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Hey! I'm back! LOL ... at least on a limited basis. Probably will not participate to same extent as previously, but I have internet access again, and also have this strange addiction to answers, so once again, here I be! Looking forward to making new friends and sharing and learning here again. Featured User, Nov 4, 2006
Browser launches with mouse movement ... read info please?
This problem started when I switched from McAffee to Norton Internet Security/Virus detection. May or may not be related to this change.
The browser (I use firefox, but it happens to whatever the default browser is) launches with every mouse movement ... a new window, which means very quickly I can have 50-100 browser windows opened, and it is darn difficult to do anything else on the computer!
I have a laptop, and this does NOT happen when using the touchpad, only when using an attached mouse, or my graphics tablet. This is a problem though, as I like to dock my laptop.
I have run numerous spyware, registry checkers, anti-virus, done research online, and everything I can think of, including a complete reformat, which did not solve the problem.
Any experienced suggestions greatly appreciated.
4 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoWhat is this plant/foilage?
This particular growth is located in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Have no idea what it is, and would appreciate input from anyone who does! Thanks!!
1 AnswerBotany1 decade agoCross Stitchers! Need your input about designs, please?
I am a photographer and artist, and am beginning the process to interpret some of my work into cross stitch designs to sell. I would appreciate the answers to a couple questions, if you would!
What complexity do you prefer? (i.e. easy, relaxing, moderate, complex, very complex)
What size do you most like stitching? (stitch count or inch/cm of finished design)
Do you prefer buying just the design, or full kits?
Do you prefer buying a single design or a collection?
Preferred subjects?
Average number of colours in a design?
What in a design would most draw you to it?
... or cause you not to want to do it?
Thank you in advance for input! Greatly appreciate it!
7 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoNikon or Canon? (DSLR) ... please see details?
I am hoping to purchase a good DSLR in the next 6-12 months, and need some help in deciding between Canon and Nikon.
I recently bought a Canon Powershot S3 IS to fill in the gap, and I love this camera, my first experience with Canon.
I have a Nikon N70 SLR that I also love, and had thought to stay with Nikon, to use my existing lens. It is a Nikkor AF 24-120 zoom lens, and also have a tele-adapter for it. Will this lens work on the Nikon DSLR's?
All things considered, which brand, if either, would be a better camera for my uses? I take a lot of nature shots: flowers, trees, insects, animals, more close up than wide angle.
Oh ... my budget will be $900-$1,200 (I hope).
Thanks for any advice! Would especially like to hear what Dr. Sam's opinions are ... appreciate your expertise.
6 AnswersCameras1 decade agoWhat is this plant? help!?
I saw this the other day while I was out walking, and was intrigued. I have never seen this plant before and would like very much to know what it is.
5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoLong-Distance Grandparents ... what tips do you have for keeping close?
I would love to hear from Grandparents who live far enough away from their children and grandchildren that they only see them a few times a year or less.
What kind of things do you do to keep a relationship going, esp. with Grandchildren?
Anyone with good suggestions or experience encouraged to reply!
My grandchildren are toddlers, and I live 600 miles away, seeing them about 3 times a year. I send them pictures I make on the computer, and videos of my husband and I reading or telling stories, but looking for other ways of interacting too. (Web cams are not an option at this time, nor is relocating closer.)
4 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWhat is prognosis for a 34 week baby?
My daughter in law is in hosp. and they are trying to stop her labor, but so far she is 6cm dilated and still having some contractions. She will have to have c-section as she is unable to deliver vaginally. The doctors are very concerned, and it looks as though the baby will probably be born within the next 48 hours.
My question is, what are the potential problems we are looking at with a 34 week baby? Prefer those in medical field or with practical experience to answer, I have read online information already.
Thanks for any input.
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoNeed help and info re: programs for developmentally disabled adults?
Have 19 year old Developmentally Disabled son who is falling through all the cracks in the system. He has been out of highschool (graduated with conditional diploma) for two years. Tested IQ (last testing at age 12) is 72. Speaks fluently but not always understandably (about 70%), cannot write legibly, Has cognitive limitations, lacks fine motor skills (working with machinery and tools not an option). Handles a computer well, and types very well, with good grammar.
In two years of searching in Oregon and Washington, have found no appropriate programs. He is either too disabled or not disabled enough to qualify. He wants so much to work, yet can't hold a job without a coach or help, but can't get any help.
Any experience or suggestions?
(He is currently living with his sister in Oregon)
6 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade agoShould I be concerned? Large older dog vomiting.?
He is an 11 year old Coonhound/Great Dane mix.
The recent tainted food NOT an issue here ... he gets only dry food.
This evening when I came home there were two huge piles of vomit on the floor, then he vomited an even larger pile a bit later. It appeared to be more food than he has been fed today, but I don't know ... he hasn't had opportunity to get into any garbage or anything -- it did all appear to be his dog food. Otherwise he seems fine and normal.
Any ideas or suggestions? Should I just watch him?
11 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat might these growths on my chihuahua be?
First, I WILL be taking her to vet, but can't until the first of the month, just thought I might get some ideas from experienced people in the meantime.
Second, she is 16 years old, and in rapidly failing health over the past few months. Six months ago she still acted like a puppy. Has a heart condition, as well as being almost blind, deaf in one ear, hard of hearing in the other, and has several molars, but otherwise no teeth.
About two weeks ago I noticed a fatty tumor like growth on her underside on top of the rib cage. Since then, not only has it grown some, but she has developed similar growths on each side, about 3 inches long and an inch wide, noticeable and growing. I am thinking it must be a cancer ... any other suggestions?
Thanks so much.
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIs it common for an elderly dog to lose sense of smell?
My 16 year old chihuahua seems to have lost most of her sense of smell, only being able to smell food items if they are within a half inch or so of her nose, would like to know if this is common?
Also, anyone who has suggestions or advice for making her life as good and healthy as possible. She has cataracts on both eyes, has just a small field of blurry vision, and has also lost all her teeth but a few molars, and is hard of hearing.
She seems happy, content, and spends most of her time sleeping burrowed in an electric throw next to me on the couch (I am homebound). Other than the things mentioned above, she has a heart condition, but still gets around well and does not seem in pain. Any helpful advice welcome! she is my sweetie. :)
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoI have been using 360 photo as user icon ... now it says i dont have a 360 account and wont use it, help!?
I still have my 360 page.
I added a new public profile, which is now the default profile for the 360 age items. When I went to Yahoo Answers edit account info to allow people to access my 360 page, it stopped using my personal photo as icon and indicates that I have no 360 account or picture to use! I do, of course, but it says not. Any suggestions?
1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade agoHave two file icons on desktop I can't delete ... help!!?
I keep a very clean "desktop" on my laptop computer. So clean that I have only three icons on it general, although in process of some thing i will put some on there temporarily.
This is the case, and there are now two folder icons that I cannot delete .. I was able to delete the contents of the folders, but not the folders themselves, even after rebooting and other maintenance procedures. When I try to, it tells me
"Cannot delete file: cannot read from the source file or disk."
Any help would be so welcome, this is gonna drive me nuttier. LOL
7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoNeed good suggestions for a wedding gift ... see details?
Our friend/landlord got married, combined households so they don't need anything in terms of that kind of gift. They each have a small child and are expecting in the spring. Have live-in childcare /housekeeping (grandma). Live in a smallish, modest home. We want to get them something unique and cool, but can't spend over $50 or so. Any suggestions? Thanks!! (We live in Canada)
8 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoFor other Americans living in Canada ...?
How do you compare it to living in the states?
What do you miss?
What do you like here that isn't in the states?
What has been the biggest adjustment?
How long have you lived here?
How often do you visit the states?
What do you most love about Canada?
2 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade agoHow much is a carton of cigarettes in Idaho? In North Dakota? Please see details.?
Marlboro light menthol 100's, how much per carton?
Specifically in Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota
1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade agoAny advice regarding Highway #2 across Montana and North Dakota?
We are travelling from Vancouver, BC to Winnipeg, MB, and are taking the route east in the states and route west in Canada.
I am considering Route #2 across Montana and North Dakota, how is the road? We will be driving a 3/4 ton pickup pulling a 30 ft fifth wheel, traveling in late Sept. and wondering if we should anticipate any problems, road construction, bad road, etc.
Thanks for any info!!
5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoHow would you define "a successful life"?
11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoNeed info RE: electrical system on a 1995 Chevy 2500 Silverado pickup w/ 450 gas engine and dual batteries?
I am so hoping someone can help me!
1) why two batteries?
2) there is a knife switch to turn off the secondary battery, however, when turned off, truck doesn't run, is this the usual? explain?
3) Primary battery is good. Secondary battery is not holding a charge ... had it checked, was told they thought it might not be dead, could be electrical problem ... had electrical system diagnosed at a shop, they said it was fine. However, at time the power meter drops, and the lights, etc dim significantly when it does. Any ideas?
4) May be unrelated, but had to have starter replaced in July.
Thanks for any ideas.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoLooking for name and artist of a song ... from Shrek, see details?
This is driving me nuts, lol!
What is the name of the song in Shrek and who performs it, in the scene with the frog/snake balloons, with the "Hallelujahs"?
Thanks for the help!!
11 AnswersMovies1 decade ago