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Lv 5
AnnieB asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

why are mothers so hostile to others?

I am reeling from an incident that happened at work today. I was assessing a child who has suspected failure to thrive when I heard the mother discussing with another mother about how she 'couldn't stand those career women who just dumped their kids in private care and swanned off to their work'.

The other woman looked a bit embarrassed by I was just mad.

The ironic thing was - her child was the one being investigated for a condition possibly brought on by neglect and the team helping her (doctor, nurse, OT, physio and playworker) are all working mums. If we weren't there - who would be assessing and helping her child????

Then I come on here and see lots of postings from stay at home mums berating people like me for juggling both kids and a career. I work three days per week and not only raise my kids but also sit on PTA commitees, run girl guides and constantly have playdates on my days off.

Why oh why do they feel they have the right to do this? You rarely get working mums having a pop at SAHM's - and it isn't just because we envy them. Maybe we have less time on our hands to slag off other people's lives or maybe we are just more tolerant - I really don't know.

Live and let live guys. Us mums are supposed to stick together and help each other, not attack each others lifestyles and values.



Thank you for your comment but understand this I am not bitter about not being a SAHM and I have nothing against people who choose this lifestyle. I know many people who would like to drop their careers but cannot afford to keep the roof over their heads so again that common statement off 'careers can wait' is not actually very true. And I wasn't slagging off SAHM's I was merely saying those 'may' be some of the reasons - I also stated I didn't know which implies that it was not my fixed opinion.

You sound just like the opinionated, narrow minded mothers I was addressing though so thanks for illustrating my point so well!

Update 2:


Thanks but don't you think a happy working mum is better than a SAHM who is unhappy? Some people just need a little bit more and surely occasional day at nursery is better than a depressed mum?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here here. What a valid point. I am a stay at home Mum to four lovely BOYS! I love it but am admiring of Mums who work. I couldn't do it. I would be too knackered to work and run my household. I recently had a baby ( he is ten weeks now) He was very ill with pheunomia within hours of birth ( sorry spelling) and if it wasn't for the 'working Mum nurses and other staff both at my local hospital and the bigger hospital where he was in neonatal for a week, he may not be here. So I am eternally grateful to Mums who can do these kind of jobs.x

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, that's bs. but hopefully that's just a bad apple.

    Because honestly I LOVE Moms!

    I am a mother and sometimes I just look around the playground at all the mothers picking up their kids, or often I will see a mother communting to and from work... I truly often think...

    "Damn, us mothers rock!"

    Anyone who does things for the best interest of their child and does it with good intentions is a-ok to me. I don't care if you're a sahm or your a career Mom. In the end, most everything Mom's do is with their kids in mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree, I don't know why people have to look down on each other for different lifestyles.

    I am a SAHM and my sister in law is a working mom( shes also my best friend). And we both respect each others differences and also try to help each other out. If she has a work issue I will take her kids so she can deal with it. If I need a break away from the house she will take mine. She don't think shes better and I don't think Im better. We are just both MOMS.

  • 1 decade ago

    Agreed. I also hate how SAHM's tout they are SAHM's like its a choice. For many, MANY women, its not a choice, its a luxury. I would give anything to be a SAHM, but that just isn't realistic. I'm tired of feeling like I'm making some selfish or personal choice to work. You haven't seen me sit on the floor and cry my eyes out because I know I have to go back to work and my husband and I have exhausted all the options. Its painful enough knowing I have to leave my baby without other women judging me over a situation I had no choice over.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I feel the same way about mothers who judge eachother based on their decision to breast or bottle-feed. We're all moms who should support eachother, not pass harsh and critical judgement on eachother.

    I think it would be wonderful if I could stay at home with my kids, but I don't have that option. Another person said that it is possible for everyone if you really make it work, implying that we could all stay home if we really wanted to. I disagree. Not every family of 4 can live off of 1 parents salary, no matter how many sacrifices you make.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a stay at home mum and have no problem with mothers who work, I have a problem with people who have children and can afford to stay home and raise them but choose to work and put them in daycare so they can have adult conversation etc. I think being a mother should be a selfless occupation, so if they can afford to stay home and raise their kids they should put their kids first and do so.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    But you are slagging off SAH Mother's aren't you? Suggesting we have too much time on our hands ...and slag off other people as a response to that. Just because this Mother was being investigated for POSSIBLE neglect does not mean she is guilty of it. Social services after all do not have a very good reputation as far as child safety is concerned do they? So this woman was ignorant enough to air her feelings in an environment where people who may not agree with her were listening....that is not to say ALL SAHM are knocking other Mothers choices. You sound slightly bitter.

    Source(s): I believe strongly that children are better off at home with a parent...Mother or Father...until they are around the age of three or four. Research would back up my feelings on this. I also believe that with some careful thought that anything is possible. We have all our lives for a career...what's 4 years out?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Could be many things....Jealousy, finances (one family has more money than the other), grades, talent, etc. you name it and when comparing families, it can get ugly, unfortunately!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's cause they have nothing better to do :0)

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