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Hey, Andrew here. The only thing you could know about me is I'm a musician for life and play with F.O.D. (check back for new songs). I'm the drummer, currently on a DW custom kit.

  • Use of lube on control arm bushings?

    I drive a 2007 Ford Focus SES with the 2.0 DOHC. For the last several months, I've had a serious groaning problem coming from the rear whenever I take a sharp right (esp on a hill), get in or out of the car, or hit any kind of dip or pothole. Handling has also been very rough and unpleasant. I don't have a lot of resources or tools, but I've considered the control arm bushings as the most likely possibility. Seeing that i don't have the money to replace anything ATM, I thought I might just pull the rear wheels and lube the control arms, bearings...IDK what to look for, I just know it's very prominent, even when leaving on either wheel. Is there anything i should avoid if going the lube route, and what would be the best option for it? Wd40 probably won't suffice...

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Are thicker cables more effective for subwoofers?

    The wire that connects the woofer and amp in my trunk is a bit it true a thicker gauge wire (16 or below) is more efficient in power delivery and improves sound quality?

    2 AnswersCar Audio7 years ago
  • Need help on a Lit. Project! 10 points to best answer!?

    I have a project due tomorrow in my World Lit class and we're supposed to dress as/act like any given archetypal character and communicate a moral/myth/dilema question. I chose "Where did stars originate" as my myth. I'm a drummer, very outgoing, talkative, and contemplative. What should I write my story about? Any suggestions are more than welcome!!

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • In DESPERATE need of a book about the Pacific Northwest?

    I've got a report due Monday and don't even have a book. the report is a 10 slide powerpoint presentation.

    I could easily pull of a project, once I establish groundwork and general info, and a book of course.

    It has to be a min of 200 pages, I'd appreciate if no more. It needs to just cover general information about the PNW's issues, envorionment, history, ect. If you already read it and could provide info from it, I'd be beyond thankful.

    We need to cite the book, so I can't just use a site. I possibly could illustrate the points with information from a website once I list the main points of the book.

    I'm pretty ignorant of it which I know is sad, especially since I live here. But I'm extremely desperate. We have plenty of revision time on Monday. I just wanna get it finished though.

    Can be Fiction/non-fiction. Needs lots of comprehension, characters listed, significant events, how it relates to themes of history, and plenty of detail.

    I know its a lot, and i'm not expecting 100% accurate answers. but I'm extremely desperate.

    If you could just reccomend a book that is readable online, I'd be extremely appreciateive.

    If you say "should of done your homework earlier", your post will be deleted. doesn't help to tell me now.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • in DESPERATE need of a book about the Pacific Northwest?

    I've got a report due Monday and don't even have a book. the report is a 10 slide powerpoint presentation.

    I could easily pull of a project, once I establish groundwork and general info, and a book of course.

    It has to be a min of 200 pages, I'd appreciate if no more. It needs to just cover general information about the PNW's issues, envorionment, history, ect. If you already read it and could provide info from it, I'd be beyond thankful.

    We need to cite the book, so I can't just use a site. I possibly could illustrate the points with information from a website once I list the main points of the book.

    I'm pretty ignorant of it which I know is sad, especially since I live here. But I'm extremely desperate. We have plenty of revision time on Monday. I just wanna get it finished though.

    Can be Fiction/non-fiction. Needs lots of comprehension, characters listed, significant events, how it relates to themes of history, and plenty of detail.

    I know its a lot, and i'm not expecting 100% accurate answers. but I'm extremely desperate.

    If you could just reccomend a book that is readable online, I'd be extremely appreciateive.

    If you say "should of done your homework earlier", your post will be deleted. doesn't help to tell me now.

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Creation vs. it even worth it?

    I go to a small private school that believes in and enforces christianity to the point where it's just ridiculous. I myself find myself doubting it strongly and have a pretty solidly based opinion on it.

    It's true both theories defy basic biology, doesn't take an expert to figure that out. But think about it. How can evolution be so unlogical because it deals with evolving from animal to animal when creation teaches about some magical all-mighty god who sits up on a cloud and controls the whole universe? Creationists typically argue "because he's god, not human". I've never seen any evidence to that and no one ever will. All the miracles in the bible could of been written by some guy 200+ years ago and coincidentally have come true by accurate predictions. If it was that true, we'd still see similar situations to walking on water, stopping a storm, ect. It's not like they just fade away over a long period of time because he doesn't feel like performing them anymore. It's true evolution has thousands of flaws...why shouldn't it? The very fact creationists refer every piece of evidence they find to God, who they don't even know exsists, is ridiculous enough as it is.

    Every creationist agrees that God has somehow always been here (irrelevant to any form of science), yet trash evolutionists, who, through scientific measurement have discovered many possiblities of evolution.

    If you want, you can spend half a day shoving creationistic evidence down my throat. Still won't change my opinion because the theory of christianity has enough flaws as it is.

    EVERY creationist i've ever argued with has stated the common, overused excuse of the human eye. How if only one part didn't function correctly, none of it would at all, and how apart from that there is a duplicate of it. Very impressive, but does that explain why millions of babies are born with mutations, severed body parts, cancer, and life threatening illnesses and diseases? Doesnt sound like a loving god to me. Typical creationist argues back "God is just using the child as a way to outreach to those who are in need of him". Haha. give me a break. If he was so damn powerful he'd find a new way to reach out to non-believers without putting innocent children through agony and misery! that's pathetic. No child deserves that, especially new borns who grow up in wheelchairs, retarded, in comas and unable to communicate, while criminals who cruely kill hundreds of innocent people only die of old age, and can still go to "heaven" if they became a "believer" before they died.

    Is christianity the reason why the civil war, world wars, holocaust and war in iraq happened? what about 9/11? The bible says these kind of events will signal he's coming back. Really? So innocent people suffer and die, the world goes downhill dramatically and natural disasters occur all over the world before he comes back? sounds like a myth someone didn't even think through before writing.

    If you share the same interests as me, kudos.

    If you don't, good luck trying to convince me otherwise.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hair straightening?

    As odd as it is for males to be concerned at all about their hair...

    I'm really in a bit of desperation.

    My hair is naturally thick and curls in the back and sides when it becomes long. Especially when outdoors in hot weather, it becomes very thick, dry, and out of shape. It drives me the f**k insane.

    I'm interested in thinning in out and allowing it to hang loosely without requiring half a galloon of gel.

    I know the proplem isn't length because I see manyyy people whose hair is twice my length and could be seen as perfectly straight (half of which are chicks, but hey, what's there's in mine).

    I'd like to have a similar hairstyle to Tomo from 30 seconds to mars.

    I like it long in the back and all-over thin cut.

    Any specific gels or moisturisers that would straighten and allow it to hang loosely without build-up and thickening would help immensely.

    -also...I'm not wild about flat ironing. I'm too worried about damage and I'm not very skilled with it.


    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Question on Mixers? (Audio Device)?

    I'm fairly confused on the setup of an Audio Mixer.

    I'm not extremely experienced with the equipment...

    I've been drumming for 4 years and have decided to start micing my drums and running them through a mixer.

    Now, I noticed the mixer I'm planning to purchase is built with 4 jacks (guitar, bass, drums, 2nd guitar)..ect. Do I directly plug the instrument into the mixer and run that through an amplifier? Or is there a more specific way to run the equipment?

    I in addition had another question.

    I'm going to use Audacity for recording uses. Am I able to use the mixer to convert the live version to a recorded format?

    Please help... I'm very inexperienced with audio equipment.

    Also, what is all the equipment that is necessary to purchase for my following gig?

    I've never miced my drums on set and my guitarists would just use their own amplifiers.

    I just decided to take it up a notch.


    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Break-up Dilema?

    How many of you guys have been through a break up before. Toinght was my night - and I don't know if i'll ever recover. In two years when we're 18 she was planning on living up here. But she told me that things "aren't going to work between us". I've payed dozens of dollars for phone bills and gifts to her and she wont even wait another couple years. It is the most awkard thing feeling in the world, because our relationship was all we mostly ever talked about. Please, if you can help me find a way.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone hate America?

    Just because we're 200 * more powerful that you all and can afford community college doesn't mean you have to vanut your hatred of us! I mean the whole entire middle east is the dumbest piece of $hit that came into this world since the Satan himself. Muslims are pointless losers that are opposing the richest and most powerful country in the universe. So they can just go save up for some Maxoderm and hope it works on their kind because they better impress that curling iron they're seducing tonight. Seriously... we haven't done anything towards them...why can't they just shut the hell up? Only if we could nuke those damn contries anyway...

    12 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How many yards can you throw a football?

    Please state your age as well. And no lies... The uncle Rico jokes are fine but none of this "75 yards" ****... I mean this isn't Dateline!

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Naked pictures?

    Someone who messaged me online wanted to see nude pics of me. I didn't feel right, as if she might not send any back like she promised. Now, you're probably all thinking I'm stupid for even asking this question but has this ever happened to you before and how did you resolve it? Should I use a certain site where it cannot be forwarded without a password? Or what? Thanks.

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do girls ever notice erections?

    I am not a pervert but I am wondering about something.

    Well often I wear these stretchy pants and at the wrong time, an erection comes. It's difficult to cover up, and the other day I was at a pool party and some pointed and looked.

    For some reason, unlike a lot of guys, I am not nervous/scared about girls seeing. In fact I feel quite the opposite. But I don't want to go as far as acting like I'm flaunting it. (which would be perverted).

    Well girls be excited if they see it? Girls have you ever felt this way? Or do they normally not see?


    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Paintball/Airsoft gun question?

    Hi - I am searching for an airsoft gun that's BB's "splat" into its target instead of bouncing off. We own a lawn and if they bounce back into the lawn someone may get hit by the balls in the ground. Do only paintballs have "splatting" BB's or is there a certain type of airsoft gun that has non rebounding bb's?

    PS: I am searching for a gun under $50 and most paintball guns are well over $100 so this is why I'm searching for airsoft guns....

    4 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation1 decade ago
  • My friend's little sister needs a summary for "Mandie and the Silent Catacombs?"?

    If you've read/had a friend explain this book to you would you be able to type a full summary of it? Please thoroughly explain the details. Note every possible item you can. Thank you.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Package tracking?

    I ordered an item off of the following website:

    I am trying to track it on UPS but it states it is invalid...

    I have tried FedEx and USPS as well but have not found any results.

    Would you either be able to provide me with a list of postal services or advice on how to know what service is providing the item?


    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How to stop love calls!?

    It's a long story, so if you aren't ready to read then press 'back'.

    Okay of my friends from one of my classes asked for my MySpace password. I figured I could trust her. Now, I'm getting calls from someone in a class who I feel extremely uncomfortable with. She called me about half an hour ago and said the words "I love (the annoying person" were on my MySpace. I checked, and it was not there.

    Now our phone is constantly ringing (there it goes now) and giving me love notes about dating. I HATE it! It's so annoying! How can I stop it from happeni (There it goes again)! I don't want her to know my number! But she'll call until the day I die! Please, give me any help you can. Please. It's wakin up the dogs and I'm embarrassed for ANYONE to know. She's also asking questions I rather don't feel like answering.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is the average penis length for young teens?

    I'm early 14. Mine is 5.4 erect (Flaccid it can range from 4 - 4.5.) Does it sound like a good length for my age? A few people have been asking me too - one girl thought it was very large for my age. I have seen q's on general length but not many on specific age? I know it's not really important but out of curiousity I'm wondering.

    15 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Girls - What do you want in a guy?

    What kind of body, personality, ect. do you desire in a guy? In a girl I like the personality, laugh, and lifestyle.

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need help with unexpected semen? (only real answers please)!?

    First of all - please don't say anything like "that's gross"...which you may think of this subject.

    I'm only in mid-teens, and have recently had a clear sticky liquid (probably semen) drip/shoot out and it's happened about 3 or 4 times within the last few days. I haven't EVER been involved in sexual intercourse. IT happened this morning as a matter of fact when I got out of the shower (NOT thinking of sexual thoughts and not erect either). I'm a little concerned if it's normal or not. Anyone can answer. Thanks - and it's only happened recently so I haven't really told anyone.

    5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago