the straight of hormuz, And we want it.

    1 AnswerPolitics8 years ago
  • Thoughts on civil war?..again?

    I always here the little threats by the racist,and ignorant among us. Racist cons..You do realize you would be the South again..and would suffer the same fate..again..right?

    1 AnswerPolitics8 years ago
  • How's everyone feelng about this great capitalist country of ours?

    in 1980..the average compensation of a CEO was 40 times that of an average worker, today the average is 500 times that of an average worker.

    In 1979 the American worker's average hourly wage was equal to $15.91 (adjusted for inflation). By 1989 it had reached only $16.63/hour. That's a gain of only 7 cents a year for the entire Reagan decade.

    But wait. Things get worse! By 1995 it had risen to only $16.71, or virtually no gain whatsoever over the 6 years between 1989 and 1995. During the great 'boom years' between 1995 and 2000 it rose briefly to $18.33 per hour. In other words, from 1979 to 2000, even before the most recent Bush recession, after more than two decades the American worker's average wages increased on average only 11.5 cents per hour per year! With nearly all of that coming in the five so-called 'boom' years of 1995-2000, and most of that lost once again in the last three years. And that includes for all workers, even those with college degrees.

    The picture is worse for workers who had no college degree. That's more than 100 million workers, or 72.1% of the workforce. For them there was no 'boom of 1995-2000' whatsoever. Their average real hourly wages were less at the end of 2000 than they were in 1979! And since 2000 their wages have continued to slide further.

    Maybe we should work harder america!

    With 1992 as base year, productivity was at 82.2 in 1979. It grew to 94.2 by 1989 and 116.6 by the year 2000. In the past year, moreover, it has exploded, putting it over 120. That's a nearly 40% increase since Ronald Reagan took office.

    The American worker not only works more hours in a year than his counterpart in other industrialized nations, but is the only worker in the 13 major industrialized countries whose hours worked per year actually increased since 1979.

    *these figures were only up until the year 2000..since then, the CEO pay has doubled and the average worker pay has decreased.

    How much farther down will we go folks? Don't cry anything of socialism,communism etc..they are just as horrible.

    We need to address this do we not? or do we just shut up and work harder?

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • real eatate/ renting legal issue..need some advice.?

    My nephew recently rented an apartment in southern illinois. After he moved in, the rain came, and the floors are literally soaked. He then met the neighbors who had moved to the next apartment for this same reason.(they used to occupy that same apartment) They said it happens every time there is significant rain. there is black mold that you can see and there any renter protection laws anyone knows of? It's unbelievable that they just continually let people move in until they complain,then switch them to a new one. any help would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Should we bring the draft back?

    I bet it would really put into perspective how important a decision to go to war is. When do you even hear of afghanistan anymore? It's truly sad. And Iraq? Are you serious? I bet there wouldn't have been a war, if we had a random draft. People would pay attention, that's for sure, and really determine if it was a necessary war.

    BQ- If you are a congressman who decides to go to war, then for your vote to count..You must have a son or daughter in the military and heading to the front lines of said war...seems fair no?

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • everyone understands america is a nation of immigrants right?

    not some white holy place,where whites came from. we get here(as immigrants) and steal the land from indians,who were already fighting with the mexicans. so..indians and mexicans first. then we bring black people as slaves to build this country on their backs,until they are freed and treated like dirt.where is this retarded notion that we need to "take our country back" coming from? it was never ours. we ARE immigrants too. even had criminals and white slaves(indentured servants) sent over as papers or green cards. the diversity is what makes us great. you know,like that jew einstein who helped us get the bomb first,hence solidifying us as a strong nation. you want to be with all whites?go back home..find a little town in europe. anyone not think were immigrants?

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • do any romney supporters think he can honestly win?

    if he doesn't take ohio?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • shouldn't trump take up colbert's offer of 1million?

    we all know trumps 5 million dollar deal,but colbert offered a million to charity,if trump would let him dip his balls in his think he should do it.what say you?

    *translation for lsta- In a riposte to Donald Trump's opprobrious and publicity-seeking offer to bequeath $5 million to charity if President Obama releases his college annals, a moved Stephen Colbert has a propoundment for a grandiose amount to the mogul's preferred charity if he can immerse his testes into the aperture from whence he perorates.

    didn't want to you to miss out professor ;)

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • scientific wake up for cons?

    all this race talk and white pride. you do realize we are all africans right? this is fact. or are you happy with denial and the feeling that a skin pigmentation makes you superior?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • are the welfare leeches americas biggest problem?

    is that really what's holding us back..they are 90% single females,and mostly white by the way.

    so is it the single white mom's that are the ones to get rid of to make this country great again cons!?

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • thoughts about this video?

    it's non partisan. and speaks to racism as seen by some troops.

    give me some feedback and what party you are.thx

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • cons-what is your favorite part of romneys 12 million people jobs plan?

    serious he's going to lower taxes 20% and that's going to just magically create 12 million jobs? and how does he pay for it again? honestly,tell me just 3 good ideas you like about a romney plan..

    p.s. if your good ideas are getting rid of obama,or getting rid of healthcare.then please put your helmet back on and go back outside and play.

    what are some positives about your candidate you like?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • mittens family member died from a "back alley" abortion?

    like the last question stated..illegal or not,it will continue to happen..just reality.

    one thing is for sure,no matter who you vote for, this a non-issue. romney or will be a pro choice candidate. would you even care to see what your candidate is about? and what the debates coming up might look like? here's mittens.......

    why would you not want to see who you may be choosing,they are his words after spin

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • why do cons hate abortion?

    they care sooooooo much for the unborn baby..but once the baby is born,say to a teenage girl who can't really afford it. let's say a black teen mom,shall we cons? then all of a sudden they're welfare queens and stealing your tax money and derfty derf der. why don't the just not get pregnant?that'd be great wally,but not realistic.. so why care so much for the unborn,but once they listen to your advice and have the baby..they both become trash? does the special wear off? what gives pro-lifers?

    19 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • you didn't build that?

    is this really an insult? or are you just being fox sheep?

    "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • who was the best speaker at the RNC?

    who did you like the best cons?really drove home the message?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • does it really matter what anyone on here says?

    60 some days left,pretty sure if you're on here,you already have your vote locked up.

    BQ- if your guy doesn't win,will you take a break out of sadness?

    i would,but not too worried.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • were there any lies at the RNC convention?

    the cons just explained i should look at reliable sources,like i did.

    what say you about this factcheck everyone?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago