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  • How do I lose weight when I hardly ever eat?

    First let me start off by saying I don't really care for food. I have Crohn's disease and when I can eat which is rare and usually only eat one meal a day.... it's a battle to hold it down. I get really sick if I eat during the day and can only eat a small portion at night and I'm practically on bed rest these days from being weak...yet I still gain weight. Every since I started taking prednisone my weight has hit the 200 mark. I am no longer on it,but still can't seem to lose weight. How do I lose and why am I even gaining when I eat less than a person that's anorexic?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do you keep your carpet fluffy after carpet shampooing?

    I just moved into my house almost a year ago and my carpet is still brand new,but still needed to be cleaned. After shampooing my carpet was flat and no longer do I fix this please?

    By the way I've used professional carpet cleaning service in the past and the same thing happened a long time ago. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Why do the fuses in my Christmas lights keep blowing out?

    This is our very first time putting up lights ever and our first home with our kids and we haven't put up many. Just on the very front of the house we put some icicle lights up and every time we plug them in they light up for a minute and then blow out. Fuses are blown...What are we doing wrong? Help please.

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My husband found....Is it drugs?

    My husband searched a kid that we are caring for drawer today and found 2 glass vials with a yellowish cloudy liquid in them ,that my husband says has a really bad odor...and some multi colored caps that look like they could belong on syringes. I was informed to call the proper authorities and they said that they have no idea what it could be either,but will take it to be tested. In the meantime I'm suppose to confront him and hope he tells me the truth. I have small children here also and need to know if anyone knows if this indeed sounds like a drug anyone has heard of...knows about? Thank you.

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Help! I accidentally spilled oil based primer on my laminate do I get it off?

    My husband made a mistake and tried to paint our bathroom a really dark color so we had to buy primer to cover it to fix it...and we ended up getting some on the floor ...any suggestions? Thanx :)

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • I Need Help Fast... What Should I Do?

    I have just discovered that my husband whom I have been with for

    almost 12 years has been looking at teen porn.We have 3 kids together and I

    need to know if I am justified in being angry and concerned or am I

    overreacting at all?

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I'm sterile and two months late...Whats going on? Help Please?

    After my third baby I had the surgery to become sterile about a year and a half ago....and now I am two months late,I've already taken two pregnancy test to double check and they came back negative and now today I have milk coming out of my nipples...WTF? I'm freaking out here anyone know what's going on?

    I already posted this in Womens heath,but I didn't get any answers so I was hoping someone might know here?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • For people who live in Indiana...where is a good place to go sledding in Delaware county?

    We are new to Indiana and would really love to take our kids sledding this weekend,but have no idea where to go!

    Thank you in advance and specific directions would be wonderful...such as street locations and/or maps would really be helpful...thanx!

    2 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation1 decade ago
  • For people who live in Indiana...where is a good place to go sledding in Delaware county?

    We are new to Indiana and would really love to take our kids sledding this weekend,but have no idea where to go!

    Thank you in advance and specific directions would be wonderful...such as street locations and/or maps would really be helpful...thanx!

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Can you legally convict a mentally ill person for crimes they've already served time for ?

    My mother is mentally ill and physicaly ill.She has schizophrenia and substantial brain damage from an injury she recieved a few years ago from falling down a broken elevator shaft head first.She also has hepatitus C that has been left untreated by the state.She has been incarcerated now for almost 9mths in C.A...Where she was originally arrested for allegedly cutting a woman on the bus with a box cutter.The bus driver in this case originally had backed up this other womans story stating that my mother just out of nowhere attacked the other woman.We later find out after several court dates that the woman was never injured at all!!! And that this woman actually attacked my mother and they both ended up in a brawl in which my mother was trying to defend herself and the one that begged for someone to call the police becuase the other woman was attacking her!The police have lost the tape from the bus that they were going to use as evidence against my mother and the bus driver has now

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How do I get and create my own web page?

    Thankyou in advance. I'm pretty new at computers and I would like info. that is easy to use and understand.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What is an appropriate gift my 15 year old brother would like?

    I am grown with 3 kids of my own and he will be visiting us for Christmas....This will also be the second time ever that we will meet and I'm wondering will he feel left out if he sees my kids with gifts and I only give him cash becuase I don't know what eles to get him??? Will that hurt his feelings...what should I do? Any ideas? Thankyou in advance...Oh...and all of my kids are little I have no teenagers .

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Do any of you have any cute, or touching stories to share?

    I have two...and all stories are appreciated!

    Well my family and I moved a few months ago from the westcoast to the midwest and my youngest son was flying for the first time...well we were about an hour into the flight and I looked over at my son and asked "Are you enjoying this flight? Pretty cool huh?" And he looked over at me and said "Yes!....but where's God" I thought that that was the cutest thing...and I bet it made God smile!

    Ooh! and my other one is....Last sunday at church we had the "Lighting of the Green" and everyone was singing Christmas Carols and the little ones where hanging the ornaments on the tree that they had made...and all of sudden my 19mth old Just shouts and sings as loud as she could JESUS! Everyone turned around and looked at her smiling and looking in disbelief,and I said yep my baby just said Jesus and she's praising the Lord! :)

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hallelujah ?

    God grant me the serenity to except the things that I can not change the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen!!!

    I just thought that some of us could use a little help and positive reinforcements in here???

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If your an Atheist ....??? Then why do you???

    keep asking questions about religion, or giving answers that are anti religion? Do you not realize that you are in the religion and spirituality section? I can understand if your trying to find religion and find your way to God...But if not then shouldnt you find another section to harrass? Such as mythology and folklore? I think that that is an appropiate place for you to spread your myths about God....Becuase here we all know he's real...

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Any advice I have excruciating pain in my lower back and tailbone?

    I have already seen a doctor and have had a nerve test done,but they don't know whats wrong.It's been a few years since it started and now it's getting worse and.Everytime I sit I'm in pain and trying to get back up is worse.I'm only 26 years old!Help what's wrong with me and what can I do for the pain?

    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Why is it that some people have difficulty understanding how my children came out white?

    I mean I'm half black and Swedish and my husband is white.How hard is that to understand.Not only that why do people act as though black is something my children should've caught?

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago