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Which is the proper title, according to MLA?
Which of the following is correct according to MLA format?
A. Bullfighting and Its Controversies
B. Bullfighting and its Controversies
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade agoDoes anybody know where I could find a list of all accelerated medical programs?
There aren't many, and I'm very interested. I'd love to see all my options.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoin the movie fight club, the penguin says slide in the cave. Why?
What is the meaning of this? And why later is it Marla and does she say slide>?
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhy is Flyleaf called flyleaf?
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoWhere can i buy green or red hoop earrings?
Preferably cheap. My friend's birthday is coming up and she wants that. I have no idea where to buy it. they don't have it at Claire's. Please HELP! She is getting me something, and I want to get her something too. Her birthday is Nov. 1 and if i have to buy it online I should order soon!
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoIs Bernard the Beeboy a real case?
1 AnswerMythology & Folklore1 decade agoasking again.....Thoughts on Jodi Picoult + have you read Vanished By Karen Robards? What did you think of it?
I have read many Jodi Picoult books [Nineteen Minutes The tenth circle vanishing acts, my sister's keeper salem falls plain truth the pact and harvesting the heart] They are really good but if you read a lot of them in a row, you realize her structure and it gets kinda boring. I love the stories, but I feel she should shake things up a bit. If you have read Vanished by Karen Robards, you see she was kind of like Jodi Picoult as well, but she shook things up and made it a little different, not such an obvious sway of writing. I think Jodi Picoult is a very good author, and her books are very compelling. She is a rare author who delivers such amazing books, but her way of writing isnt as serious anymore. I feel in Change of Heart she isnt as serious. She has all her fans eating out of her hands so she just writes to keep us hooked and boy does she have us hooked. We would read her books no matter what. Does anyone get me? Tell me what you think of her and what ur opinion is of my thought
4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoThoughts on Jodi Picoult....also, have you read Vanished By Karen Robards? What did you think of it?
I have read many Jodi Picoult books [Nineteen Minutes The tenth circle vanishing acts, my sister's keeper salem falls plain truth the pact and harvesting the heart] They are really good but if you read a lot of them in a row, you realize her structure and it gets kinda boring. I love the stories, but I feel she should shake things up a bit. If you have read Vanished by Karen Robards, you see she was kind of like Jodi Picoult as well, but she shook things up and made it a little different, not such an obvious sway of writing. I think Jodi Picoult is a very good author, and her books are very compelling. She is a rare author who delivers such amazing books, but her way of writing isnt as serious anymore. I feel in Change of Heart she isnt as serious. She has all her fans eating out of her hands, so she just writes to keep us hooked and boy does she have us hooked. We would read her books no matter what. Does anyone else agree with anything im saying here or is it just me alone? Honestly!
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhat do you say when you do this spell?
theres this love spell you do.
you take a silver ring, and you bury it in a cloth, then you pour milk or wine into the hole, and bury it (on a full moon night) andd thenn on the next full moon you dig it up and wear it and itll atract some guys.
but theres also a spell to it, something to say. Does ANYBODY KNOW IT?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy cant I love myself?
I just hate myself. Why arent I satisfied? Some people just love themselves. Or dont hate themselves. Why cant I have confidence?
6 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoWhy do you do drugs?
Don't you know anything? It screws up your life. Are you that low that you give into it? Just get up and walk away.
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoI'm tired. I can't take it anymore. What do I tell my mom?
I wish everything would just slow down, but it wont. I am so overwhelmed and I hate my school and all the crowds. I want to leave my school so bad. I dont fit in. They are all stuck up, religous, and annoying Hannah Montana loving brats. They make themselves religous in front of the teachers and then you find them making out and having half naked bikini pictures on myspace. I have two reliable people in that school. I have an insane teacher. She thinks she owns us. I can't pass religous studies. I dont care about it. I hate it. I shouldn't have to do it. I have been telling her this for years [4] now, but she wont listen and it makes me so upset. I am in eigth grade and if she makes me go there for highschool, I will go emo. I swear. Can someone write a letter as to what a should tell my mom?
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoI want to study in Israel, but I have some little problems.?
After weighing out the Pros [Jewish homeland, being with my cousins and aunts and uncles, being in a much more personal close to home enviornment, making new friends, learning my third language much better, and more] and Cons [missing my family, never seeing my best friends, having issues and not having many people to turn to, and you know the rest] I am still not sure. I want to go for a semester in tenth grade. I don't want to hear "its not safe" because you have no idea and you are challeneged. I am worried about missing my brothers and sister. But I don't like the USA and I HATE MY SCHOOL!!! We are not really....United to say the least. I would study at Alonai Yitzchak, a boarding school by Netanya, and spend the weekends with my family. I really need second opinions. I want to do this and I dont want to be a coward, btu it is hard to be half way around the world.
4 AnswersStudying Abroad1 decade agoMy Cat IS HIDING? PLEASE HELP?
I took a four month old cat from my sister, because she was moving. The second i pryed it out of the car and into my hands, it began to scratch me and it hid somewhere in the garage. My garage is very messy, and has MANY places to hide. On top of that, the flourecent lights in the garage went out, so I can only see during the day, with the garage open and soemone watching to see if it runs out. It hasn't eaten since last night, but I did leave water out, but I dont think it drank any. It must be pooping and peeing right there on the floor. I don't know what to do. IM A DOG PERSON! I dont know what to do with a cat or how to find it. I can't put food out through the night, or for more then a couple minutes, because then I will get roaches and rats. Ew. Please help me; I don't want to fidn a dead cat in my garage.
11 AnswersCats1 decade agoIm 13. which is better and easier to make, GO go girl, or eygptian princess.?
If you say go go girl or eygptain, can you tell me how to make it? CHeapest way possible.
3 AnswersHalloween1 decade agoare you jewish?
7 AnswersHanukkah1 decade ago>>SPOILER....Harry Potter did not kill Tom Riddle.?
Voldemort's own curse back-fired on himself. And it said he had to defeat him, but technically, now that i have been thinking about it, it says voldemorts curse backfired, because of the strength harry put into the expeliarmus, meaning that Voldemorts Avada Kandavra hit him, not harry's expeliearmus. Is this an opening to maybe future books? Or am i the only one to notice this? Or is it useless? SOMEBODY HELP ME!
13 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago