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agnostic atheist. identifies with libertarians more than liberals and have some liberal and conservative values. just here to kill time when bored. Also, I HATE report monkeys. If a question actually offends me, I'd rather keep it up and answer. Censoring it shows insecurity. Makes you look like a pussy. This goes out to ALL report monkeys. Christian, atheist, black, white, etc

  • Facebook related....Would you say I've been hacked?

    I deactivated my facebook account and about 4-5 days later, it pops BACK up WITHOUT my logging in or reactivating it.

    I changed the password to something more difficult, RE-deactivated the account, and a week later, it's back up again.

    What are the other explanations for this?

    2 AnswersFacebook5 years ago
  • Carb counting question. Diabetic?

    I'm type 2 diabetic and usually try to keep track of what I eat. One thing confuses me on some products. Such as bags of chips. (Which I know I don't need to be eating but that's besides my main point). Why are there two numbers for carbs (and other info) separated by a comma on the label?

    4 AnswersDiabetes5 years ago
  • Economic Book Recommendations?

    What are your suggestions on some fair and balanced books on economics, and especially as relates to the US, currently and our economy? And by fair and balanced, I mean takes a moderate or middle of the road approach, giving facts without being TOO passionately biased towards "fiscally conservative" or "fiscally liberal" camps.

    4 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Guns, voting, and rebellion.?

    One of the arguments I hear from some of the gun crowd is that the citizenry should be armed, should they ever have to stand up to their own government. Then, the common rebuttal is that we would not stand a chance, opposing them, now, anyway and that anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish. However, many of the same people making this rebuttal probably have at least some faith in the system. Hypothetically speaking, if you didn't think change was as simple as checking a D or R on election day, and that a coup was the only real way things would ever change, might your opinions change somewhat? As in maybe empathizing more with people who forseen the potential need of a coup one day more than people who shamed you for not doing your "civic duty" in voting? I know I'll get blasted for this. Just a hypothetical question.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Question for the gun control crowd.?

    One of the arguments I hear from some of the gun crowd is that the citizenry should be armed, should they ever have to stand up to their own government. Then, the common rebuttal is that we would not stand a chance, opposing them, now, anyway and that anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish. However, many of the same people making this rebuttal probably have at least some faith in the system. Hypothetically speaking, if you didn't think change was as simple as checking a D or R on election day, and that a coup was the only real way things would ever change, might your opinions change somewhat? As in maybe empathizing more with people who forseen the potential need of a coup one day more than people who shamed you for not doing your "civic duty" in voting? I know I'll get blasted for this. Just a hypothetical question.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • What is the best FREE anti-malware program out right now?

    I don't mean free trial or any of that garbage. I meant free period.

    5 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Anybody know of a site that is more like the old yahoo answers?

    This "new" layout, I never thought would last as long as it has, and frankly f***ing sucks donkey d**k.

    However, I used to frequent this site more often, and now want an alternative. Any other suggestions?

    5 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Question about Hitchens "God is not Great".?

    Anyone who has read this book and are fans, does anyone know of a brief summarized list of all the evils and actions from followers of "faith" which he pointed out in this book?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Thin diabetics, what are some foods you can eat in abundance?

    For those of us who have the opposite problem from the typical larger diabetics, and could stand to GAIN weight, and want to be able to eat more without raising our sugar levels too high, what are some foods you can eat in more abundance?

    in other words, NOT things we have to eat in small amounts like fruit, bread, pasta, etc.

    5 AnswersDiabetes8 years ago
  • WCW 90s question...............................?

    Who was the main booker, if there was one, behind feuds like DDP-Raven, and Jericho-Malenko in WCW.

    Also, who was the best booker/writer WCW ever had, in your opinion?

    4 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • Replica of ORIGINAL ECW World Heavyweight Title?

    Anyone know the best or cheapest place I can find this, as a fan? Adult sized,same scale as the real thing.

    Most places online only offer the newer "WWECW" belt, which I would not pay 10 cents for.

    1 AnswerWrestling8 years ago
  • WWE vs WCW vs ECW: "Invasion"?

    I know WWE did an "Invasion" PPV and storyline a long while ago, but it was crap.

    If done right, which matches would you have included?

    I would have at least 2 triangle matches. Steve Austin vs Taz vs Goldberg

    and Eliminators vs New Age Outlaws vs Outsiders.

    Sting vs Undertaker.

    Raven vs Brian Pillman.

    Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

    Harlem Heat vs Gangstas

    Dallas Page vs The Rock (Battle of the "People's Champs")

    Bret Hart vs Chris Jericho (WCW)

    Which would you have liked to have seen?

    4 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • Anyone know of a site like youtube that has better privacy and sharing options?

    Facebook takes a ridiculously long time to load, but I don't wanna upload it to youtube publicly, because I ONLY want to share it with some friends on facebook, not the planet. I know they have a private option, but it only allows a number of youtubers to view it. You can't really share it on FB.

    I want a site where I can upload, but I have the option of removing it from random searches.Any help?

    (btw, I asked here because I see a ton of questions with no answers in the "proper" section for this. At least here, it's more populated with users.)

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Anyone know of a good reference book on world religions that?

    includes some of the "newer" religions, such as Scientology, Wicca, and LaVeyan Satanism, as well as brief overviews of some of the old defunct ones like Greek Hellenistic polytheism and Native American Myths?

    Any suggestions?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Anyone know of a good reference book on world religions that?

    includes some of the "newer" religions, such as Scientology, Wicca, and LaVeyan Satanism, as well as brief overviews of some of the old defunct ones like Greek Hellenistic polytheism and Native American Myths?

    Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Question for LaVeyan "Satanists"?

    I am not a LaVeyan, nor will I be, but am merely curious about different worldviews. I agree with many things Anton says from a strictly philosophical point, and like him, am atheist in regards to any gods or devils, (though I think some of his views are a tad too extreme for my own tastes).

    One thing I do not understand, and currently find just as illogical as any other religion is the parts about "magic" I have read in "The Satanic Bible". Even without belief in a "god" or "devil" or whatever, I find this silly. I'm JUST starting on the book "Satanic Witch", and wanted to ask for, I get the feeling that by "magic", they do not mean what you think of when you say that word, but more of manipulation and seduction. etc etc etc. How much of this is based in logic and/or science and how much is, for lack of a better term, hogwash?

    I'm still in the process of researching and reading up on some of this, so rather than flaming me, explain.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Any non-religious quotes about political correctness?

    OK, first off, I'm agnostic atheist (but fully atheist about the Judeo-Christian deity). Not sure I'd commit to any political label, but the closest would be moderate, varying depending on the issue, with some social libertarian leanings.

    Most of the quotes I find about political correctness come from theocrat God and country types, and I do not find credible.

    To me, political correctness is why

    *racism is bad.....unless it's about white people.

    *sexism is atrocious.....unless it's against men.

    *war and corporate welfare are horrible.....unless a Democrat is behind it.

    *we should fight gun violence with overly strict gun control.....while releasing violent criminals constantly.

    *free speech is highly valued.....unless you disagree with popular 'progressive' opinion.

    *many use false slogans such as "they do jobs we will not", ignoring that many of us WOULD do those jobs, but just not for peanuts.

    *if you disagree with forced government charity, you are heartless and do not care about the poor.

    BUT, 'political correctness' has not a THING to do with not believing the Bible. "Religion" is simply politically correct speak for cult.

    Any good secular quotes on this topic? Any libertarian minded atheists here have any good quotes?

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Torrent programs for Windows 8?

    I tried downloading bittorent, utorrent, and vuze, but whenever i click the .exe file to begin installation, nothing happens. nothing at all.

    I googled and apparently, I'm getting the notion that Windows 8 doesn't support bittorent programs. Am I correct?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • What would be a good heater.?

    We have a detached garage out behind the house which we converted to a rec room. we have an air conditioner for the summer months, but we've been struggling with heaters for this winter.

    the first electric one didn't do the job, so we bought a bigger electric heater one of the guys recommended to us. after about 45 minutes, we could barely feel the difference unless we stood right beside it. So, we turned that one in, also.

    try number 3. we got a kerosene heater. it works well, BUT it is so LOUD that one cannot enjoy music, TV, or anything else out there. And when we turn it off, the heat doesn't last.

    I only asked in this section because I didn't see a legitimate category for this question from my given options and I thought I met get more replies here.

    Anyone have any other suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • Question About Plato's Republic?

    The idea of "absolute beauty" expressed seems to be vague metaphysical theistic mumbo jumbo to me.

    Am I missing something, or am I generally correct in thinking that this concept is based upon nothing tangible? I can be slow to catch on to some of this.

    I figured I might get more results asking this here than in philosophy.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago