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Favorite Answers22%

Martial arts experience: tae kwon do-4 years tang soo do-14 years and counting aikido-2 years and counting iaido-couple months and counting

  • help with a math problem?

    I tried solving this one on my own and failed miserably. could someone please show me how to solve this step by step?

    A certain rectangular box has a volume of 144 cubic inches, a surface area of 192 square inches, and a height one inch greater than its width. What is the distance from one corner of the box to the diagonally opposite corner?

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • kuk sool won style, techniques, and philosophy?

    I have a few questions about kuk sool won.

    1) what is the effectiveness of this style, their locks, typical training, and weapons

    2) how similar are the locks to hapkido, aikido, and jujutsu

    3) could it be considered both a street and a traditional system

    4) what is their sword work like. how does it compare to iaido or kenjutsu in training technique or effectiveness

    5) what are the main principles and do they share any strategies with wing chun?

    I realize that much depends on the studio and instructor but just looking for people's overall view.

    and lastly would this style be preferred over japanese jujutsu? the jjj studio seems pretty traditional. my background, I did tkd x 4yrs, tsd x 15 yrs, Aikido x 2 yrs, and some iaido and wing chun.

    2 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • accessing windows files while on linux?

    my computer has both windows and linux running side by side, but my windows (vista 64bit) is having start up issues. i know that it's software related because the linux works fine, but i'm wondering how i can access my windows files while in linux. there are a bunch of files that i would like to transfer over to my other computer that's working and i can't do that if i can't see or access them. once i get the files i'm going to wipe everything and install windows 7.

    4 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • knife defense scenario?

    so your in close quarters with your opponent, and for whatever reason you can't retreat and your opponent has the intent to kill you. you can't retreat due to military, or your wife/daughter/son/girlfriend/sister is behind you and at risk also. so you can't flee. you were on a date or whatever excuse you would like for not having a weapon.

    so the attack is like a boxing hook but with a knife coming out the thumb end of your hand. arm is extended a bit farther then a boxing hook but that's the motion. the target is somewhere on the back above the hip to just above the floating ribs or even high ribs. what is your defense or strategy against this attack.

    i'm thinking of rotating into it and blocking and with my other hand striking the neck or temple and following through to lower the head into a katagatame or a kimura (figure 4 lock). i'm also thinking about uchi (entering under the arm and letting the swing continue) but at a certain hight that is no longer available. and i'm also thinking a kick to gain distance then letting the strike continue then enter and do a standing armbar style movement with my body (rokyo).

    the question is what would you do in that situation and what style do you train in.

    3 AnswersMartial Arts10 years ago
  • protein in diet associated with exercise and protein shakes?

    i drink a morning protein shake when i work out consisting of around 80g of protein. is this dangerous. i was reading about how too much protein can be damaging to the kidney's because they can't secrete enough. so if i were to continue should i increase my water intake, does this help build muscle or muscle recovery, what are the benefits and risks. i take protein in from other sources as well. eggs, red meat, white meat, fish, and nuts. thanks. please also list references for instance if your in the medical field.

    21 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • connecting the body exercises?

    what are some of the exercises, routines that you do to connect your body. by this i mean moving from the center, hand and foot move together, and all of your movements are moving together for optimum power, balance, and control.

    (my purpose for asking is to find any new exercises to help with my aikido.)

    exercises so far:

    suburi-to (similar to or same as tanren bo) (not just for strengthening)


    knee walking

    general practice (moving hands and feet together, things like that)

    4 AnswersMartial Arts10 years ago
  • (opinion) what is the difference between basic and advanced practitioners?

    just an opinion question, I want to see what you guys think.

    1) what is the difference between an advanced practitioner and a basic practitioner.

    2) do you believe that there are advanced concepts to fighting or there is just fighting.

    3) what does black belt mean to you. not as a specific rank to any particular martial art or fighting system. but as a level of skill. how would you decide if someone was a black belt regardless of style. (as if there was only white belt and black belt universally)

    4) last question so I can know your background and experience. (years trained, major style and if you would like minor styles as well.)

    My opinion answers to the questions:

    1) for me how well somebody kicks/punches and moves their cardio is all about athleticism and so is something that people can aquire through jogging, stretching, or just being talented. so that isn't enough for me, I think of their ability to perform on a basic level. I think that its not about the techniques that you use but the concepts behind the techniques. the ability to set up, to predict, to exploit each of their movements, to make them move where you want, to redirect focus, and the ability to make the technique work when you want it to regardless of the opponents positioning.

    2) I think that anybody can fight on a basic level, the game of tag for instance, without much experience. I also believe that there are advanced strategies and concepts that can be placed to how, when, where, you move or strike. the ability to take an idea and apply it to other areas.

    3) black belt to me is when you know the basics, they've become more of a natural reaction then a concious decision, have an idea of other styles, can apply them, defend yourself, a deeper understanding about how and why your style works, and is really working towards more advanced concepts. martial arts is less of hobby and becomes who you are. its also a mindset.

    tang soo do and aikido. training 17 years.

    9 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • dog has been having diarrhea for past few days?

    my dog swallowed a bone 4 days ago. that night she began having diarrhea. the next day she threw up her food. she was then acting lethargic for the rest of the day. she was also acting like she had to poop but wasn't able to. she would strain then walk and strin again. she did this all day. we started her on the rice diet the next day. we also noticed the next day that our other dog was having diarrhea. my dog that ate the bone was also having the pooping issue yesterday and a little bit today. I read online that if the bone was blocking her from pooping then she would be throwing up and acting lethargic. but after that first day of really being sick they were both acting fine but still having diarrhea. my dog that ate the bone was just bleeding after either trying to or having diarrhea.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • is there an alternative to adobe shockwave player?

    my computer runs at 100% cpu usage after a little while of use. I shut off a program that appeared to be taking up most of my cpu. after going to my internet it said that shockwave player has been shut down and wouldn't play any movies. i'm assuming then that shockwave player is my problem. so is there an alternative I can use to that or am I just stuck. I mainly use google chrome internet, I have windows 7.

    side question, is there any way that I can check if my processor is working properly or full health.


    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • martial arts training opinions?

    1) do you spar like you would fight in a real life situation? (how you move, techniques used, etc. (obviously not referring to full contact and eye gouges))

    2) does practicing forms (kata, hyungs, etc.) help with your sparring skill directly, indirectly, or not at all

    3) explain number 2

    4) what is the purpose of sparring (is it directly equal to fighting or is it more for sport then anything else (in your style, i'm not looking for a depends on how you spar))

    5) how important is technique in sparring/fighting, is it the better technique the better fighter?

    6) if you practice kata everyday for years and years would you be better at fighting? would it improve slightly, drastically, or not at all

    7) what makes a good fighter, and can anyone become a great fghter

    8) what is the difference between sparring and fighting

    9) why do you train

    10) how often do you train

    11) how long have you trained

    12) what style do you train

    please answer with the numbers so I know which question you are answering

    6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • MMA 1000 years ago (opinion)?

    If we took the modern MMA (BJJ/muay thai combo) and put it in asia 1000 years ago would it do as well as it does now? what about krav maga? what about any other military or modern fighting system. how do you think the style would adapt if it was placed in that time period? and if you went back 1000 years with no guns, what style would you want to learn and why?

    10 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • weight loss plateau help?

    my wife has been dieting for a few months now and recently she has reached a plateau. the has been on the south beach diet phase 2, hasn't had any sugar and hasn't broken her diet at all. she exercises daily, and drinks 8 glasses of water a day. she calorie counts and is usually between 1,100 and 1,400 calories per day. she just checked her inches and hasn't lost any in a month. she is 5'5'' and 140 pounds. should she be having more to eat, less to eat. different foods, longer workout routines. please help she is getting really stressed out.

    28 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • what is your favorite style (opinion)?

    i'm just kind of curious on what people's opinions are. i'm not looking for the best style, I just want to know which is your favorite and why.

    1) what is your favorite style (if you could do any which would it be)

    2) what style do you study

    3) if different styles why aren't you studying your favorite

    4) what makes the style your favorite

    5) which do you train street, sport, tradition

    6) why train that way

    7) have you ever had to use your style

    8) if you did have to use it, would you use your style or a simplified and direct version

    9) are there any styles that you just don't like and why

    10) do you believe history of a style is important

    11) how long have you been training

    my answers:

    1) currently my favorite is Aikido and kajukenbo

    2) studying aikido

    3) no kajukenbo schools near me

    4) the potential effectiveness of learning to actually use these techniques in a fight. and the samurai history

    5) I train both street and tradition

    6) because I enjoy the history and where it came from, and the ability to use it if I had to.

    7) no

    8) I would simplify the stand up styles that i've studied but not the aikido.

    9) muay thai: only because I don't like the round kick. I don't like the way it travels all the way through without control

    10) yes, when studying and knowing the art. where it comes from, why do these techniques, what were they originally meant for. I think it's important

    11) 16 years

    12 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • martial arts effectiveness?

    first I want to run a test. how effective do you think a style is that:

    1) was in use for over a thousand years on the battle field

    2) was developed almost solely for war

    3) meant to disarm an opponent

    4) whose techniques are illegal in most competitions

    5) was used by warriors where their lives were on the line

    please be honest does that sound like a good style?

    now what do you think about when you hear daito ryu aikijujutsu? have you ever heard of it?

    what about the more common name japanese jujutsu? do you think it's effective

    now what about Aikido? don't think it's very effective? well your not alone. but why? all three of those styles were described above, they are all in fact the same style with some very slight tweaks in philosophy.

    now what about japanese jujutsu vs. brazillian jiu-jitsu? brazillian jiu-jitsu (to my knowledge) came from judo which is very similar to japanese jujutsu but made into a sport. so removed the more dangerous joint manipulations. but people still think BJJ is superior.

    it's just interesting to me how people view styles after watching youtube. you look on youtube and you see some old guy throwing a bunch of young guys without hardly touching them and you think bull. but after taking aikido I see that the instructor could easily kill or seriously hurt me if he wished. i've trained in tang soo do, tae kwon do, wing chun, bjj, shotokan for 16 years and I know that if he wished it I would be crying on the floor. but people still think it's in effective.

    so my question is, do you think aikido has it's merit. is it effective. what did you think when I described it, what about japaness jujutsu vs bjj, why do you think people think it's ineffective. also what do you train and for how long. have you tried aikido and turned away. or did you try aikido and stick with it like I have?

    please nothing about it's all about the practitioner. that's not the question.

    11 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • gentle leader and dog aggression?

    if my dog is off leash she is fine with other dogs, but if the dog gets too close to me, my wife, or my neighbor then she gets aggressive and tries to attack the dog. I've been trying her on the gentle leader in hopes she will become more subservient.

    basically how can I use the gentle leader to break her of her aggression. to the point that I can pet other dogs.

    she's a female red Australian shepherd a year and a half old

    (I know that I should seek some professional help, but I can't afford it yet so please only helpful tips.)

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • breaking overprotective dog behavior?

    my dog is a female australian shepherd 1 1/2 years old.

    my dog is overprotective toward dogs that get to close to me, my wife, or my neighbor. she won't try to fully attack the other dog but aggressively snip at the dog in an attempt to get them away. if she is by herself she is fine and she will even try and play with the other dogs.

    i'm worried that one day she will try and aggressively herd the wrong dog and get hurt. so how do i break this?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • looking for a new martial art.?

    i'm going to be moving soon and am looking for a new style of martial art.

    my experience:

    Tang soo do, wing chun, soon to be aikido.

    looking for:

    real world practical, clean techniques, well rounded, effective fighting, weapon defense (knife, gun, bat)

    6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • why can't I speed up my computer?

    i've been having this problem for a few months now. my computer is ridiculously slow and there isn't anything that i've been able to do to fix it.

    my computer is an inspiron E1405 windows vista 32 bit home premium.

    I have no viruses (checked using spyware doctor with anti virus)

    my computer is completely up to date with windows updates

    I have procexp but it just shows me that necessary programs are using up my cpu usage

    i've deleted browsing history/cookies/temp internet files etc.

    i've deleted temp files in the windows folder

    i've restored my computer to factory defaults 3 times and it never runs at an adequate speed (reinstalled vista and all it's components, the only thing that remained the same was my D drive (backup files) but there was almost nothing in that drive))

    i've run registry mechanic and advanced system optimizer and fixed all issues (out of date software, registry errors, defrag, and whatever else ASO does for my computer)

    I only have the necessary programs on startup

    when I fix all the problems on my computer (defrag and such) restart my computer, and magically I have a whole new set of problems. my computer always needs a defrag.

    if by some miracle my computer is running quickly when I start it up and I go to youtube (just an example) my computer slows way down by the 3rd or so video. (regular websites same sort of thing)

    i've run dskchk (I think that's how you spell it.)

    could this be a hardware issue. my ram usage isn't ever that high, am I just missing some big thing?

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • 100% cpu even after restoring to factory defaults.?

    my computer was constantly at 100% cpu usage for about a week. I scanned for viruses, spyware, registry errors, defrags, deleted temp files. everything was clean. I couldn't figure it out so I gave up and restored my computer to factory defaults.

    even after restoring to factory defaults my computer is at 100% cpu usage. I haven't done anything on it at all. what is the problem with my computer? my ram is only at 50-60.

    I have a dell inspiron e1405 windows vista home premium 32 bit

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • 100% cpu usage with any program?


    when I turn on my computer and sign into my account my cpu usage is a 2 percent or so. then if I run a program even one as simple as internet explorer my cpu usage spikes up to 100%, then stays there for a little while then goes to around 60-70%. if I open a new page it spikes back up to 100%. while writing this it's been at 100%.


    i've been having this issue for a week now and it is really bugging me. I have run virus, registry, and spyware scans. i've also compacted and defragmented my drives.


    laptop, inspiron e1405, windows vista home premium 32 bit


    I would rather not need to reboot my system. but I am willing to most other options.

    also my ram usage isn't extremely high.

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago