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  • methotrexate for ectopic pregnancy?


    I am looking for a little bit of advice from any ladies who have been through a similiar experience. I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy at 6+4 weeks.

    Monday 5th Sept - 1st shot of meth HCG was 726.

    Thurs 8th Sept - hcg rose to 942 (i was warned this would happen)

    Sun 11th sept - hcg dropped but only by 6%, when they need to drop by 15% so they gave me another shot of meth

    Wed 14th Sept - dropped by 9% after two days of agony with 'seperation pains' and some pale pink spotting and light bleeding

    I have to go back on Saturday when it has to have dropped by 15% or they will offer me a third and final shot of meth or offer surgery.

    Frustratingly I am not bleeding which I was told would be a good sign. I did bleed quite heavily in my 6th week, prior to finding out it was ectopic and on my scans the lining of my womb was very thin.

    I just want this is be over - it heartbreaking to lose a pregnancy but this is just taking so long and now I just want it over with :-( I don't want surgery but this medicine isn't working as it should. I have avoided all vitamins and folic acid rich foods to optimise it effects but what else can I do.

    Has anyone else needed 3 shots? Has anyone else had very minimal bleeding?

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • inconclusive pregnancy test?

    I did a home pregnancy test last friday, one day after I was due my period. I have sore boobs and occasional bloating and very mild cramps in tummy and back, which I remember as normal from last pregnancies.

    I did the test around lunchtime and it showed positive, albeit the test line was fainter than the control line. Then I handed in a sample to GP but it wasn't the first sample of the morning (had been to loo twice since 5am). The GP's receptionist then phoned me this morning to tell me the test was inconclusive and could I hand in another sample next week. I am guessing my Hcg levels were too low.

    I just did another test and it is showing positive so i know I am pregnant.

    Has anyone else had this and went on to have a successful pregnancy? i am petrified this means I will end up losing this pregnancy..

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • My cat is missing - how long is too long?

    My cat went missing a couple of days ago. We got him 16 months ago and also he has went walkabout for 48 hours before he has never been away this long (4 days now) - he is a lovely cat and nothing in the house etc has changed which could make him run off.

    I am in the process of putting leaflets through the neighbours doors and signs on the lamposts but wonder if anyone has had a neutered male cat who has disappeared for a week or so but returned okay?

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • when to hibernate my russian tortoise?

    My little russian torty, Irwin (after Steve RIP) is 3 years old. I have had him two winters and never hibernated him as I read it was too early. Now I have read an article saying that i should. i hav got an appt with the vet but am a bit anxious as she doesn't know much either! I would really appreciate advice from any experienced tortoise owners (preferably those with russian torts) about hibernation.


    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • any idea what this could be? Seaside find?

    I was collecting shells at the beach today in edinburgh when I came across an animal I have never seen before. can't upload picture right now but I will try to describe it...

    About 8 inches long and 2 inches across, sausage shaped, brown in colour on it's back, light pink on underside. Underneath it had groups of black 'feelers' running full length on both sides and just above these fellers, visible from above was a beautiful green 'feathery' coating.

    It was the strangest thing I have ever seen? i thought it may have been a sea cucumber but can't find an image that looks like it?

    2 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • what to eat before gymnastic competition?

    My 6 year old has a her first competition tomorrow. They have to register at 11am and will warm up etc til the tournament starts at 1pm. I have to send her with 'a drink and a snack' for during this time. She won't finish until 5/5.30pm

    My big question is what to give her and how much. Whilst I don't want to underfeed her (obviously) I don't want to give her too much food or food that is too heavy in case it comes back on her during her performance. She is a pernicky eater anyway but I don't want to encourage either too much or too little before she does her stuff.

    I was thinking about giving her cereal and toast in morning (approx 7.30am), then something else at 10am like peanut butter sandwich, banana and milk. For her snack I thought I would put in a couple of cereal bars and lucozade sport drinks.

    Any advice or recommendations???

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • alli tablets for weight loss - your opinions and stories please!?

    I started on Alli (orlistat) last thursday. The chemist informed me I would probably only be allowed one month worth as my BMI was only 1 above the cut off point.

    I have to say that I was dreading the 'Alli oops' that I had heard about but in fact have had no problems whatsoever and have managed to lose 4.5lb in just 5 days.

    However I wondered if this is just a first week stroke of luck - does it slow down after this?

    I would love to hear other people's experiences....

    21 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Cat weight loss - advice needed?

    My cat is juts over 1 year old. I got him from a shelter at 9 months old and he was small but weight was porportionate to his size. He had vaccinations after i got him but he was an outside cat with his first owners.

    He still eats 3, sometimes 4 times per day - meat with dry food on the side and drinking normally. He uses the garden for toiletting so haven't seen anything abnormal in the litter tray etc. I tried keeping him in to check stools but he cried so much to get out I had to let him (he climbs right onto your face to demand out!)

    He just seems pretty skinny to me. He is a very affectionate cat but I do think he is somewhat clingier over the last few days.

    Eyes are fine, teeth are fine, no obvious scratches, no coughing/sneezing/vomitting, no loss of appetite but just not 'quite right'.

    Anyone else experienced this, should I keep him in to check stools or just take him to vet for blood tests?

    24 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Corn snake needs handled after weeks of being left alone!?


    I have a 8 year old corn snake who has always been good at being handled - quick etc but tolerates handling well. I was unable to handle him for about 8 weeks because of a plaster cast on my arm, affecting my hand function and my husband dislikes the snake.

    Anyway, I got plaster off but had infected sore on my hand so advised not to handle him until it healed and by the time it had I was away on hoidays for a week.

    All in all it has been approx 12 weeks since he has been handled and now he is 'rattling' his tail when I try to approach him.

    Please don't accuse me of neglect - he has been fed weekly and cleaned out as required (husband has moved him when he's inside his stone hide/cave so not actually hands on if you know what I mean).

    I feel really bad but I know I will get nervous if he tries to bite etc. Any tips on getting him back into being handled would be great.

    Oh - he is not much under 6ft & quick!

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else had swine flu on here?

    I went on holiday last week to the lake district and became unwell. I was in Haven Park and the toilet block had NO soap in the toilets all week which was a disgrace ( i did ask 3 times for it). Luckily I had my alcohol rub in the tent and the family all used that as well as our own soap. After 5 days I had a sore back, followed by chills, severe headache, extreme tiredness, nausea and stomach pains.

    I have to admit, despite working for NHS i never thought it was swine flu but spoke to my colleague (a GP) today and she reckons it may well have been swine flu.

    I feel fine now - it only lasted 3 days and only severely for 36 hours.

    Has anyone else had it and how did they feel? Also my hubby and kids haven't contracted it so i doubt it was the real swine flu?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • i need to lose weight - am i doing it right?

    Let me start by saying I used to eating disordered so sensible dieting is somewhat new to me! Despite this past, I gained weight after the babies and am now 5ft 4 and 12stone, size (UK)12/14 & very miserable.

    I have joined the gym and exercise 3 hours per week outside the house.

    This week I have cut down completely on snacks and stopped picking at kids food. Since Tuesday I have stuck to 3 square meals per day with exception of yesterday when I had to have toast before bed as I was hungry.

    How does this diet sound;

    Tues: (B)Fruit & yoghurt, (L) chicken sandwich, no butter, wholemeal bread, (D) homemade chilli con carne with wholegrain rice

    wed: (B)Fruit, bran & yoghurt, (L) stuffed mushrooms and garlic bread, (D) Olives & couscous, fruit salad

    Thurs:(B)Fruit, bran & yoghurt, (L) ham & rocket sandwich, no butter, wholemeal bread, (D) chicken stir fry, no sauce & fruit salad

    Fri:(B)Fruit & yoghurt, (L) lowfat feta, smoked trout & olives with rocket salad, no dressing (D)prawns with couscous and steamed vegetables

    Supper: 2 pieces wholemeal bread with low fat goats cheese and low fat hot chocolate

    Sat:(B)Fruit & yoghurt, (L) Prawns with couscous and vegetables

    (D) lamb & spinach curry (homemade) with rice

    I have been a bit stupid and weighed myself daily until today when hubby hid the scales so will be doing it once weekly now! My tummy feels a little flatter but not sure what is a realistic amount to lose this week.

    normally I eat 3-4 chocolate bars, 3-4 packets of crisps and 2-3 biscuits per week as well as a couple of desserts.

    Any advice would be really welcome!

    35 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Any experts on migraines?

    I will try to keep this short.

    4 weeks ago, my 3 year old daughter went to bed complaining of sore head. She fell asleep before I could give her calpol only to wake 3 hours later, screaming and clawing at her head. Couldn't open her eyes and her whole body went stiff.

    Whilst i was on phone to nhs24, she vomited all over the place then totally brightened up and stated her headache was gone. She then went to sleep for 1/2 hour before it all started again. After being sick the 2nd time she was fine and slept through the rest of the night. 36 hours later she had a severe nosebleed.

    Last sunday, from 7am she was cheery but had no appetite which is unusual. By 2.30 she was complaining of a sore head and had a temp of 38. I gave her calprofen straight away and she was okay, though quiet. Her temperature never went back up and her head was 'fuzzy' but not sore. She had a bleeding nose approx 30 hours later.

    GP says she is too young for migraine but my brother had them from age of 4 and she has same symptoms. She will be 4 next week.

    Any advice/thoughts would be gratfefully received.

    7 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • does this sound like underactive thyroid?

    Nearly 4 years ago i had my 2nd daughter. I lost 2 stone in 6 weeks straight after birth and a total of 3stone by the time she was 12 weeks old. I was dead happy about this esp as I hadn't been dieting etc. A thyroid test at 8 weeks post birth indicated borderline hyperthyroid but it returned to normal after a couple of weeks.

    When my daughter was 1 I went onto the pill and put on 5lbs in 4 weeks. Needless to say I can straight off it but ever since I have piled on the weight.

    I am now 2 stone heavier, cannot shift any weight, my once regular 2-day periods are prolonged and 'patchy', I vary between falling asleep at 6pm or insomnia until 2am, my concentration and libido are crap and I cannot stand a draft of wind or 'fresh air' as it is too cold!

    I went to GP but she was awful and basically accused me of being depressed - which is totally not me. I told her the only reason i was low in mood at times is cause I am fat and have no clothes that fit!

    Anyway she agreed to test me and i will get result on monday.

    Has anyone else had these symptoms and what did they turn out to be?

    PS my gran and mum's twin both had hypothyroidism.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I know when I am finished my family?

    I am sooo clucky right now and to be truthful have been since 3 hours postnatally with my second daughter!

    I just can't seem to get closure on this feeling and want nothing more than a 3rd baby. however - my husband is perfectly happy with our two daughters (as am I) but doesn't want any more children. Firstly he states he is too old (42 but I am only 32), secondly he states we cannot afford it. This is partly true but I know we could manage if we pulled the purse strings tighter.

    has anyone else felt like this and not went ahead with another pregnancy? if so how has this been? If you couldn't resist, how has that last pregnancy been - has it resolved your craving for another child.

    I plan to be sterilised during the c-section should I have another child so atleats I know this time I would have the decision made for me....

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • why are mothers so hostile to others?

    I am reeling from an incident that happened at work today. I was assessing a child who has suspected failure to thrive when I heard the mother discussing with another mother about how she 'couldn't stand those career women who just dumped their kids in private care and swanned off to their work'.

    The other woman looked a bit embarrassed by I was just mad.

    The ironic thing was - her child was the one being investigated for a condition possibly brought on by neglect and the team helping her (doctor, nurse, OT, physio and playworker) are all working mums. If we weren't there - who would be assessing and helping her child????

    Then I come on here and see lots of postings from stay at home mums berating people like me for juggling both kids and a career. I work three days per week and not only raise my kids but also sit on PTA commitees, run girl guides and constantly have playdates on my days off.

    Why oh why do they feel they have the right to do this? You rarely get working mums having a pop at SAHM's - and it isn't just because we envy them. Maybe we have less time on our hands to slag off other people's lives or maybe we are just more tolerant - I really don't know.

    Live and let live guys. Us mums are supposed to stick together and help each other, not attack each others lifestyles and values.

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • testing for 'gifted' child?

    My friends son turned 5 in February. He was slow to talk but at when he did start at 2 1/2 he just talked sentences straightaway, knew all the letters of the alphabet (not rote learned) and is totally obsessed with numbers.

    He had quite obsessive behaviour with bus timetables which is only starting to wane now so the school recommended he wait til this year to start primary 1 despite his advanced reading and writing.

    Now they are testing him to see what learning support he needs. He has been assessed as having reading & spelling level of 8.5yr, not yet assesed his maths skills but stated his memory was age appropriate at 5.5yrs. Based on these two results so far they have decided he will not need any additional support and will just go to regular P1 classes.

    My daughter is just finishing primary one and he finds her homework so simple, both reading and maths. My friend is understandably concerned about him becoming bored at school. I would also like to add she has never 'taught' him anything - he spontaneously started to read.

    has anyone had similiar experiences - is primary one going to be okay for him or should she seek more advice from somewhere (& where??)


    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • As a patient what would you rather....?

    A health professional (be it nurse, doctor, therapist etc) who was able to see you on ward or at home when you required


    a health professional who is unable to see you in person because they are too busy filling out their development plans, setting objectives and attending supervision meetings where they talk about patients they cannot see for the above reasons!!

    I saw only 3 patients last week (work 3.5) days because I had too many meetings, paperwork to complete about how to achieve poxy objectives like "supervision of students" , "completion of literature review" and running around getting info for managers to take to meetings.

    What has happened to good old fashioned patient centred care!!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • what name for next one?

    I have a Caitlin and Bethany and wonder what is nice for next baby?


    Eilidh (ay-lee)

    Eilish (ay-lish)











    Middle names will be something like Jane, andrew or Peter.

    I live in Scotland and don't really like anything too 'american' or cool/trendy.

    51 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • how 'tame' is your corn snake?

    I have a great caramel corn snake who I love to bits. Since getting him I have also acquired two little girls who I love also but it has stopped me from handling him as much as i would like to.

    I always knew that corns were 'escape artists' etc and read they didn;t like to be over handled. I have went for approx 6 weeks without handling although \i was opbviously in his viv everyday with water and feeding him weekly.

    Anyway I went to this gala day last summer and there was this guy with his corn snake doing a talk on snakes. his corn was sitting in a box only about 4" high with no lid and just chilling out. occasionally he would start to exit the box but with one little finger from the owner he just went back in. The owner says he lives loose in the study at home?

    If i let my snake out of my hands he tries to flee the room and i know I would have a nightmare trying to catch him again.

    How tame are other people's corns? Do you let yours wander around the room?

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • return of eating disorder?

    I had disordered eating when I was young and being bullied. I didn't get help for it as I don't think I really understood the extent to which it went. Luckily for me I had a life changing accident and this changed my whole outlook and made me ditch the bad friends and bullying behaviour. My eating slowly returned to normal(ish). I have suffered from poor self image since and occasionally returned to restricting food and taking laxatives.

    I now have a lovely husband, two kids and a great life but over the last 6 months have started to feel like I am losing my grip on things. My weight has ballooned because of overeating and I hate looking at myself. i have lots of friends but no real close friends to confide in except my husband & I would hate to hurt him by telling him my feelings.

    This week has been awful culminating in a fall out with two friends. Whilst these friends won't be missed I have problems sleeping and cannot eat a mouthful.

    I know I need food but I am physically gagging at the thought of it, as if I had a bug.

    Am I heading back to my disordered eating? I am so afraid cos it feels just like before.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago