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Favorite Answers9%
  • Texas Holdem Players (no limit game): I need betting rules when there is an all-in player?

    Situation: The little blind sees the flop, then goes all-in for less than the value of the big blind. What is the least the next player has to bet to stay in the hand if there are other players after him?

    a. The amount of the all-in bet?


    b. The amount of the big blind?

    Does the size of the all-in bet determine the answer above? (Some players say that an all-in bet less than half the big blind allows following bettors to call only the all-in bet, while others say that the size of the all-in bet doesn't matter.)

    Thanks for your help.

    4 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • What are the Yahoo Answers staff REALLY doing when they say they are "taking a breather" or "coffee break"?

    Dear Yahoo Answers staff: This seems to happen every time I answer a question that "might be" somewhat adult in nature. I have to assume that you guys put the question on hold while you debate whether you should delete it without letting anyone provide an answer. And so far, I have not been able to find any of the questions again so I assume both the question and my extremely "well phrased" answer (ALWAYS ACCORDING TO COMMUNITY GUIDELINES) were trashed.

    Someday I really want to meet you guys, just to confirm the mental image I have of you (four guys sitting around a tiny-screened laptop, wearing identical powder blue polyester leisure suits with inappropriate pink bow ties, giggling at "adult" words found in questions and answers). How close am I? (Sorry for the second question.)

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How can I force a friend's computer to wake up from sleep mode?

    Computer was working fine this morning. Then he downloaded a video game from the internet (as he has done many times before). After the download completed, he was directed to reboot.

    And now his monitor screen will not light up (on light comes on green, then switches to orange after a few seconds).

    We switched monitors. Same result, except the second monitor screen shows an error box that says the monitor is in Inactive Mode, and he is directed to "wake it up" using his PC. But we cannot see the screen to do that.

    I've swapped the following parts with no results:

    Onboard video card with a PCI card.

    Single RAM stick with another single RAM stick.

    Power box

    Mobo battery

    I don't know what else to do. My best guess is a mobo failure, but I am inexperienced with mobo problems and need help diagnosing the problem. I hate to take the computer to a repair show until I am sure it's beyond my ability to fix it.

    6 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Why does my new hard drive show smaller than rating?

    Just bought a new Maxtor 200 GB hard drive, but when I hook it up, it shows only 130 MB. I am sure this has something to do with the age of the computer, but can anyone tell me why? Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Charging problem: battery on a 1992 Dodge van keeps going dead.?

    Battery checked okay, alternator checked okay, but battery still went dead in two days. Got new battery, went dead in three days. Alternator checked okay again. All electrical systems seem to work okay (all lights, horn, radio, blowers, etc). No visible short circuits, but something has to be shorting out. Will take it to an expert for repairs if necessary, but I'd like to know what is wrong before I do that. Anything else I should check?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Modem problem. Connecting a phone line to the modem knocks out all phones.?

    It's a friend's computer, so I don't know anything about it's history. Can still connect to the internet okay, but when a dedicated phone line is hooked to his modem (but not connected to the internet), all other house phones quit working. Sounds like a bad modem, but I don't have a spare modem to try. Before we buy another modem, thought I would ask for your advice. By the way, I've convinced him to go broadband so this won't be a problem much longer. Still, I'd like to solve the problem. Thanks.

    2 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Pretty sure my mobo is fried, but how do I know for sure?

    When I boot with nothing but the PSU, RAM and graphics card, the processor fan works, some of the power connections show power to them, but I get no monitor activity (not even an attempt to trigger the monitor), no power up beeping, no LED lights. So, I know I have power to parts of the board but everything I've tried has failed to get it going. Before I scrap it, anything else I should try? Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • How can I make a bootable copy of my WinXP Pro installation disk?

    I have a licensed copy of WinXP Pro and would like to make a backup copy in case the original fails (which has happened to other program CDs). But when I copy the disk to a blank CD-R disk, that disk won't boot. Apparently some needed file isn't getting copied. Any ideas how to make the copy bootable? I know there is a way, because a friend has done the same thing and ended up with a bootable copy. But we cannot figure out why his copy works and mine doesn't.

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How can I delete or bypass a password set accidentally by a young child?

    When I boot up, a password screen appears as soon as the Gateway logo apears. Cannot get any further. No way to recover the password from the young child. We are pretty sure he just punched in random letters/numbers. Have tried entering BIOS, also tried booting in safe mode, but both require the password first. Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • My computer doesn't recognize USB?

    I had to install a new hard drive and copy all data from old to new. No problem. But now I've lost my USB. Computer just won't recognize my USB flash drive, and USB controllers are no longer listed on Device Manager. I've checked all connections and everything seems fine. I thought I might have lost the USB drivers (if any), but the computer can't even find the controllers. Any help will be appreciated.

    5 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • WinXP Pro recovery console question:?

    My computer won't boot. Error message says file "windows\system32\config\system" is missing or currupt and suggests I attempt to repair it by booting from my install CD and selecting "r" for repair. No problem . . . except that nothing happens and Microsoft provides no additional information on how to fix my problem. Further research says I should do this while running Windows, but that's the problem --- I cannot access Windows. Anyone know of a quick fix? I have to recover data on the hard drive before trying any clean installs of WinXP.

    And please, sincere answers only: I do not intend to switch to a Mac or any other Microsoft alternative. Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • I have a computer video problem: Computer is a 466 MHz Celeron with onboard video card.?

    Computer was working okay when I shut down, but when I rebooted the next day I got no video. I changed monitors, installed a working PCI graphics card, replaced RAM, removed battery (to reset BIOS) . . . but nothing helped. I've lost onboard video in other computers but was able to install a PCI card to get it back. I have some experience with general computer repair but not with mobo problems. I assume my mobo may be bad, but how do I know for sure? And why did it go so fast?

    6 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Boot problems. My IBM boots to the IBM flash screen, then reboots over and over.?

    Trying to fix this computer for a friend, so I don't have a lot of history on it. Running a 1000 MHz Celeron with WinXP Pro op syst. I've tried booting with nothing connected but the hard drive, have reset the BIOS to defaults, have tried both IDE ports, have replaced the RAM, have been able to boot to DOS using an old Win98 boot disk (but nothing I've done in DOS has helped). Before I "assume" the mobo is shot, I want to consider all possible fixes. By the way, the computer date is 2001 but the BIOS date is 2004. Is it possible (or likely) that someone flashed the BIOS incorrectly and fried something?

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago
  • How do I delete (uninstall, whatever) an extended dos partition on a logical drive?

    I inherited a used computer that had a primary partition with WinME installed, plus an extended dos partition. I want just one large partition with WinXP Pro installed. I have tried using FDISK to remove the extended dos partition with no luck. Other than buying Partition Magic (or similar), is there anyway to get my hard drive back to just one big partition?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Why won't my computer boot to the operating system?

    Was working fine. Turned it on today and it booted to the BIOS screen, then hung up on the black screen with the blinking cursor. Will not boot the op system.

    I've rebooted several times. No help.

    I've tried booting with the WinXP full install disk. No help.

    I've replaced the RAM. No help.

    I've replaced the hard drive. No help.

    I've replaced the PSU. No help.

    I've disconnected all accessories (sound, floppy and CD drives). No help.

    I assume it is a motherboard problem, but how can I know for sure? Anything else I should do to check this computer?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago