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  • Septic leak help! Wet spot in basement coming from alarm wiring? Alarm NOT going off?!?

    So we have a septic alarm that has gone off in the past due to faulty wiring, full tanks, etc. However, all of a sudden I was running a load of laundry and a sewage smell started permeating my home.

    I went to the basement and a small trickle of sewage-smelling liquid is leaking through the wiring hole (the wiring that goes to the alarm box on the wall) but the alarm is not going off...

    Now, it does not leak constantly or when I do normal things around the house (dishwasher, bathing, toilets, etc.) only when using the washing machine.

    What do you think? Do I need to call the septic guys? Thanks!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • What do you do with a 16 month suffering insomnia from antibiotics?

    My 16 month old has been VERY sick for two weeks from a week of diarrhea, to a week of incessant coughing/mucus, and crying... I knew it started as a virus, but I finally brought him to the doctor after he spike a fever (his first). he has an ear infection and the MD prescribed Amoxicillan. He's been on it for less than 36 hours and he is hardly sleeping. He usually goes RIGHT to sleep at night, 3 hours into bedtime, he was still jumping and kicking and fussing in bed. I tried rocking him but his eyes were WIDE open. Please HELP!!

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Had my period, 2 weeks ago, spotted brown blood last night... and now a positive pregnancy test!!! Help!?

    So I had my period starting I think Feb. 20th-ish (I've only had one other period since I had my last baby 3/10). I stopped nursing last month and I thought that my period was irregular because of that. It came late, but then I had a full 7 day period (used tampons and all...). Now, two weeks later, I had DARK BROWN (chocolate colored, gross I know), last night. So randomly, I took a pregnancy test, and it's REALLY positive (you know, not a first morning urine test). Do you think I'm miscarrying? Or really pregnant still? I have had 2 healthy girls (3 and under) and I have had 3 miscarriages before them. whew. Any advice would help!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant with the flu, husband left to ski while I'm left with toddler? No call yet...?

    I am 28 weeks pregnant and I work 2 jobs since my husband lost his. He stays home with our toddler until he finds a job and then I can go back to taking care of her full-time. He honestly does a great job with the child-care but obviously I still do most of the housework.

    Anyway, last night around 11 PM I started vomiting. I left our bedroom as not to disturb him and vomited every 1/2 hour all night and then started the diarrhea stage. Lots of fun. My husband had planned a day of skiing up north (we live in NH so skiing is fairly common place but he often doesn't get to go with friends).

    I was crippled, covered in puke, and exhausted from no sleep. He insisted on still skiing because he's home all the time and doesn't get out much. I couldn't even stand up straight and he's been gone since 7:15 AM. I'm so pissed. What should I do? Am I wrong to be pissed? I always get up with our daughter every day of the week and get her fed before I wake him before I go. I never am sick, and I don't often ask him to cover for "social" reasons, 99% is work related "babysitting".

    What should I do? He always chooses selfish is it personality or something he can change?

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Six 1/2 weeks pregnant, bright red blood for 1 hour last night...?

    I have had 3 miscarriages (4 1/2 weeks, 5 1/2 weeks, and 12 weeks), and one beautiful healthy girl who's 16 months. I found out that I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago, and I have all the classic symptoms. Slightly nauseated, sore boobs, etc.

    I went to a wedding last night (3 1/2 hours from home and carpooled with "acquaintances " who didn't know I was pregnant). I stood up, and I felt blood dribble down my leg. I was horrified. It was bright, red blood and it was fairly heavy for 1/2 hour. (no clotting). I put a tampon in (though I know you aren't suppose to with a miscarriage, but I really was stuck trying not to cry away from home). When I got home, only old, brown blood on tampon.

    Do you think I am miscarrying again???

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can a shellfish allergy just be a facial rash?

    I had a baby 3 weeks ago, and I think I might have developed new allergies after delivery.

    I am not sure what caused this, but I developed a hive on my face late Saturday night, and slowly a rash developed over my face the next couple of days. I look AWFUL (kind of like poison ivy without the puss).

    I used benadryl to relieve the itching on Monday, and went to the MD yesterday who told me to take Claritin. So I did. I ate dinner (of Shrimp, which I had on Saturday night too...). At 12 PM my face was on FIRE! Itching, more bumps, more swelling.

    I have NO other symptoms. But the claritin is NOT helping the itching.

    Can you have a food/shellfish allergy without any other symptoms (no nausea, throat itching/swelling, etc.)?

    4 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Low amniotic fluid 2 weeks in a row--Second opinion?

    Hello all! Last week, my ultrasound revealed that my baby weighed in the 50% (6 lbs, 10 oz) and the heart rate is perfect. HOWEVER, my amniotic fluid was 7.5. So they did a repeat test today and found the fluid to be 6.2 and they did a fetal stress test which was normal.

    I am 37 weeks, 5 days pregnant.

    They said everything should be fine, and they scheduled me for another ultrasound on Friday. I was just wondering---should I be induced? What if something happens to my baby? Has anyone had a 6.2 or lower index and been o.k. for baby?


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Low Amniotic Fluid Index (7.5)--Will they induce next week (37 weeks)?

    I am 37 weeks pregnant today (woo-hoo!), and on Friday I had an ultrasound because I was measuring small, and they found that my fluid index was 7.5 when normal range starts at about 6. I have a follow-up U/S on this coming Friday (I kind of want to change it until Thursday...) to see the levels again.

    My baby's heartbeat is fine, the weight is normal (6 # 10 ozs) on Friday.

    Do you think they would induce me if the level doesn't go up or it goes down on Friday? What is inducing like?


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Husband hit a snow bank---Alighment, tire balancing or Tie Rod?

    I have a '99 Nissan Altima that was running well until my husband slipped on ice into a snow bank at about 25 MPH on Friday. It drives fine, and looks o.k. (a hubcap looks cracked but I don't know if it was like that before). When I hit a speed over 50 MPH the whole car shakes like it's going to fall apart (steering wheel really vibrates). I felt scared pushing it too hard.

    So... is it the tire balancing, alignment or a broken tie rod (I may have had a cracked tie rod prior to this incident)

    Plus how much should it cost to have it repaired. I am a blond girl--mechanics always try to hose me. :)

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Moen Posi-Temp Balancing Valve---Definitely not working!?

    Both upstairs showers have issues with temperature--they get colder then warmer, then tepid, yet water heater is FINE as the sinks get consistent water. Sometimes the shower stays hot the whole time, other times the temperature just drops the whole time. It's AWFUL (I'm also 7 months pregnant and the shower has become a stressful routine instead of relaxing!)

    If I replace the cartridge (which I honestly don't have a clue how to do it) will that affect the pressure balancing? What part of the faucet is the pressure balancing valve? Do I have to take out the whole thing?

    I did successfully take apart the shower handle and got to the valve area, but then I didn't know what to do.

    Thanks for any advice!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Fuel-powered shower, runs hot then warmish then hot again?

    It's getting worse---At first, my shower would be smoking hot for a awhile, but now, about 60 seconds into my shower it gets colder and colder until it's barely warm on the hottest setting. Then after 3-4 minutes it gets hot again. My downstairs sinks will run hot forever. My other shower upstairs doesn't even reach super hot, just warm.

    My water heater works great, it's just the showers--I am a chilly person and I miss my hot water!

    Oh yes, the shower is the dial kind (not separate faucets), should that be changed?

    Any suggestions would help.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 8 Weeks pregnant after 3 miscarriages, have subchorionic hematoma....?

    Hey everyone, I had a healthy ultrasound at 8 weeks 3 days today. I have had 3 m/c (4 1/2 weeks, 5 1/2 weeks, and about 8 weeks on progesterone).

    I am au naturale for this one without medication. I am nervous because today my baby looked great, strong heart beat, etc., but I have a subchorionic hematoma...

    Any positive info on it, especially with my history.

    I have had NO bleeding. Thanks!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am 12 weeks pregnant, going off Progesterone Suppositories...and I am nervous...?

    Has anyone been on progesterone suppositories the first 12 weeks? My MD just said to go off of them "cold turkey" tonight, but I am nervous.

    I haven't had an ultrasound since 6 weeks, and I don't have one until Monday. I am just so anxious! I have had 2 previous losses, and this is the LONGEST I have been pregnant. Any advice/help would be welcomed!


    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 6 1/2 weeks pregnant-- Red spotting once, brown spotting last week...?

    I am so scared. I had an ultrasound last Thursday, and the size of the yolk sac, etc. was at 6 weeks--BUT the technician wasn't able to find a heartbeat, which she said was normal at this early. We scheduled another ultrasound for Friday. However, last week I had light brown discharge one day.

    Yesterday, right after I told my family I was pregnant, I had about 1-2 tsps of bright red blood. It stopped, and I am having occasional brownish discharge today when I wipe only.

    I have had two miscarriages, and both times I started bleeding and didn't stop. I haven't had red blood in 24 hours, but I am still panicked! Any advice/help/prayers would be appreciated!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Really bloated belly & cramping, on progesterone...?

    I have had two early m/c this year, and we are TTC again. Tomorrow I am going to take a HPT as Friday AF is due.

    I was wondering if EXTREME bloating is a sign of progesterone vs. pregnant. I am taking vaginal suppository progesterone to help in case I am pregnant.

    I eat and my stomach BALLOONS... and I am skinny so it looks ridiculous. I have had cramping today (I'm so afraid it's AF) but who knows, it could be my aching bowels....

    Any advice/tips or consolations for the next 14 hours before I test would be appreciated! Thanks!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Should I stop taking progesterone since I don't have my period yet?

    O.k. I know I have posted before about progesterone suppositories, because I really felt pregnant. My breasts were enlarged and I felt nauseated, though some of you said that those could be the progesterone side effects.

    My period is due today. I took a negative HPT yesterday, but I still don't have my period. I feel kind of crampy, but it's a little different.

    My MD said, "As soon as you get your period, stop the suppositories until after you ovulate again." What if I don't menstruate? Should I risk going off of the progesterone or should I wait longer?

    Any advice will help! I am still secretly hoping, though I don't think it's going to happen this month.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Are enlarged breast a sign of pregnancy or just progesterone use?

    I have asked a similar question the other day, but only a few responded. Has anyone here been on progesterone suppositories to help with implantation (just in case you get pregnant). I have had two m/c and I am about 13 DPO. My period is due on Tuesday and I had a negative pregnancy test on Friday. My breasts are really enlarged right now and I feel pregnant, but I am not sure if it is the horomones... I hate waiting!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever gotten a false negative with First Response prior to missed period?

    I got a negative this morning, and I have the feelings of being pregnant (enlarged breasts, fatigue, etc.) I, however, am also on progesterone because I have had two miscarriages previously. I really want to be pregnant by my period isn't due until 11/7/06. The package for first response says you can test 4 days before missed period... any help would be appreciated!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am taking natural progesterone, how can you tell side effects vs. being pregnant?

    O.k. I have enlarged breasts and I felt nauseated for 2 days straight. I am really hungry as well. I am 12 DPO and I took a First Response pregnancy test--It was negative this AM. I still feel pregnant, and I was wondering if it was the progesterone, or maybe I tested too early. Has anyone else exprienced this? I have exprienced 2 early miscarriages and I am so anxious to get pregnant! Any help would be welcomed! Thank you!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago