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  • I am faiting and have menstral bleeding?

    I'm fainting and have menstral bleeding when I'm not supposed to have my period. I also have abdominal pain. What could it be?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Pro's and Con's of pelleted horse feed.?

    I am really wondering if it worth the extra money to buy pelleted feed for my yearling and would like to hear your personal opinions. I feed all my horses oats and soybean meal with alfalfa and grass hay and provide them with a salt block and mineral block. I have a yearling who gets similar feed but I also feed him a colt grow supplement and Nutrena SafeChoice horse feed. When reading the label I realized one of the main ingredient is roughage byproducts and I am also wondering if anyone knows exactly what Nutrena means by this, it could be anything from alfalfa to cornstalks. Is it really helpful for me to be spending the extra money or is it probably a waste.

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Help with my paper!!!!!!!...yes it does have to do with horses?

    I am writing a speech that is supposed to be about what makes me interesting for my college public speaking class. I train horses and barrel race so I thought I would talk about that. Have any tips or a good attention getter.

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • College Algebra help?

    third square of 25 times third square of 10

    please explain how to write in simplified radical form

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Need help in math. College Algebra?


    a squared b squared+ c squared is it prime?

    4x squared+9

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Shifting pattern 3020?

    Anyone know the shifting pattern for a john deere 3020 my sticker fell off and i forgot it.

    1 AnswerAgriculture10 years ago
  • How to stop on the lunge line without coming in.?

    How do i get my horse to stop on the end of the lunge line without turning in. If i go at him he will comtinue moving but otherwise after i cue him to stop he will stop and then walk at me.

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • How do you become a top contributor?

    I used to be a top contributor in agriculture, if im not anymore is it because they revoked it?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Some explanations about country music?

    I listen to country music avidly but i just have a few questions

    What is the difference between a country mile and a mile, they seem pretty dang similar?

    Why do guys never drive down their girl's driveways, the girl always meets them?

    Why chevys, do people not realise chevy had been bought out by GMC, Fords and Rams are nice trucks?

    Why do so many of them claim to be hard working farmers, we all realize they're singers not farmers by now?

    I like Hank Jr.'s music but what does he know about hard work, getting by, and being country? He was raised by rich parents.

    3 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Does this statement make sense?

    Depression is a symptom of suicide. I really dont think it does do you? If you agree with me how do I argue that the statement is wrong?

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How do u figure out this math?

    If p(x)=3x(squared)-2x+5.


    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • will you help me with my algerbra?


    i need to complete the square

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How can i get my ranger out of 4wd?

    My ford ranger truck got stuck im 4wd low when i was pulling someone out of the ditch but normally i can get it out after driving around a bit but it is still in after about 30miles, its a 2000 does anyone have any tips, on other trucks ive had the hubs needed to be adjusted but mine should adjust with the knob in the cab

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What are some farming related careers that are reliable in minnesota and need a four year degree?

    Im currently at MSU in mankato but i want to either go to ISU Ames or OSU Oklahoma City. Does anyone have any jobs they are involved in or know about?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What are some agricutlure career options?

    Im currently going to school at Minnesota state uviversity and working on a beef farm. Im ow interested in making agriculture into a career, does anyone know and colleges, majors, or jobs i should look into.

    1 AnswerAgriculture1 decade ago
  • Do you have ideas for an ending?

    My crappy rough draft...have an idea for the rest of the story?

    The streets a downtown Miami were not favorable to the casual walker, the hype about this city? Michigan born Gabriel couldn’t tell. He didn’t believe skill should be needed to simpily cross a street, in his small generic suburb hometown no skill was needed, and there was no danger to his life walking home from work daily either, but he guessed that was exactly why he was needed in the city. He was needed to deal with crime, he wasn’t a cop, he didn’t even directly stop crime, he was a crime data analyzer for the city of Miami. He anaysed crime, he found safe spots, dangerouse spots, his information was even used for drug busts and finding gang members and alike. He was proud of his work but the fact that he was walking through the third most dangerouse spot in the city to reach his favorite chineese resteraunt was not reassuring to this tall unathletic 30 year old. He let out a sign of releave as he ducked his head into the cozy, dark envornment that was his second home. The asian greeter looked up at him from over her old fashioned glasses and smiled, he smiled back and went to sit at his normal seat were they would bring him the dish he ordered everyday. He liked this place, even though it was in a rather unsafe part of town and seemed to be made for those of a smaller size. Gabriel pulled out one of his reports he had still to do and got to work with his stub of a pencil. He didn't notice anything but the patterns and patterns on papers that he slowly formed into a map, a map that happened to analize cocaine smuggling. He got his dish of beef and broccli from a friendly girl who looked like she couldn't have been out of the sixth grade. He ate as he worked, and worked, and worked. It soon became dark and he hoped this map would be very helpful to the DEA he really didn't like walking through what he thought should be the ghetto in the dark. When he fully realised the dark he put his work into his briefcaes quickly, spun the lock and quickly piled bills on the table to give an exact 15%tip. As he was about to leave the small girl grabbed his arm and handed him a fortune cookie with a smile like she new a joke that no one else did, normally Gabriel didn't like fortune cookies but to the adolescents insistence he cracked it open and read it

    "You are in danger, leave the city immediatly" it read in a small black script. He began to chuckle, this was the girls joke wasn't it? but he couldn't answer because she had spun around and ran off. With a shrug of his shoulders he bowed through the door and scuttles hurridly through the dark streets, avoiding eye contact with the rough people that scattered the humid streets. It was only a walk home of about three blocks but by the time he had enterd his apartment and climbed the steps he was wet. He had had enought time on his walk to contemplate the letter and as much as he tried to dub it a schoolgirl's joke it seemed wrong, something was wrong. He told himself he was fine but his mind had been racing the entire way home and as he reached the empty floor of his apartment and stuck the keys in the keyhole his heart was going just as fast, and then he heard a noise. It was only a small noise that the less cautiouse would have asumed a cat or even the wind. Gabriel wasn't one for talking risks, this fortune cookie really had him in a state, so instead of walking into the room he simply swung the door in and stepped away.

    "BAM" he stood like a deer in the headlight, that had to be a gun he thought to himself and didn't realise till seconds later, that bullet was mean for him...

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What are some agriculture related jobs specificly related to livestock?

    Next year i plan on going to college but i dont know what for. I want to go for agriculture but before i start i want to have a basis on what specific jobs i want. I work on a crop farm but i dont want the inconsistency of being a farmer soley because of the inconsistent pay. I also raise horses and cattle my dream job would be realating to the world of horses but i have to be realistic and know that foremost i need a job with decent pay. If any of you have jobs or specificly good colleges in the upper midwest that you have attended for agriculture please tell me.

    1 AnswerAgriculture1 decade ago
  • Anyone in the ARBA who has pointers?

    In a few days im going to my first arba rabbit show, does anyone have any advise or pointers, i dont even know what im doing ive only shown 4h.

    I show red new zealands

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What do u suggest to help me write this letter?

    Next week my boyfriend is going on a church retreat and his uncle emailed me that he is putting together a book of letters from people close to him with positive stuff. He wants me to write a letter? i was at first suprised because i have never meet my boyfriends uncle but i realised they were really closed so had probably talked about me. I have been with me boyfriends for 6months and im 16 years old. Do you haveany advise as to how i could start this letter r any advise on writing it?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago