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  • Question about taking Vitex and Clomid?

    Im am supposed to start taking Clomid next cycle. My problem is... NEXT CYCLE won't get here! I have taken vitex in the past and it helped a little as far as regulating my cycles...My question is... is okay to take vitex just to help my period come on and then stop to take the clomid? I DO NOT plan on taking them together. I just wanted to know if this would 'cancel out' the clomid? thanks :-)

    * my last period was September 5th. when I have a "long" cycle like this, they tend to last like 40-45 days. thanks again

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • 16 dpo? Please help me!!?!?

    Okay, since I have been keeping track of my Ovulation, (the past 7 months or so) my luteal phase has been 8-9 days. Now, Im 16 dpo and Im cramping a little, then it goes away. I don't feel like poo, like I normally do before AF comes. I have been taking B6 this cycle to try and lengthen my luteal phase but I wouldn't think it would do this huge of a change in a few weeks? Going from an 8 day luteal phase to a 16 day or longer?

    I have sore BB's and Nipples, I keep feeling stretches and twinges in my lower abdomen? Never had that before. Anyways... I have a Doctors App next week but Im just curious as to what you ladies may think? THANKS!!

    Oh,, I also did a hpt on Monday which was 13dpo

    and my last period was March 31, I normally have 31-36 day cycles

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • PLEASE! I need the Alternate exam 10 of Geometry!?

    Im in American School of Corr. I thought I was all done with all of my exams until they send me Exam 10 of Geometry with a PARTIAL. So, Now I need that and I am SO desperate! I have finished Food Study, Social Civics, US History, Biology, American AND British Lit, Psychology, planning your career.. PLEASE Does ANYBODY have " ALTERNATE EXAM 10 OF GEOMETRY FOR AMERICAN SHCOOL OF CORR" ?

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How to use progesterone cream? TTC?

    I've read that you use it from the day you ovulate until you start your period and keep using it if you find out your pregnant. I've also read that you use it from day 1 of your cycle and stop on day 26 or so, to bring on your period? Which is it? I have a LPD, I have 36-39 day cycles and I ovulate about 8 or 9 days before AF shows. Please help !! If I were to start Pro.Cream, when do I start/stop use monthly? Thanks :-) Also, has any of you ladies had any luck TTC or know someone who has by using this?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Why does this happen? Please help TTC?

    I know this is gonna sound weird, But, I honestly would like to know.

    INFO--DH and I have been TTC for a lil over year now. This month we tried soy isoflavones cd 2-6 along with preseed when we BD. I have a LFD luteal phase is only 8-9 days max.

    Okay, getting to my Q. About a week or so before my period, normally close to when I Ovulate, my nipples will be SOOOO sore that it almost hurt to look at them! I'll just be sitting there,, and they will ache! well, they will sort of trail off (pain wise) and will not be sore anymore, maybe sensitive until I get Af but no ways near painful like at the beginning. Is this my body losing some sort of 'hormone' that I need to have a normal pregnancy? Also, my breasts get huge and full. I know this probably sounds insane but it makes me wonder... Please help me :) Thank you all and ** to us TTC'ers

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Darn pee sticks! Here we go again.?

    So, this is the 3rd, I repeat 3rd Q I've posted this morning. lol I had a faint + this morning using FMU and the + is still there and a lil darker now. I went a few min ago and bought a first response gold digital Yes or NO test. Well, I didn't even really have to pee but as soon as I got home, guess what I did? Yep, peed on it and it said NO. A huge honkin NO. Is there still hope with my pretty lil faint + this morning? Did my urine just not have enough time build up hgc? Im doing the other digital test tomorrow with FMU... uhhh...

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • The faint line thing again... Please help with a different Q?

    Okay, SO I took a HPT this morning and I saw an EVER SOOOOO Faint line which I posted a Q about.. anyways, before when I held it to the light or the blinds over the window, i couldn't see the line through it, I had to REALLY look and wonder If I was crazy or not, now there is a visible Very thin line when you hold it to the light. Same line, just thinner and a lil bit darker. Is that normal? For a line to go from being barely there and not really there when held up to light -to- being a very thin line visible when held to light? I know I sound insane and looney. lol Im just freaking out tight now... really freaking out. I wish i could post a picture on here but my darn charger for my camera is broken and my camera is dead... uhh... please help me? Is that normal for that to happen to a + hpt? Also, would a digital test be good idea right now? I can't wait for hubby to get home lol Thank you all SO much for keeping me somewhat sane right now <3

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I just took a HPT!! Help!?

    Okay, so Im supposed to be 14 dpo... I just took a hpt with FMU, it is the generic type for First response (CVS brand) anyways... I can see an EVER SO faint line that showed within the 2 min. Im mean this thing is SO faint that I wish I had one YOU here with me to tell if Im crazy or not. lol I went to and she had one on there (same type test) that looked like mine.... you could BARELY see it. And I mean BARELY. I know @ 14dpo If I were pregnant, I should be showing a strong + by now... Please help me!! What do you think? Just wait and take another one in a couple of days? Is the line even there? UHHHHH... I feel like after TTC for so ling thats its just impossible for me to actually be pregnant. OMG.. Im driving myself crazy...

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Any of you ladies ever experienced this?

    AF was due this past sunday. All throughout last week, I was having cramps like AF was coming except not quit as extreme, anyways, I would run ever so quickly to the bathroom and nothing.. I kept saying oh its definitely coming today.. well, the cramping stopped and still no AF. I did a hpt @ 9 dpo and got a bfn i know thats really early though. Im now @ 12 dpo. tomorrow being 13. My breasts are swollen and for some reason im realllly thirsty all the time, which is not like me. Im having some slight quick twinges in the sides of my lower abdomen. I was just telling my self that it was all in my head.. what do you think? Anyone ever had AF cramps then, the go away and your left with a bfp? thank you and God Bless us all with healthy babies :-)

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What is this snot like CM? sry TMI*?

    I know this is gross but, Im having this yellowish strong, stretchy snot-like CM. It has no odor at all. I have NEVER had this before and Im positive I don't have an infection. Im 7dpo. I really don't have a strong feeling that Im pregnant :-( (Although I pray I am)

    I have just never experienced this before. I mean, to be honest, it looks like when you have a really bad cold and blow your nose. ... I know ... TMI. Please help me figure out what this is.. Thanks Ladies and as always,

    *Baby Dust* to us all!!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Can someone please explain to me how to use progesterone cream for LPD?

    I have a LPD. My LP is only 7-9 days. I was advised to use progesterone cream. Now, I know, well, I think I know, you use the cream: 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon daily in soft areas inner thighs abdomen etc. From ovulation until when? I know that if you know your pregnant that you HAVE to keep using it. What if you don't get pregnant? Then when would I stop using it? Also, has anyone had any prego's from using it? Thanks lots!!

    **Baby Dust** to all!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Lengthening my Luteal Phase*?

    I am now taking B6 daily to try and lengthen my Luteal Phase.. Has anyone has any luck doing this, or any other supplements etc. ?

    My LP is currently 7-9 days at most... I feel that If I can fix my LPD, then we might could finally have a baby... Any advice or experiences are VERY appreciated! Thanks to all :)

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Can someone please help me? TTC?

    I am in TWW!! I am due for AF next week... Hopefully she won't arrive, anyways, I really just need support to be honest. I know this is Yahoo answers but... Im feeling sad and just uhhhhhh!

    ALL day long I have been so very nauseated, burping like whoa, I have this very dull, yet very painful headache that is just killing me, I snapped at DH just as soon as he walked in from work and then CRIED about it. I just feel all over the place. I wish I could throw my body out right now. I just physically feel horrible. My emotions are all over the map. Hubby has long been dreaming away and I am so sleepy but can't sleep for the feeling of vomiting, my head bursting open, being mad and then wanting to cry about it. I don't know what its, I just feel different. I don't even think I'll get any answers to this, whatever it is, but it helped a little I guess just writing it out. Thanks to all who do though.. :-) :-( :-} :-{

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Please help me understand this! TTC Q?

    Okay, I have a serious ttc/CM Question. right now I am experiencing clear, thin watery CM, but its not stretchy at all. I have had the normal raw egg white fertile CM before and this is not it. It is like water! I have had some cramps today although AF is not due for another week. Can anyone help me understand what this thin clear, watery CM is? I guess I should mention I am taking Red Clover and Vitex along with a prenatal vitamin daily.. Thank you :)

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is it safe to put an edible image on the day before delivery?

    Okay, I have to deliver a 1/2 sheet cake tomorrow, it has an edible image that needs to be put on. Im wondering if I put the image on today, so I can be ahead for decorating, will it still look nice tomorrow? I have done them before but always the day of. You know how it kinda 'melts' in to the frosting? will it melt too much into it by tomorrow? thanks :-)

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What is the best ay to level (2) 9x13 cakes?

    I have to make a 1/2 sheet cake for a lady on saturday. I have an edible image that needs to be put on top that covers nearly the whole cake. Im afraid that If I don't level them enough, the image will "droop" in the middle where the cakes meet or they will not be level when I 'attempt' to level them. Please someone help me!! Oh, and I don't have any extra money to spend on fancy levelers. Thanks a bunch!! Oh, and does anyone know where I can get a box to fit it fast? Will like Walmart's bakery give me one? There are no bake shops around here..

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help me with Geometry? (american school) ?

    I am desperate for help with geometry! I am enrolled in American School of Corr.... I have completed a lot of other courses... maybe we can help each other?

    3 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to ovulate on the 8th day of your cycle? ?

    Got a positive OPK on my 8th day.. wondering if thats possible? thx

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is this a good brand of OPK? Please help.. ima newbie ?

    Okay, I bought Answer® Brand Ovulation Predictor Kit. The "pee on the stick" kind. Anyway, Last month I thought I ovulated on 8th day of my cycle. So, this month I thought I'd find out for sure, and sure enough, I got a positive (opk) on my 8th day starting that night, along with egg white Cm. Is it possible to ovulate that early? And my question in the first place was : Are the Answer brand OPK's a good brand? Thanks and sorry if im confusing :~p

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Question about a tipsy turvy cake? ?

    Okay, Im making a 2- 3 layer Tipsy Turvy cake next week. What I DON"T know is.... It is just a birthday not a wedding or anything overly "BIG". Do I HAVE to have the things you stick in the cake to keep it steady? will it work if I just carve the cakes as needed and carve my hole's in the bottom layers on stack them? Im trying to do this as simple as possible. Please help! If you have any idea where I can find a video, that would Be GREAT! Thank you so much :-)

    1 AnswerEntertaining1 decade ago