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Favorite Answers6%
  • Eyelashes/mascara??

    My eyelashes are medium/large (as for volume and how long they are) but you cant really tell unless I put mascara on them. Then they look mucchhhhh biggger and i like them...but my experience has been that the ones that make my eyelashes look big also make them look fake and globby. Is this bad for my eyelashes? Also, is there any mascara products that dont make your eyelashes look globby and fake but real and long?

    11 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Anyone know the answers?

    Include all steps you did to get to the answer please. =] thanks.


    6x squared - 5x - 6

    8x squared - 6x - 8

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Can anyone answer the riddle:?

    "Why is a mouse when it runs in circles?"

    and no that is not a type. And apparently, there IS an answer.

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • What does this mean??? Actors???

    What does the term "Chewing the scenery" mean? In a sentence: "that actor was really 'chewing the scenery'." And no I do not mean literally taking a bite out of the set lol.

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Jean size! Cute brands?

    I am really confused...I used to be size 1 (basically the smallest size they carry) in jeans, but suddenly my thighs started to fill out more, and now it seems like no jeans fit! I went to all my fave stores...American Eagle, Forever 21, PacSun...and nothing fit well! Its like the bottom half of my legs is a size 1 but the top half filled out so I have curves I dont know what do to with. Does anyone know any good line of jeans that still carrys small sizes (im a relativly thin person) but has a bigger butt area and still looks cute? lol help me.

    p.s- what are some good styles for summer?

    14 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What are some good inspiring/techno music?

    I really like inspiring songs with a message, some techno music like Cascada, and songs with piano and guitar like songs from The Fray and Jack's Mannequin. What are some good songs that you know based on any of these categories?? Points for the best answer =]


    4 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • What are these songs?

    "You don't know me, you don't even care." -Mans voice, modern.

    "What kind of world do you want"-Mans voice, modern, may be same artist as above song.

    "I just wanna use your love tonight. I dont wanna lose your love tonight." Mans voice and band, 70s-80s music.

    10 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Razr Vt3 .....?

    I just got a new Razr Vt3...does anybody have experience or advice on this phone? It is a good phone?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Jack's Mannequin/what are these other songs?

    What are some good songs for a girl who likes Jack's Mannequin and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus? (I like that whole piano/guitar thing)

    Also, do you know what the songs are called with the lyrics:

    "What kind of world do you want" in the chorus (modern)

    "And she said, You dont know me, you dont even care" in the chorus (modern)

    "I just wanna use your love tonight. I don't wanna lose your love tonight." (70s-80s music)

    Guesses work thanks!

    2 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Undereye circles...AHHHH?

    OK, so i got my undereye circle from my mom. Sometimes i have them, sometimes i dont, but i CANT STAND THEM. How do I get rid of them (besides surgery)/efficiently cover them up? I use a cover stick now....but I dont think its enough.

    14 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Singing Audition..nervousness?

    I have an audition tonight for the show "Children Of Eden". My nervousness gets the best of me when it comes to singing, so I force it and my vibrato becomes thick and uncomfortable. Any tips on keeping a relaxed singing voice during an audition?

    12 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago

    why does everyone keep saying it code for something???

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Under eye cirlces???

    What is the best way to get rid of under-eye bags and circles?

    8 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Awkward???????

    Ok. So.

    I am in a show right now, and my costume didnt fit quite right. So the costumer gave me a new one, and told me it fit beautifully. When I heard this, I called the director over, saying "look! I've FINALLY found a costume that fits right!" After that, I looked down, and noticed that my dress was showing about and inch of my bra and was really low was horrible. The director is almost 40 years older than me and has a wife and you think he thought I was trying to show off my body or that I was just unaware???

    5 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to go from "friend" to "crush"?

    ...theres this guy that I'm really close to and we used to like each other but I wonder he will ever go back to seeing me as more than a it possible to go from seeing someone as a friend then a crush then a friend and then a crush again?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Good conversation starters?

    I am taking a friend of mine to my Sadie Hawkins dance, but I'm afraid it will be awkward since he goes to a different school and doesn't know anyone but me..what are some good conversation starters or ways to break the tension that might be between us? How can I make him more comfortable and help him to have a good time?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • to?

    This is embarrasing...but could someone tell me how to give a good kiss? Im a freshman and I've never exactly given a "real kiss" even though I've had boyfriends...

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Worst pickup line ever?

    "Did you fart? Because you just blew me away."

    15 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Is a scam or the real deal??? PLEASE HELP!!? I signed up with this company called HollywoodAuditions that are supposedly going to get me auditions in my area...and then I got a call from "jeff" asking me to call him back...but I'm not sure whether or not it is a scam! My mother says it might just be a internet site to get addresses of young s..which scares the crap out of me because I forgot how much information I gave...could you go to and let me know your opinion on whether or not it is a scam?

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago