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Luke Benke
What model of guitar is this?!?
All i know is that its a martin and that i really like it :p
1 AnswerPerforming Arts8 years agoWeedeater help agian ?
Ok so iv been working on this weed eater and I had it running right then it started only running on half choke and then it only ran for a second then stop I replaced fuel lines, primer and rebuilt the carb still nothing... Oh and a bunch of black sluge like stuff is comeing out of the muffler and spark plug hole! Please help!!
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoWeedeater not starting ?
Ok so I got this 31cc ryobi l700 that won't start I replaced the fuel lines the primer the sparkplug but it still won't work I took off the carb and cleaned it but behind the carb there's like a thin piece of metal blocking it, on my other weedeaters iv worked on this wasn't there what is it?
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agoWhat wrong with my cat??? ?
Ok so a couple months ago we got out cat fixed and the first couple weeks she would fallow me EVERY WERE and still meowed like she was in heat now she started carring around and hidding my stuff she stole my phone and guitar pick an hid them under my bed she stockpiled candy under my brother and she just Carrys stuff aroung and acts crazy my moms friend (who's a vet) says that it could be becuase they left an Ovary it she was traumatized by the vet.. Please help!!
5 AnswersCats9 years agoStrumming pattern for.........?
Broken glass song the one off victories I found the cords but I need stunning patterns for it!! Or even one that sounds good! Also If you now the struming pattern for the campfire song song off spongebob that would be nice first one with a good answer gets 10 points!!!
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment9 years agoCat not eating or drinking??? ?
Ok so yesterday we had our cat spayed, they didn't keep her over night but sence we brought her home she hasn't eaten or drinking at all... And only have gotten up once sence we brought her home to sleep some were else she has only used the liter box once and that was a soon as we brought her home....what wrong with her????
4 AnswersCats9 years agoFort quistion ???????
Ok so I'm making a fort in the woods and I need help on the walls what can I use tO make them? Lol I have the Frame up
Also plywoods out of the quistion…
1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation9 years ago????????Help me???????
I have a remote Control circuit and I was wondering if a small 12v battery would fry or brake it? I want it to run a 12v motor..
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years agoPVC pipe help???????????
Ok so I'm makeinv a air cannon and the PVC pipe I have has been spray painted do I need to remove the paint befor glueing the peaces together and if so what's the best way to do it?
2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years agoIs it legal to shoot cats? ?
I live in Missouri and my friend sated he shot a wild cat the had kittens on tree property and he said that he can because he live right outside city limets? Is it legal?!
16 AnswersCats10 years agoHelp me!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I want to brake a world recored for the thickist tongue! I have a 1 1/2 inch thick tongue!!!!! Do u think I can?
2 AnswersHomework Help10 years agoQ about my HM bow...?
I made a home made bow ot of PVC and a fiber glass rod...... And I have the arrow rest on the left instead of the right (I'm right handed) I find it easier to aim that way are there any disadvantages to haveing it On the left? Lol
1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation10 years agoJailbreak appp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Whats the thingy that let's all your app fall down????
1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds10 years agoGuitar help??????????????? ?
What's the bEst and cheapest electric guitar u can buy....... And same with acoustic? Please help10 points!!!
3 AnswersPerforming Arts10 years agoOk 3 questions about x-Plane!!!!!!!!!?
Ok first i can't Evan open it after it loads it says that im running another copy of x-planes witch I'm not!!! How to fix this?
Second is the boing 737 sim cockpit pretty much the same as the real one?
Finally how much speed do u need to take off in a boing 737?
3 AnswersAircraft10 years agoX-plane.................................?
Why do People get so mad when question about x-planes is in the aircraft section..really it's a FAA approved flight simulator....... It makes me mad when People say to repost this in a vedio game section!!!!!
3 AnswersAircraft10 years agoFree x-planes????????????????????????
I want some free airliners.......I have the demo x-Planes oh and some free senory.
3 AnswersAircraft10 years agoHave u ever herd of:::::::::::::::::::?
Yahoo answers.. And if Soo how many of u use it
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago