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  • How to report someone not paying child support?

    I have a friend. Over a year ago she left her abusive husband with her two small children.

    I have tried despritly to get her to go for child support. Or even see a lawyer and really tell them what happened so she can get the proper help she needs. She needs a Divorce and she needs child support from him.

    As an abused women she feels sorry for him. She uses the excuse that she she just cant afford a lawyer. he takes kids everyother weekend. She walks around egg shells around him. I just dont know what to say or do anymore to get her to understand. I want to help her

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Who is seriously making money online?

    I would like to know best places to make money online.

    8 AnswersOther - Business & Finance5 years ago
  • Tv box with live sports?

    I am looking to purchase a tv box.

    What i want is to be able to cancel cable.

    I need live stream sports for my husband.

    What is the best way for me to go about this? What do i need?

    3 AnswersTVs5 years ago
  • How much for backlight for Dell Vostro 1710?

    Was wondering how much it would be to put a new backlight into Dell Vostro 1710.

    And if possible how much I could sell the computer for?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • war and religon?

    Am i wrong to think this way? I was raised to not celebrate remembrance day.(or any holidays do to religion). I was told that war was wrong. And that it was wrong to put your country before religion. That those who went to war for there country were killing those that were the same religion as them but different country.

    I now celebrate holidays but this point always comes to mind on remembrance day. Id like to know others thoughts.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • To Jehovahs wittnesses?

    Why are you on this site?

    Doesn't Jehovah disapprove of reading these things?

    Most of all. How is it you know that you are not talking with an disfellowshipped person?

    If you are. You certainly aren't allowed to. right?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • No daycare receipts. Is this legal?

    I run a home daycare for eight years. I have always provided reciepts. I have no issues with my daycare. My question is. Just down my street a mother opened up her home to provide daycare. However I know for sure that because she is still on maternity leave till the end of the year. She cannot give reciepts. I really don't like this women as she has tried to personally attack me on Facebook. So I must admit I have a little grudge towards her.

    I want to know if what she is doing is legal.? Perhaps not my business. And I should stay out of it. But if she's doing something not legal then I feel I should report her.

    4 AnswersSmall Business6 years ago
  • Is there an online casino that you can make a deposit,play,hopefully win and cash out. Right away without having to reach a certain status.?

    Like let s say I put 20 bucks in and win double my money so now I have 40 bucks I ve won 20 bucks now I want to cash out.

    3 AnswersGambling6 years ago
  • Is this a Panic Attack? Help me understand what this is.?

    I have had depression pretty much since I can remember. I take meds for it.

    My question is this. When I talk with someone like an acquaintance of mine. (not good friend but not a stranger) I will be in mid sentence and my mind will go blank. I get very cold and shiver. My tongue swells up like I cant speak. This will last about 5 mins or so. What is happening to me?

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • how to see laptop from a different screen?

    My old laptop screen has broken. I think it is the back light cause i can see it a little. I want to know how to control my laptop (mostly want to get my old pictures) from a different screen. So that i can transfer some stuff to my new laptop. how do i do this?

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Numb finger tips and toes?

    A couple weeks ago I started getting numb finger tips now my toes are starting to become numb too. Any ideas as to what this is.? Should I see my doc?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • How to get my picures from my old laptop?

    I just got my laptop back from Dell after being fixed. They gave me a new harddrive and they also returned my old one for data recovery. All i want from my old harddrive is my Pictures. How do I go about doing this?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Is the bat outside my house stuck?

    There is a bat outside my house this morning. He is making lots of noise. he is in a small gap between the brick and a panel shutter on my house. Im not sure if he is stuck. or if he can make his way out on his own. I really don't know what to do. I would hate to find him dead in there in a couple days because he was stuck and i did nothing. please help!

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • I need some advice, please help!?

    K, i will make this as short as possible, I run a home daycare. There is a little five year old boy that i watch. My problem is with Him and a litlle 4 year old girl that i watch. I caught him trying to pull down her pants and touch her privates. She was laughing and not making a big deal of it. I pulled them apart seperatly and told them that what they were doing was not right and that boys and girls should not be touching each others private parts. I plan on talking with his mother when she comes to pick him up tonight. Is there anything else i should say or do about this?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Can i trust Lasik MD?

    I recently got an eye check for Lasik eye surgury. I was told that i wouldn't be able to get the standard surgury because i have an 8 mm pupil when most people have a 6mm pupil. I need to have the customized surgury instead. Because of this my price quote was 3380.00 Up an extra 1000 from standard to customized. How do i know that i am not being ripped off? If anyone can help it would be great thanks.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Is Lax eze for cats sold in canadian stores?

    Does anyone know if they sell this product in canada stores? If not anything that would be similar?

    Please help! My 10 year old cat may need to be put down tomorrow. I need to find something for her.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Can i take my son out of the provence without a letter from his father?

    I cannot find the father of my son. I want to be able to travel to another provence via air plane. Will i need a letter from his father to do this? His father wants nothing to do with us. we haven't seen him for over a year now. what shall i do?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • starting a gift basket business?

    i would like to get every ones opinion on which basket theme they would think would sell the best. i would like to have ten main baskets and a customized one.

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago