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If your nails grow from the base (cuticles), why do the ends turn white?
Like, I know my nails grow from the cuticles but it makes me wonder how the ends you clip off turn white so precisely from where you cut them off the last time. Wouldn't the clear part just extend further?
2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style2 months agoSize chart help for woman who dances?
Im a tall woman who wears between large and xl. When I buy a leotard I fit into a size large quite well around wise, but because I'm taller than most girls my size. It pulls along the elastics around the leg holes and stretches on my back to my shoulders so it's not sitting form fitting.
Is there a way to look up a size longer for a leotard or do I just go up a size to a xl even though I don't need it bigger around my waist?
1 AnswerDancing5 months agoIf i was planning on killing my self, hypothetical situation.?
So, i have been planning on killing myself for a few different reasons. What I have decided to do is walk along the trans canada hiking trail untill i find a nice spot. Then make a camp area. I was going to tie a rope between 2 trees and then put a canvas tarp over the rope to seal myself in. As air tight as possible. And then smoke untill i pass out (I have a very bad tolerance to smoking) I figure the area I will be in will be about 3 feet wide and 3 feet high in a long triangle shape. Im go8ng to put branches on top of the tarp so its camo and then just stay in there and hopefully not wake up.
Is this a good way to do it or is there a quicker way thats painless.
2 AnswersPsychology8 months agoFashion experts, I need your help!!! I'm looking for a...?
I'm looking for a women's bodycon dress made out of the same material as men's jogging pants. That heavy knit cotton is specifically what im looking for. I see lots of websites with cute dresses but none with that material. If you can point me to a website where I can order it so it arrives before Xmas. 5 stars promise.
Thanks, jay.
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories3 years agoFasion halp?
I m looking for, like, tights made from from jogging pants material. Low rise and form fitting for my new awsome body this spring. But when i look up that in a search, i come up with running or workout tights. Which aren t jogging pants material.
Basically, imagine normal bagy jogging pants but form fitting and low rise. Any halp?
Not only will i give help 5 stars *****, but ill star your profile too if you give me a line.
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories4 years agoIf you won the lottory on festivus eve, whens the soonest you could claim the prize.?
Just curious.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys4 years agoWhy do people continue to answer question's on here,?
Even after a best answer was awarded.
8 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender4 years agoDid you know the state of California has more people in it then all of canada?
Is Canada really considered the USA attic?
1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government4 years agoHow and where does wind start?
4 AnswersOther - Environment4 years agoIf you were standing on a moving platform, like a boat, would it take more, less or the same amount of force to...?
Walk in the direction of the ship as opposed to walking the opposite direction of the ship?
3 AnswersPhysics4 years agoWhat 'age' are we in right now?
You know how there was 'the prehistoric age', 'midevil age', 'mechanical age' and so on? In 1000 years from now, what age do you think people will call what we are going through now?
7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups4 years agoI will be buying me, my gf and her kids a skiing trip for x-max.?
Usually, i have gotten trips for us to somewhere warm and sunny. My usual thing is i buy each person a new bathing suit or beach wear and in the box i throw in the tickets for the trip. But this year, to be quite frank, i just can't afford the beach. So, what can i get, trip related, for women and girls, to mix in the box with the tickets?
We are from Canada already, so, things like snow suits and new gear is kinda..... We have that already. I was thinking thermal underwear cause its small enough to put in the box, i can put the tickets in the middle of it all and the box will fit in a stocking. Is that appropriate?
Any suggestions?
2 AnswersChristmas4 years agoIs sweating and head rushs a normal part of quitting smoking?
1 AnswerOther - Health4 years agoI was looking at my teeth yesterday,?
And noticed a dent or begining of a hole on the side of one tooth in particular.its the color of my tooth and theres nothing in it. Is this the beginning of a cavity?
What do i do?
2 AnswersDental4 years agoHow do i report a question?
That black guy whos been asking who looks better for close to 6 years now. Someome has to end his torment.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers4 years agoHow many pairs of underwear do most girls have in their drawer?
Im a guy and i keep 14, just incase my washing machine breaks and i can't do laundry for 2 weeks. My gf just moved in and, im not counting, but she has like, at least 4 times more than i do. Is that about par? Is this a sign she is going to be high maintenance?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years agoI have been given a set of numbers with a question added to them, help... (crazy)?
So, the set of numbers are as follows;
The question is, how do i figure out how many combinations of four numbers i can make out of these with sets being six numbers long. Also, consecutive numbers can not be used in a set.
Example: 12-15-17-21-23-26 would be one set with three combinations of four numbers...
Ive already pulled out my hair trying and retrying equations. Anyone have any insight to help?
Its 2 am, I give up tonight.
3 AnswersMathematics5 years agoLet's be honest here, the only real difference between Trump and Billary winning is...?
The fact that if Trump wins, he will make rash decisions and just 'make moves' with out thinking them through. And Billary will have a team around her to way the pro's and con's of a certain situation. The politics don't matter, its simply a choice of if you want things in history to chwnge now. Or later after things get messed up more.
Billary has a vendetta to settle due to Bill, i have a feeling any unfinished business he started will all of a sudden come out of the wood work.
Personally, i think its completely wrong to let a familly member run for that position in the same time frame and generation are able to vote.
5 AnswersPolitics5 years agoDeaf people, what language do you think in?
I mean, when im thinking to myself, i talk to my self... So do you sign to your self in your heads?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago