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  • word document doesn't display properly in iwork?

    The word document consists of a full-page table in landscape orientation. When my boss opens it in iwork (pages?) the last 3 columns don't appear on her page. Are there some settings she needs to change?

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • UK Employment Law question?

    We work as support workers for a disabled lady, and part of the work involves driving her to (and picking her up from) various classes she attends. We are based at her home, and these classes are out of town. The administrators of the company have informed us that when we drop of the lady at a class at the end of our shift, we will not be paid for the time it takes to return to her home (our base) "because she is not in the car", although we will be paid our mileage allowance for the return journey. We can be 45 mins drive away from her home at this point. The same rules will apply when we are collecting her at the start of our shift. We believe that by refusing to pay us for this time (when we are clearly on duty - acknowledged by the fact that we are receiving mileage allowance for the journey) our company must be in breach of employment law, and wondered if anyone could point us in the direction of the relevant clause. Thank you.

    5 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • How do I get the top off my Hotpoint washing machine?

    It's an Aquarius WF440 (I know I know, I'd never go near another one). Right now it's making a horrendous noise when spinning (knocking noise so I don't think it's the bearings), and before I call the repair man I just want to check the drum for anything obvious. The back and sides are all one piece, the top and front obviously come off. I've removed 2 screws from the back and the top lifts at the back, but is still secured at the front, and I can't work out how to release it. Btw yes I have removed the plug from the electric socket ;)

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How can I turn off this stupid YA spell-checker?

    It's so irritating! If I spell something wrongly or use capitals, smileys or too much punctuation I have done it deliberately OK!!!

    8 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • I have an allergy rash but only on my legs - can this be caused by the new fabric conditioner I am been using?

    I'm also sneezing all the time. I've never had an allergy before (not even hayfever), the only thing I have changed recently is my fabric conditioner, but if this was the cause, would the rash not appear all over my body?

    1 AnswerAllergies1 decade ago
  • Why do people post...?

    ...half a question in the title, and assume that everyone will be curious enough to click on it to read the rest of the sentence?

    Personally, if the title doesn't make it clear what the question is, I think someone's just attention-seeking and I don't bother, but if you have got this far you obviously did. Why?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Credit File damaged by false info from unscrupulous company - what can I do?

    Dispute with Orange re charges on mob a/c (resulted in apology & full settlement in my favour) letter said '..and your credit file has been amended accordingly' - clearly they had already damaged my credit file!

    Demanded to know what info was given, when, to whom, by whom, why, who authorised?

    Partic: Why this action was taken while matter was still under investigation, no conclusions reached, no judgements arrived at? Why I wasn't told?

    No reply. Does anyone know:

    Are they obliged to give me the above info?

    Will their 'amendment' show on my file that a gross error was made, or just that the previous problem is now settled (as in an outstanding debt which was later paid)?

    I was recently refused credit (1st time ever) now know why! Can I claim damages against Orange for supplying false info to CR co, damaging my credit rating & causing me to be refused credit (further damaging it)? Have Orange broken any laws?

    I'm not after £, just my good CR back, & if poss Orange punished

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Windows fails to start due to 'missing or corrupt' CONFIG.SYS?

    PC regularly fails to boot because CONFIG.SYS missing or corrupt. OS (XP) came pre-installed. No recovery disk, will not boot from XP disk. Sometimes Last Known Good Configuration works but usually I have to do a factory reset >:-( Have noticed that config.sys is empty (as is autoexec.bat) - both report as 0kb size. I am assured that they are meant to be empty as - unlike previous Windows versions - XP doesn't really use these files, but if that's the case, how can a corrupt file prevent the OS from starting? And anyway how can a 0kb file be corrupt?? Why do they exist if they are not needed and contain no data? Can anyone explain?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • My AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS are empty files??

    PC regularly fails to boot because CONFIG.SYS corrupt. OS came pre-installed. No recovery disk, will not boot from XP disk. Sometimes Last Known Good Configuration works but usually I have to do a factory reset >:-( Whilst trying to investigate, ran SYSEDIT, noticed CONFIG.SYS & AUTOEXEC.BAT empty. Both report size 0kb. All options everywhere set to view absolutely everything. Have never come across this before. Anyone understand??

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • DIDI SEVEN where can I buy this in England?

    The greatest ever stain remover but difficult to find in England. Kleeneze catalogue sells it but very expensive. Anyone know any other stockists?

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Car that easily clears speed bumps but doesn't cause too much pollution - Any recommendations? UK?

    I am about to get rid of my car because I can't afford to keep replacing exhausts that get ripped off by speed bumps. I had to get rid of the last one for the same reason. I don't drive fast, but with some speed bumps even if you crawl over them it scrapes the exhaust. I really don't believe in Chelsea Tractors in towns for environmental reasons, but I am now at the point where I need a car that has good ground clearance and this does seem to point to off-roaders. I couldn't justify anything with a large engine that causes unnecessary pollution, so I would be grateful for all suggestions of vehicles fitting these criteria, so I know where to start looking. Incidentally, not having a car is not an option, neither is buying new! Thanks

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Carpet Shampooer for home use - recommendations?

    Never owned one before so no idea which are good/bad.

    All info appreciated. Thanks

    7 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of a perfume called "Flower Garden"?

    Do you know the manufacturer?

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Which UK Mobile Phone Networks will not allow my children to access porn?

    Had enough of O2 throwing porn at my kids. Kids haven't been downloading filth but I'm sick of it being offered to them through WAP and the company website. Which networks will not allow these downloads without proof of age?

  • Hair conditioner that is as good as Pantene but NOT tested on animals?

    My hair is very damaged and I use Pantene every day. I hate using it as it has been tested on animals but if I didn't I seriously would have no hair. Unable to find a conditioner that has not been animal-tested which even comes close to Pantene. Anybody?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How can I delete corrupt registry keys?

    IE thinks that I don't have flash player installed. Macromedia keys corrupt. Can't re-install, can't open, delete or rename key. Flash player works fine in Firefox, but not all web pages open correctly (or at all) in Firefox. The other corrupt key is Magnet (as in Limewire) interestingly this follows Macromedia alphabetically in the registry list, is this more than coincidence? Disk check says no errors. Any help appreciated I have not been beaten by a PC yet...

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Does playing in the UEFA cup mean a player is cup-tied for the same season's Champions League?

    And vice-versa. eg. if he played in a qualifier for one competition, then before the transfer window closed he transferred to another club which was in the other, would he be cup-tied because they are both UEFA competitions?

    4 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade ago