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I am a certified Special Ed and English teacher. I love what I do. That is not me in the pic!

  • notice of relocation, review legal?

    I have am sending a certified letter to my ex in regards to a custody agreement. Please review and give me your professional opinion...addresses and names are obviously changed for privacy.

    As per our court order agreement and in regards to relocation in docket # xyz entered mm, dd, yyyy, I am giving you my 30 day written notice and am informing you of my permanent move within Blankety Blank County. In order to be closer to work and due to financial struggles at my current residence, 123 Main St, No where NY, it is deemed necessary to move to lower the cost of living expenses and to benefit our son, Johny boy Our new permanent address is: 123 Main st, Utopia , NY The move in date is July 4, 2017.

    I am arranging for child care and you will be notified of the caretaker once care is secured. I am giving you this original notice and a copy of this letter will be retained with myself for future reference. Thank you.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police4 years ago
  • big decisions help please?

    I'm moving 25 miles away from current home to be closer to my job and to live with my bf...only my 9 yr old doesn't want to change schools and his visitation with his dad is horrible..cps is investigating his dad and his gf and her kids bully my son horribly.

    His visitation is whats causing problems...I have to live my life around his schedule as it changes week to week and I never know in advance when he's going to see his dad or what time or anything. It could be wed and thurs or fri and sat or wed and sun or a few hours here or there...some overnights... I'm getting a petition to modify the visitation..but what do I do in the meantime? I am literally sick over this... my son is going to need trauma counseling as a result of what is going on I just need some advice...I cant afford a lawyer.

    1 AnswerFamily4 years ago
  • keep son in current school in NY?

    I am moving out of my son's current school son's dad and I have joint custody and I have placement with dad having visitation per court doc.

    Can I keep my son in his current school district and transport him without paying tuition? Where I would be working would make more sense rather than change schools.. would this give dad more leverage if he wanted to go get placement?

    1 AnswerOther - Education4 years ago
  • joint custody and different school districts?

    I am moving out of my son's current school son's dad and I have joint custody and I have placement with dad having visitation per court doc.

    Can I keep my son in his current school district and transport him without paying tuition? Where I would be working would make more sense rather than change schools.. would this give dad more leverage if he wanted to go get placement?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • custody agreement?

    my 9 yr old's dad and I have a custody agreement that on Fri and Sat: "visitation are as mutually agreed upon"

    I have placement. His dad has visitations. My son hates to go to his house because there are also 2 older boys and his dad is not a nice person but not enough evidence for cps reports..yet. yes. he has been involved w cps once before and also threatened my older 21 yr old son.....

    so...if we don't agree on visits on Fri and Sat..what is the "tie breaker"??

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • fired after state of emergency?

    I worked at home during the NYS state of emergency on March 14... while I normally go into work at a school or another office...due to the weather conditions and the fact that people were told to stay home and avoid travel, we were stock piling food and water. I worked at home since my boss was pressing me for work to be done.. I completed a training and was emailing him back and forth that day... he knew I was working. I turned my digital time sheet in and he had full access to it. A week later after I turned in my signed timesheet, he fired me because he said I shouldn't have worked from home. I had an impeccable track record before and was one of the most valuable employees..or so I thought. On my review in November, I wrote down that I felt that there was a lack of training for the job and that it put me to a disadvantage. No warning, nothing. No other disciplinary actions. Nothing. I admitted to working at home and said I didn't have a sitter and had done everything at home that I would do at work. They said this wasn't acceptable, that I should have just taken time off without pay...then ended up paying me for the whole day!!!

    I did file for unemployment..but not sure I will get you think I will get unemployment...can I fight this?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • sick son...stay home?

    I recently lost my job so I am not getting any benefits lately...unemployment hasn't kicked in...I am subbing right now per diem...but my 8 yr old got sick and I stayed home with him today because his dad works. I took him to doc and tests came back negative. I am supposed to work tomorrow..doesn't count against me if I just cancel it before midnight tonight.

    I don't trust dad because he wont check his temperature and doesnt' always give him his son's fever is getting higher tonight..100.9 with medicine..soo..should I just miss work? we are so broke right now... I may have to turn of my cable..but my mom and my boyfriend have said that they would help me with bills until I get a job... ugh...soo what do I do? I barely have money for gas in the car...but I don't trust his dad to watch him.

    2 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • What does marriage really mean?

    People can co-habitate for why get married...other than the obvious religious reasons?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • what does marriage really mean?

    people can live together and do the same thing? So what is the point in getting married...ok other than the obvious religious reasons.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • after school chewing on paper towels?

    i caught my lead program leader in an after school program having the kids chew on paper towels. They were trying to say the words with the towels in their mouths. the lessons that we do are supposed to support the common core and should have the lessons to me a day ahead.

    I did stop this behavior and tell her it is a safety concern and they could choke or swallow them. I also told them it used to be used as a punishment. what do you make of this?

    2 AnswersTeaching4 years ago
  • program leader chewing on paper towels?

    in an after school program with 2-4 graders, my lead program leader did a lesson on words..she wanted a list of words but was reluctant to tell me for what...she just hem and hawed..then i caught her having the kids chewing on paper towels full in their mouths trying to talk with the words... very very odd behavior..

    all day even when she came into work, she seemed to avoid me and was not her usual self. what do you make of this? i did tell her this is a safety concern. what if the kids swallowed them or choked? so i did stop it.

    1 AnswerOther - Education4 years ago
  • Custody case moving?

    My lawyer is a DV lawyer and free of charge...I've tried contact her for the last 3 weeks and one secretary even said they haven't forgotten about me...

    I can't afford a lawyer...So who do I ask, where do I go when I need to know if I can move my son to another school district? I have placement and his dad has visitation ad we have joint custody. Time is running out..and I am moving soon. Help!! I just am asking to be pointed to the right direction

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Lawyer wont return calls?

    I obtained a DV of handle my case back in Oct. We got the rough draft of the papers....not even the final copy from the court yet over a child custody agreement. I have placement and his dad and I have joint custody and his dad has visitation.

    Now I need to move 30 min away...and there is nothing in the papers about chaning school districts or moving. I have called my "free" laywer several times for the last 3 weeks. One secretary called and left a message and said...we haven't forgotten about you..just so you know. I called again Monday...and the other unknown secretary said she would find out and get back to me...3 days later still nothing....Time is running out...I will be moving soon.

    What do i do? I can't afford an attorney..

  • visitation and custody?

    my 8 yr old sons dad has threatened to take my son from me...i mean to live with him. (we live 10 min apart) he wants to get custody of him and has said he will do whatever it takes ( have it on text) to get my son. He also threatened to come in between me and my BF if he has to. He is now telling my son that he can come over whenever he wants..I dont know where to go first. He is very manipulative and contorling

    Update: he also said that He doesn't need me to take care of my son. He can do it and it's best for my son that way. What do I do? Who do i contact first/

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • threats to keep son?

    my 8 yr old sons dad has threatened to take my son from me...i mean to live with him. (we live 10 min apart) he wants to get custody of him and has said he will do whatever it takes ( have it on text) to get my son. He also threatened to come in between me and my BF if he has to. He is now telling my son that he can come over whenever he wants..I dont know where to go first. He is very manipulative and contorling

    6 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • visitation with son?

    my sons dad repeatedly asks my son to come over on days out of regular visitation hours. He is trying to manipulate and control my son through this. He has told me he will do whatever it takes to get his son and will even come in between me and my BF. He has told me he doesn't need me to take care of my son and that he can do it without me. I have documented proof of this. Tonight he calls, asked if he misses the boys( the gf kids) and if he would like to come over. I deliberately told him earlier today that I took the day off to stay with my son. I feel this is violating court order or influencing my son, or something..what do i do?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • violating court ordered visitation?

    my 8 yr old's dad has been asking my son to come over to his house outside of normal visitation hours, even when he is not there, but his GF is there alone with her two kids. I see this as a manipulation and control tactic and harassment using my son to get more visitation. Can he do this? it doesn't seem like he should be able to ask my son to repeatedly come over. I even told his dad that I took the day off work to spend with my son and he still asked him if he missed the boys and if he would like to come over.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • getting son hopes up?

    so my son's dad and his GF asked my son to stay over for the whole weekend beginning Friday until Monday. My son came home and said that it was his "right" to visit when he wants. The court orders state that he gets visitation Sundays at 4pm until Monday. So now that my son has his hopes up and is really upset with me that I don't want to let him go play with the two boys at the house, he thinks that I am keeping him from playing... what can i do?

    2 AnswersParenting4 years ago
  • Taking son out of state?

    I have placement of my son. My son's dad and I both work Wed so his dad's GF was going to watch him. My son told me that she was going to take him to a theme park...which is out of state an hour away. The court order states that if either parent wants to take him out of NY state, that we have to get written, notarized consent from the other parent. She never asked me first if she could take him, she just asked him if he would like to go with her and her two now.. my son is upset that I won't let him go. My ex has threatened that he would do whatever it takes to get custody of my son, and now that he has his GF he doesn't need me and he can take care of my son without me.

    What do you think of this? What can i do?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago