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zeeke a
Do flowers really ease tension in a relationship after an argument between a man and woman, do women really see it as a sign of being sorry?
It really doesn't make sense to me it would not work on me from a man's prospective
3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoIs it true that if your not a usa citizen you have to be buried in your country of orgin?
My father recently passed and he was citizen and was buried without issue. But sometime during recent conversation someone stated they had to recently transport their father back to his original country...can someone refer me to a website or something...I live in phoenix, arizona...I that helps
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoHow can i find out if i can legaly have a gum ?
i live in az have had some troublr with the law nothing serious i was never once convicted of anything i have nothing pending of waiting to be filed and i recently went to but a gun and was placed on delay i have a feeling i wont be called back happened a couple days ago is there any absolute was to check if i can even posses a gun???
5 AnswersMilitary1 decade agowhich laser system would you recommend for a glock 26...Internal Laser Sight by lasermax...or laserlyte sight?
i really like the both systems but in wondering if the holster i use most often would better support the lasermax or the laserlyte i have a galcoTR286. i heard in the internal the switch will turn on and off when holsterd, and im concerned if the laserlyte will holster correctly with out interference...looking at it im sure it will...thx in advance for your comments and suggestions!!!
1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation1 decade agowho is number 1 in MLB right now?
10 AnswersBaseball1 decade agopeoples opinion on using online trading sites to buy and sell stock?
e trade sharebuilders scottrrade just any in general
3 AnswersInvesting1 decade agohas anyone heard of or seen a huge white bird the size of a small plane in Arizona?
i work in the west phoenix area and im typically outside and a few times i have seen a very large white bird with what seems to be a long narrow tail. i estimate the wingspan at 40-50 feet. the 3 times i seen it, it has been flying south. i also have showed co workers, so im not the only one who has seen it
9 AnswersZoology1 decade agodoes anyone know where to get blank firing guns?
i need a website...i want a site that sells fully auto rifles like ak and ar 15 i know where to get hand guns....
2 AnswersHunting1 decade agowhat is the best ammo to use for a gsg 5pk pistol... .22 cal. brand and grain?
i used regular Winchester subsonic 40 grain and they kept jamming my gun...anyone with professional ( or semi professional ) input would be appreciated...thx
3 AnswersHunting1 decade agowhat do authorities mean when they charge someone with a gun crime and include that it was unregistered?
i bought a hand gun and it was a legal transaction...verification was checked that i can own a gun, but what else do i need to do...i am weary to carry it because i don't want to get pulled over and be charged with anything...
5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agowhat is most likely to happen if your blood thins out very much?
4 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agohow do you open a brokerage account?
11 AnswersInvesting1 decade agohow much for real estate license cost AZ
1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade agodoes anyone know what is and if its a good medical choice?
i need affordable health insurence thx
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade agowhy did the CIA see bin laden in 1998 when he was on dialysis. also i heard he died...?
just google it
5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agohow do i join the CIA black ops and do their dirty work and make million$?
9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago