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Fear of the Dark
looking for a good extreme long range rifle (budget is about 2.000-3.000$) any hint?
please don´t suggets cal .50 rifles (they are illegal where i live) But all other calibres are legal. my dream rifle would be the steyr lapua magnum but since gun prices are crazy in europe i will not spend 14.000 euros for one rifle :)
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games3 years agoAk 47 (semi auto) or a semi auto shotgun for home defence?
btw if you rule out the AK don´t do it because of overpenetration. (i live alone in a house so overpenetration is definitelly not an issue). So what would you use in my situtation?
20 AnswersHunting3 years agoWhy do people belive in god?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago12/70 or 20/70 shotgun. Which one would you prefer for home defence?
8 AnswersHunting3 years agoEuropean brown bear (400-700) pounds. 12/70 slug or a 7,62 × 54 fmj as last solution?
Don´t get me wrong i don´t wanna kill a bear but we go hiking in bear country... and i want to take a rifle with me for defence.
So whats more effective against a lets say 600 pound bear?
7 AnswersHunting3 years agoWhy do so many american still think that guns keep the government in check?
Well this maybe has been true in times of flintlock rifles but lets be honest against a modern army "your" guns are useless. Don´t believe me then believe that the standart afghan is better armed than most americans (a ak 47 or 72 can be found in every house) but then again Nato did not have much of a problem invading this hell hole without many losses....
9 AnswersPolitics3 years agoThere is nothing like a little trade war?
Sorry but how does a trade war with the EU and china make america great again??? I mean trump is just starting one by putting tariffs on imported steel?
btw. you can´t "win" a trade war with the EU or china. They are both too big. So everybody will lose money in this "war"
7 AnswersPolitics3 years agoWell a main battle tank would definitelly solve my parking problems...?
But to be serious where do we stop? Do people really need 30 shot rifles or cal. 50 rounds? I mean serious there has to be some kind of regulation because if not hey why not build booby traps inside my garden (poor postman)
3 AnswersPolitics3 years agoi don´t give a damn about mass shootings...?
Shouldn´t this be the new slogan of US gun nuts? Because lets be honest for most of this people their guns are far more important than 20 innocent "kids" (of course only as long as nobody they personally know or care is killed). Keep your insane hun politics and innocents will die again and again (ok everybody knows this) but stop beeing hypocrite. admit it that you don´t give a damn about killed people as long as you can be armed to the teeth.
12 AnswersPolitics3 years agoWhy is the US so interessted inot asia? I mean for example north korea no european gives a rats *** about this counntry anyway?
Located on the other side of earth. i mean serious who cares what they might do there? Absolutely not our problem.
1 AnswerFriends3 years agoIs it really racist if you don´t want some people inside your country?
Again why am i racist if i don´t want blacks (in europe they usually come straight from africa) and muslims inside my country? They only make problems so again i´m an racist because i don´t want to have them inside my country?
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups3 years agoWhy is public health care such a big issiue in the US?
I mean serious why not simple adopt one of the eruopean models that actually works?
(its not rocket sience "nor does it work perfect but it works" . Find a idea that fits and then make it this way)
Problem solved.
5 AnswersPolitics3 years agoAustria for the future of europe? (austrias new government just passed a law that every aslyum seeker will be striped of all his money?
and his cell phone the moment he/she crys alylum.
(the money will not be returned even if asylum is not granted) But they will return the phone after they used it to track back people who "forgot" where they came from,
2 AnswersGovernment3 years agoWhy do so many americans think that europeans are not allowed to own guns?
Ok i admit it´s not as easy like in the US. but in generall its not really a problem to legally own all kinds of firearms for citizens without a criminal record.
Ok the UK is the most extreme anti gun, and sweden, swiss... are the most liberal gun countries in europe. But anyway just like the US it differs from state to state. (or in the EU from country to country. BUT there exists not a single country in europe (not even the UK) where guns are banned for civillians.
8 AnswersPolitics3 years agoBuckshot or slug for bear (european brown bear) defence?
So i´m planning to go camping and want to take my shotgun with me because unfortunately some (very few) bears are hiking there too ;)
But now my question what would be more effective to stop a bear (better sooner then later ;)
a 12/76 slug or buckshot?
Thanks for your help.
11 AnswersHunting3 years agocan someone explain to me why a different arrow made it through?
4 AnswersHunting4 years agobear "killing" question?
not planning to kill one ;)
but hiking in "bear country"
(european brown bear) so should i take my
12/70 shotgun (with slugs) or my 7,62 mosin nagant with me for protection?
8 AnswersHunting4 years ago12/70 birdshot vs human (at home defence distance)?
Will it kill? (not aimed at the head)
lets say fired against the chest?
11 AnswersHunting4 years agoWhy do so many americans believe that europeans are not allowed to own guns?
i mean even if so (the UK example comes to mind) They have strict gun laws because the majority thinks thats a good idea. (but they won´t have it if many people would beliveve in guns)
But thats just one country so why do many americans still believe that europeans dont own guns?
4 AnswersPolitics4 years agoWhy do so many americans think that their right to bear small arms keeps the governmet in check?
I mean serious if the governmet would send in the army to get control you are toast. its absolutely immpossibe for civilians to effectively fight against a modern military,
3 AnswersPolitics4 years ago