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Full-time student, Liberty University Full-time Mama, my two girls & the rest of the neighborhood kids Part-time office manager, B & B TrimWorks Saved at 8, re-dedicated at 26 Currently between churches (SBC affil.)
Can humans catch pink eye from cats?
3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agoCan You Lose Your Blessings If....?
If God blesses you, & you, in turn, try to bless someone else, but they refuse to accept the blessing, does God take back your blessing as well?
I've heard this, but I've not been able to locate it in scripture. I disagree because, from what I know of God, He doesn't base His blessings on someone else's actions.
If you could, please provide a scripture reference.
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoForced to Have an Islamic Funeral??
You gotta' be kidding me!
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDefinition of the "N" Word?
Trying this in another forum:
In all seriousness, this issue came up tonight. My sister was complaining that she couldn't understand why African-Americans get so distraught over being called (the N-word). She really couldn't understand why - she had apparently looked it up & found that it meant "tree stump." No joke. Obviously she was looking at the wrong word. But she's been all this time thinking that's what it meant.
Well, just to prove my point that her definition was wrong, and that it meant "ignorant" or "stupid," I decided to search the various online dictionaries.
Suprise! None of them supported my definition! I know that Webster's defined it that way when I was in high school - which is why I always hated it as a racial connotation.
My problem is this: when did the definition change from "ignorant/stupid/unintelligent... to "a black person/a member of any dark-skinned race/a member of a socially disadvantaged class"??
What in the world did I miss? And WHEN??
23 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoOther Southern Baptists Disagree With NC Convention's Vote on Homosexuality?
I understand the concept of not allowing a person to hold a leadership position, while engaged in an actively immoral lifestyle. I wouldn't want an active alcoholic or adulterer teaching my kids' Sunday school class.
However, hasn't NC gone a bit far when they now say that they will "oust" any congregation who accepts homosexual members?
What happened to our autonomy? Does the convention (and its affiliate churches) now have a right to deny membership to anyone they please?
Where does this leave churches who actively reach out to the homosexual community?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy Do Non-Believers Assume Christians have Simply CHOSEN not to Follow OT Laws?
I've seen it several times, just today. Why do Christians eat pork? Why don't adulterous wives get stoned to death? Why don't Christians BEAT their children? "The Bible SAYS...."
Have these people actually READ the Bible through? Do they understand it? Do they understans times and context? Literary forms?
I know the spiritual cannot be understood by the carnal, but black & white (& red) print?
Putting aside Believer versus Non-Believer, isn't it just humaly WRONG to attack someone's beliefs if you know nothing about them?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoJesus' New Covenant Overrides Old Testament Laws, but what Protects Muslim Women?
When Muhhamed issued his doctrine, I suppose no one saw anyhting wrong with his "familial" guidance?
When are Muslims going to start standing up for the families that GOD gave them? This isn't the only instance of such extreme reactions to conversion.
Or is Muhhamed more revered than God when it comes to dealing with people who don't agree with Islam??,,20...
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhich Part Do The Angry Muslims Not Understand?
Clearly aware of the sensitivity of the issue, Benedict added, "I quote," twice before pronouncing the phrases on Islam and described them as "brusque," while neither explicitly agreeing with nor repudiating them.
The "I QUOTE" or the "BRUSQUE"?
I'm no fan of Benedict, but I do believe he may have been deliberately misunderstood, & probably severly misquoted.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoMore Info On Psuedo Genes?
Doesn't quite seem to be all the Evolutionists claim them to be...
Then again, most of their "theories" fall through in the end...
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan I ask a Couple of Questions About Mechanicsburg New Church?
1) Doesn't this statement contradict itself?
This church believes that God is one (not three persons or three personalities or one personality in more than one body, but only one Lord who is Jesus Christ) and that there is a conjunction of charity and faith. This church believes in the Holy Trinity - The Father, Son and Holy Spirit - as the good, the truth and the works that go forth from that union.
--Isn't the Trinity explained as the manefistations of God's personalities... Father, Son, Holy Spirit?
2) Faith is knowing truths of the church and believing them
--Isn't Faith, by definition, belief in things unseen?
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoNews About The Christian Chaplain (Navy) Being Court-Martialed?
Someone asked about proof, here's some:
Further discussion? Or is everyone disgusted with the charges?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAnyone Believe Revelation Has Already Occurred?
I've seen some here tonight who claim the events in Revelation have already occurred.
Could someone clarify why they believe this?
Is there historical proof that the Mark was given?
Is there any proof that the Battle of Armageddon happened already?
What about the new Heaven & Earth?
Wouldn't we be past the 1,000 year reign?
Or are we in the "for a time" when Satan is loosed & allowed to reek havoc?
I know the Bible is historically correct in many aspects. So wouldn't it be a safe guess that there'd be some record of these events elsewhere?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWouldn't All These Questions Be Answered?
If people would just READ?
For the sake of all that is good & perfect, people!
WHY keep asking the SAME questions over & over again??!!
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago