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  • How may hours was my dog dead before I found her?

    My dog died last weekend, she was 12 years old, no serious health conditions. I had gone to bed at appox. 1:30 am, she slept with me , she went to bed when I did. Sometimes during the night she would get under the bed. My husband got home from work at 6;30 am, he noticed she was not in bed, which was not unusual for her, he called her name, but she not come out from under the bed, again not unusual for her, he went on to bed and she would usually get in the bed before he would fall asleep. I got up at 10;30 am, I didn't notice her in the bed, but was not concerned cause she would sometimes slept by his feet. I was still tired from work, so took a nap. My husband got up at 1;00pm., he noticed she was not in the bed or in the living room in her bed we kept for there as well. He then feared something was wrong, he looked under the bed and she was dead. She was already stiff. I just can't help but wonder how long she had been gone before we found her. This was not unusual behavior for her. I miss her very much.

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Dog digging under fence?

    I I have a small mixed breed dog, he just started at night, while I am sleeping of digging under the fence to get into my neighbors back yard. I can never catch him in the act, so correcting him at the time is impossible. But if that isn't bad enough my neighbors also have small dog, they have a doggie door, I do not , my dog is an outside only dog. He woke the neighbors up barking at their dog with his head poked into the doggie door. I am constantly repairing the fence of holes he has dug. Any suggestions, I have to get this under control. I have limited funds, I would like to get a dog shocker but cant afford it. And i hate to take him to the pound , he was dumped along the side of the road when i found him he is rescue.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • total knee replacement 6 months ago?

    I had total knee replacement in Feb. I done great throughout recovery, but now I seem to be feeling a lot of stiffness , which I know it to be expected but now my new knee seems to feel weak to me . I had hoped it would make me better. I don't have the same pain, but I don't feel all that great and confident with this new knee yet. I spoke to my physical therapist and he said it could take up a year for the knee to "feel ' like mine. That it is a long recovery and takes time. And to just continue with my exercises. I get down hearted sometimes I had hoped for more progress by now, I want to walk again without feeling like I am going to fall cause my knee gives out. And sometimes it feels like it so stiff when I am walking. Just want to know if anyone out there has similar issues with a total knee replacement, Thank you

    1 AnswerInjuries10 years ago
  • Symptoms of a bleeding Peptic ulcer?

    My daughter in law has a peptic ulcer. She has always been slender but, she is now down to 92 lbs, she is 34 years young. She is very petit build. But she looks ill to me. The veins in her arms stick out , she looks like she has no muscle mass . She says she bleeds from the rectum. She says she quit taking her medication because of financial reasons. ( I would have bought it for her). She smokes and drinks. She also has a tendency to stretch the truth. So I do not know weather to believe her about all the bleeding. But I do know what I see. How serious could her condition be ? I am very concerned about her.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • Total knee replacement almost 4 months ago?

    I had a total right knee replacement done almost four months ago. I do not regret the surgery. I have returned back to work going on 4 weeks now. My job is physical. I have done the exercises that are required and feel stronger everyday. I lost almost 20lbs while in recovery. I want to continue the weight loss, and suggestions on other exercises i can add with out doing damage to my new knee. I am ready to work out more but my knee is still stiff at times.

    2 AnswersInjuries10 years ago
  • Benji name or breed of dog?

    Now I am going to sound like a total idiot. Is a benji dog, a name of a dog or the breed of the dog? Please be kind. Thank you

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What fashion blunder did Beckman make with his metal from the Queen?

    I thought it was funny cause him and his wife are such super snobs and the all knowing about fashion, what did he do to bascially make the Queen frown , besides there were so many other people that have recieved that honor he looked stupid wearing it with all the other medals the real royaliy was wearing

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Why were the Obamas not invited to the Royal wedding?

    I heard rumor that it was because Michelle had made unkind remarks about Princess Di, and that she also wants to upstage everyone and Prince William was not going to give her that opportunity

    1 AnswerWeddings1 decade ago
  • Why was Fergie not invited to the wedding?

    Just noticed she was not there

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else notice that Prince Charles wiped his nose with his fingers ?

    When Prince Charles entered the Abby and removed his hat and gloves , he reached up to his nose with his fingers and wiped, then, walked over to the clergy and started shaking hands. Gross, the Queen came in after and shook hands, good thing she still had on her gloves. Watch the video it is very clear he did embarrassing.

    8 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago
  • During carriage ride who was Prince Williams saluting and why did Kate bow her head?

    During the carriage ride back to the palace I noticed that sometimes when Prince William would have to salute, his bride would noticeably bow her head ? What was the reason for that protocol? He seems to give a tender notice to her when this action would take place.

    3 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago
  • smoking and pregnancy?

    My Granddaughter is pregnant, she is also a smoker of cigarettes. The family has been trying to discourage her from this habit. She told us that her doctor told her that she should not try and quit now , cause it would be to stressful for her and the baby, and could cause her to miscarry, she is a high risk . But I do not believe that the doctor told her this. I dislike the fact that I don't believe her and I want to. But I think this is just something she is telling us so we will get off her back about the smoking. So my question is " Do you think she is blowing smoke up our butts" I do. Thank you, concerned Great Grandma.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does taking metformin mean I am type 2 or type 1 diabetic?

    My doctor says I am a pre diabetic but my friend said there is no such thing , it just means that i take oral medication to control my blood sugar vs taking insulin. She is an RN. Is this the reason the nurses always look at me like "whatever" whenthey ask if I am diabectic and I tell them no I am pre- diabetic. It gets so confusing. I get regular AC1 tests as well as lipid panels done every three months and everthing is according to my doctor in good levels and well controlled.

    20 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Total knee replacement surgery?

    Due to have surgery on Valentines Day. Kinda nervous, any advice from anyone who has had this surgery. I know it is time but the not knowing is nerve racking. I have been told to except TERRIBLE pain for the first month. But my knee has mecaused to fall twice and has started to really effect my quality of life.I am 58 female, bit overweight, and do janitorial work as a living.

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Can you get a ACL injury from not doing sports?

    I know most ACL injuries are caused from sort of sport injury, but can a person get this condition from years of wear and tear? my knee is stiff, I can't squat then get up without help cause my knee locks up. It hurts all the time and feels like it is giving out on me . I have fallen twice. Going up or down stairs hurts . I have had cortisone shots as well as rooster comb therapy. Not much relief from the treatments. I have done housekeeping work for over 20 years.

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • left knee replacement surgery?

    Ballpark figure on how long to recover from complete procedure, including rehab, and back to regular activities. I am 58 years old and have arthritis in my left knee and work as as a housekeeper in a hospital.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Is poison Ivy contagious?

    My sister says that poison Ivy is contagious and can be passed from person to person. Her Grandson has it and her other Granddaughter is pregnant and she says the holiday will be spoiled cause the Grandson cannot be around the pregnant one. I say this not true. I searched the web but would like input from the answers community. Thank you

    5 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • vascular calcification of the abdominal aorta?

    I had a x ray taken of my back in the last week because my arthritis has been giving me more problems (lower back) I also have cad and have two stents both put in 2005. I have regular check ups with my primary care doctor and i also have a cardiologist. As recent as Arpril of this year i had a angio done to make sure all the arterties were open. Everything came back ok. I just the results from my back and the report states that "vascular calcification of the abdominal aorta is identfied". I keep my cholestrol under control and do not smoke or drink and take my meds. i am over weight but I have a physcial job and I am 58 years old. I smoked for 30 years but quit 5 years ago. My main question is , when i had my angio done they go through the groin area , does that not go into the abdominal aorta? And if so would it not show up with the contrast? And are there symptoms? I will contact my cardio but i just wanted to know if anyone out there could help shed some light on this subject for me . Thank you for any helpful answers and information PS This condition has not come up in any x rays most recent in 09 and neither doctor has metioned this condition to me.

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago