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  • Poll: What do you consider to be the scariest movie of all time?

    Or, a couple or so of the scariest if you can't quite decide.

    9 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Does anyone find that hard water softens their hair?

    I recently moved and the water in my new apartment is still soft but not nearly as soft as what I had showered in at my old place. I feel like my hair tends to be softer and shinier but from what I've read, hard water is not reported to have these effects let alone any particularly good effects on hair. So I was just wondering if anyone else has found this to be true, or if I'm just imagining it. Or if you've noticed any similar effects from a change in water. Thank you in advance for answers!

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Is it true that all wrestling parents are simply teenagers in adult bodies?

    I can't think of any other way to describe "parents" who spend the entire night (into the morning) getting trashed while their children run rampant around a hotel. Who apparently have no regard for other people. Who drop an f-bomb every other word, and who fart and belch their hearts out with a laugh rather than an "excuse-me."

    3 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Women - have you ever had an orgasm in your sleep?

    Just curious to hear other experiences. I'm sure I've had this happen many times but recently I had it where I woke up mid-orgasm. It was ******* cool :) If you have, were you dreaming of anything at the time? Or was it just the feeling?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Could anyone explain this watery discharge?

    Whenever I have my period I've noticed that I sometimes get a flood of watery discharge along with the regular flow. I want to say it almost smells like urine.. just enough to soak my panties. Not like normal discharge; just, wetness. Anybody know what this is? Happens more if I've got a tampon in.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Causes of back pain worsened by deep breath?

    I have a slight pain in my back (tightness/discomfort, not a sharp pain) toward the bottom of my rib cage--on the left side-- which is worsened usually by taking a deep breath or leaning forward. If I straighten out my back and lift my shoulders, the discomfort is barely noticeable. It hurts worse when turning my body to the left and is mostly concentrated toward my spine. I plan to see a doctor but was wondering if anybody could provide some insight until then. Thank you.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • What do you think about this doctor's claim as to having seen heaven?

    The neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander... if you didn't read in the news somewhat recently... claims that while in a coma he experienced what he believed to be--according to his knowledge of science and his personal memory-- heaven. He saw, heard, felt---- heaven.

    From what I've read of his reasoning about this... my conclusion was, "Wow, that sounds like a really intense mescaline trip. And nothing else."

    What do you think? Actual heaven, or just brain chemistry?

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • "I'll answer your question!"?

    Are there any people who honestly feel more inclined to answer when somebody makes this claim on their question? I'm not understanding the incentive here. Anyone?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • What's so difficult about masturbating?

    I've come across a lot of questions from people looking for advice on how to masturbate. Well you explore and touch yourself until something happens, simple as that right? I thought. A specifically solo activity, I thought. As a person that can reach a great orgasm in a minute, it really confuses me as to why so many people have difficulty with it. Is it just that a lot of people don't know themselves very well? I mean even asking advice on what toys to use, etc. Just look around and see what looks fun right? Just wondering, looking for thoughts/insight.

  • Non-painful feeling in the right side of abdomen - what could it be?

    The other day I experienced a sharp pain in my middle right abdomen which lasted a few seconds and then felt fine. Since then I've noticed a feeling in the same spot which I'll describe as "tight" for lack of a better word. I typically don't notice it unless I'm moving around.

    I had over-eaten quite a bit (not something I usually do) and this occured when I was having a lot of gas/pressure/indigestion. I have considered a doctor visit but am just keeping an eye on it for now. I'm just wondering if anyone has an idea as to what happened when the pain occured?

    ...Please, nobody post one of those "Hello, I'm a doctor, here's a link to....yada yada" answers.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Why are atheists so resentful of theists?

    I don't intend to make a blanket generalization, but I've come across many questions from atheists making rude fools of themselves criticizing all the "retarded" Christians out there for having a belief.

    On the other end of the spectrum, the most radical Evangelicals out there just tend to seem batshit crazy rather than angry or resentful.

    So my question actually is, do people of the Christian faith really ignite such a level of anger in the atheist crowd, or does their pointless ranting come rather from an insecurity in their own beliefs (or lack thereof)?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If you had a stroke (or something), you would know it, right?

    The other night I experienced the following for several hours:

    very high blood pressure

    a (painful) bulge on inner heel of both feet

    pain in left calve (when flexed)

    lack of muscle coordination (mostly with walking)

    numbness throughout 50% of my body (random, not just one side or the other)

    some difficulty focusing on easy tasks (counting cash drawer at work)

    pulsating sensation in lower abdomen / tenderness to touch

    All this said, I made it through work as easily as if I'd had a mild hangover, and felt better after resting later in the day. I'm still experiencing high blood pressure and the bulges on each foot, but the rest is mostly normal. I feel more clear-headed but still experiencing some numbness.

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Not going to the doctor... tips?

    For a multitude of reasons I've apparently developed some clotting; I had a little bruise on my right forearm from a vein burst. I've already decided to go off the birth control pill and to quit smoking. I also have just minor discomfort in my chest (which I'm unsure about - it's not really a tightness or pressure but almost feels like if you had a stiff joint, and it feels like it's more in my back than in my chest, and doesn't hurt unless I move around a certain way). I went on web md and recieved a few of the "if you're... then seek medical attention" flags--this I also took lightly because there isn't really a good way to point out that the pain is very minor. Please don't say, "go to the doctor." I am so very aware that this would be the best option but I'm not urgently concerned and also don't have health insurance. A friend advised that the chest pain is from a raise in resting blood pressure/heart rate from recently cutting down on certain downers I was taking. (Also, please don't tell me not to do drugs. I UNDERSTAND the risk, I'm just looking for constructive advice.) Would slowly weening myself off of these be better, to gradually slip back to normal, or should I just stay quit as long as I am pretty much off of it?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Guys - about those "blue balls"?

    I'm just curious because it seems like a little BS. You pretty much have to finish at some point right, but do you hold your girl to it? Like it's her responsibility? It can't be difficult to just run off and jerk off if sex doesn't work out. Is it really THAT big of a discomfort if you don't finish? I dated a guy for almost two years where it was like, this just completely ruined his day.

    3 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • What would you have done?

    So I was dating this guy for about a month, we went out/hung at his place downtown a few times. On our last date, we ended the night with a group of his friends at a bar... and I wake up the next morning on his futon soaked in my own piss. This had never happened to me before so I was not only hungover but confused and flustered. So, I didn't say anything but goodbye and everything, and left. When I got home, I texted him sorry for soiling his futon and to caution him not to sit on it if he hadn't noticed yet. He texts back, "Thank you for having the courage to tell me." At that point I figured, better to just leave this alone for today.

    So the next week I texted him about hanging out, and he didn't text back. Alright, if I were him I wouldn't continue a relationship with someone who pissed my futon either... but I found it rude to just not say anything at all. I had the feeling that his last comment to me was out of sarcasm but I can't help but ask why he never said anything past it. Just didn't know what to say, or didn't care anymore? Because he seemed to enjoy our time together until that point, so my thought was that he'd at least be forgiving/understanding. Or just, attempt to communicate in some part.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago