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Im blunt and straight to the point. I am confusing though...over analyze everything and have a hard time letting go sometimes. But overall once I get on the right path im pretty sure of myself.

  • I found child porn on my bestfriend's phone......?

    We have been bestfriends for 5 years. The last time I saw him we both got drunk. I was using his phone and out of curiousity I looked at his pics. I ******* found a file that contained pictures of young boys, naked....

    What the ****. What should I do? This is a serious question. I'm deeply disturbed.....

    He wants to hangout but I seriously never want to see him again.

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • I don't want to live anymore.... how to get through this?

    Before anybody sais anything about god, I am not religious and will never be. I am twenty years old. I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I see no point in continuing on living and I seriously don't want to anymore. What to do????

    4 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • I rinsed my contact with water and now?

    So I am a new contact wearer. I was not informed that I should never use tap water, even just to rinse a contact. I couldn't find my solution last night and I rinsed my contact with tap water. I was reading online and it sais doing this can cause a parasite called Acanthamoeba which can lead to blindness. I didn't have my contact in very long and took it out because of discomfort. Should I go to my optometrist and inform him of this? Now I'm completely paranoid that I will end up with an eye infection...

    1 AnswerOptical6 years ago
  • Does depression ever go away?

    I ask this because I have been depressed for as long as I can remember. Nothing in life seems worth it to me and my enthusiasm for it all was gone long ago. I don t know if it will ever change for me. My depression has never lifted. Has anyone had a miraculous recovery from their depression or have you had it for a very long time? I am only twenty and I have suffered most my life....

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • My depression has gotten really bad....?

    It has caused me to lose friends, be withdrawn, i'm becoming a social outcast more and more. I haven't been working and the current state of my mind is horrible. I am looking for a way out of this mess but honestly I can't see it. Does depression go away for everybody or do you think there are some people who struggle with it their whole lives? I would like to think that I can get better. I am on meds (that aren't working as of yet) and talking to a therapist. At this point... I don't really know if I can get out of this hole.

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • what kind of jobs can I get with a criminal justice degree?

    This is the degree that I want but I need to know what kind of careers I can get from obtaining this kind of degree? Anybody with experience or someone who has obtained the degree let me know.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Why Am I so Antisocial>?

    I have always had this problem. I make up excuses so I don't have to be around people. I spend the majority of my life alone. People bug me after awhile. I am introverted but I almost feel like a misanthrope. Which is not good.... I want to be able to change this but I don't know if I ever can. I feel like most people are really stupid and I don't want to be around it.

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • I am so depressed and about to give up?

    I am absolutely at my ropes end. I do not see the point in life and I cannot manage to go through it like some drone. I hate working and I have been out of a job for almost six months. My parents are both very hardworking and successful people, but in my opinion it's like wtf is that all for? My parents want me to make something of myself and of my life but I don't care about anything. I can't get myself to care about anything. i don't even want to live, how the **** could I muster up the motivation to do anything in this world that I hate? What do I do? I want to just off myself now so I don't have to deal with any of it and be gone. Advice? And yes i am depressed as ****.

    5 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Do you ever feel too insecure to be in a Relationship?

    I have always been like this. I have dated but most of the time I stay alone because I am majorly insecure.

    I believe that I am ugly and overall I have a lot of self hatred towards myself. I get worried and have thoughts running through my head that the person I am dating is talking to other girls, flirting and just downright playing me. Then I turn into a detective and try to find any speck of evidence that indicates this to be true.

    I don't know how to get over this and am starting to feel like I will never date again and that I should never date again, or be close to anyone because of these feelings. I always end up pushing people away because of it and more often than not don't let guys get close to me.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou very much :}

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I'm severely depressed and my boyfriend doesnt help. what do I do?

    Over the past year my depression has gotten even worse. I have always had it. My boyfriend is older than me, very supportive, has had depression his whole life (so he sais), yada yada yada. I love him but his take on everything annoys me more than anything. He practices Buddhism so he is constantly whipping out all this Buddhist talk. Like " Be kind to yourself", "Be mindful", "Tame your mind" and although he tries to help... anytime he sais these things I just shut him out. I don't know about anyone else but when i'm depressed being told to tame my mind is not ******* helpful in anyway. I have dumped him several times due to my depression and the insecurity issues it causes. When I am not feeling as depressed, I am mpre secure and trusting. He always comes back and sais he knows i'm depressed. He cares,I get it but I feel likes hes not helping anything. If I ever tried to tell him that i'm too depressed to be with him right now, he would serously believe that it was an attempt of sabotaging the relationship. I do love him... but honestly sometimes I am not sure if being with him right now is good for me. I don't know if I have it in me to be with anyone. I'm so depressed. But he has made it impossible to breal up thus far. I end up feeling guilty and taking him back... which isnt fair to me. But he wouldnt let me go if I needed him too. What do I do? Should I stop talking to him and just ignore him in order to break things off And get it through his head? Or is that wrong?

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • I don't know what to do anymore. Depression controls every aspect of my life?

    Depression has basically consumed me. I try to go to therapists and take medications but nothing helps or works. On top of that I have no support for the way that I am feeling. I am 20 and had to move back in with my parents because it was getting so bad. Just tonight I was getting something out of the fridge and my parents were like " what are you doing???" then I dropped something else and I could hear them say I had massive issues then my dad did a whistle. I went to y room and cried. I am really upset. I have no support in this and all they have to say is that I need to get a job. Depression has robbed me of everything and my parents don't even truly care or care to know what I am feeling. I literally have no support. I have been thinking about trying to find a place to get help? But where can people with severe depression go??????? What kind of treatment centers ? I just really need some help and I don't know if getting a job, and sticking on a schedule will help me in the slightest...because it never has.

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • Is this completely sick and wrong?

    I am sure that I will be getting some nasty comments but I need some advice really badly so here it goes...

    I am twenty years old. I have been dating a 45 year old for around 7 months. It has all been online because he lives across the country. There is a part of me that is ok with the age thing because I love everything about him. But there is another part of me that questions why in the hell he would want to be with somebody so young? I am very mature but the age gap seems to be so significant that you would think that he wouldn't even want to go there.

    hmmm. A lot of people say it is because he wants a pretty young thing and to have a fantasy in bed. But are all 45 year olds that go out with 19 to 20 year olds like this? Will I look back and cringe? Should I walk away or stay?.... Is this even right at all?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I am having a hard time because I have always been rejected?

    Well ever since I can remember I have somehow been different from other people my age. I fit but not quite in elementary school. Then came middle school...I guess I thought I fit in but I started to notice that I didn't really. I'm a nice person but maybe a little guarded.I only made very few friends and was not popular whatsover. Was always made to feel like an outcast and not attractive. I am tall, and that fueled a lot of negativity from people, specifically boys. I have been called goliath, sasquatch etc. I was harassed on myspace in 9th grade from a troll who made a fake account from are school, and said everybody thought I was an ogre. Just hurtful stuff like that. I think I never let it bug me but I realize now how much it hurt my self esteem. Now I am 20 and still don't have many friends. I like to hide out. What do I do?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • What is wrong with him???? Does he just not care about me?

    Was I just completely played? I'm 18 and have been dating a 45 year old man since June. I saw him making kissy faces to a woman on instagram in August, flipped out and dumped him because I didnt buy his explanation. From then on I kept dumping him and told him I couldnt trust him. I love him but said it wouldnt work. He always came back and found a way to weasal his way into my life and be with me again. He claims he has never cheated on me when we are together but that he talks to other girls only when we are broken up. My mom hates him and sent him a bunch of nasty texts yesterday. She basically has exhiled me because of him and doesnt want anything to do with me. This morning he said it was too much for him to take and that he wanted me to make ammends with my mom even if it was at his expense. So he basically broke up with me. What the hell? After everything we have been through and the times I stayed and now hes the one doing the dumping?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I feel completely apathetic...what do I do?

    I have no drive to do anything, be anything, connect with anybody or live really.I have moments where I WANT to be more social and go hangout with people but I don t do it because in the long run I don t care. Even when I am hanging out with people, I always realize that I just don t care and would rather be alone. I have become completely apathetic to living life and I have no clue in hell what to do anymore. I was going to college but I dropped out because I just didn t care. I couldnt stand college because there is really nothing that I want to do or become. It is really hard to live this way and I feel like I just exist. I used to have some aspirations but in the back of my mind I knew that this feeling of deep apathy was still there. I feel a complete withdrawal and disconnect from life and everybody around me. I don t care about life anymore. I don t really want to be here or having anything to do with it. I find people shallow, and overall boring.Nothing pleases me.This world doesnt please me. I have been told that it is depression and have talked to numerous therapists. I call bs. No meds work, no talking helps. I am completely desperate and have no idea what to do anymore. i am very close to ending my own life... and I honestly probably wouldn t even care what I had to face on the otherside. I feel alone in this..but I know that there are more people out there like this... What DO i DO? Where do I even begin to start living a life that I don t want to live anyways?

    5 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Who Did Ryan Atwood love the most on The OC?

    I have been debating this with a friend.

    I say hands down it was Marissa Cooper. The one and only. She was his true love and it was very sad that she died. He may have liked other girls but Marissa was the one for him.

    My friend sais Taylor....

    Thoughts anyone? I honestly don't see how anyone could say anybody but Marissa.

    2 AnswersDrama6 years ago
  • WHY in the hell can't kik be permanently deleted?

    I am super pissed. I have a few kik accounts. I just want them gone for good. I don't want to able to activate them at any time. I JUST WANT THEM GONE. The only option they provide is deactivating the account but not really deleting it. Is there anyway to delete it??????????? I really just want it to be gone.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • What the hell does X=^ mean?

    People have texted this to me and i'm like huh? Hahahaha. I usually don't use many symbols or emoticons. I'm old... lol

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • How do I completely ignore my bff?

    My gay bff is 10 years older than me. I love him to death and I don't want to do anything to hurt him. The problem is there are a lot of things that I really question about our friendship. For starters, I don't necessarily feel like I can tell him anything and vent to him. Even though he can do those things to me.

    He has a ruthless, sarcastic and mean humor like me but sometimes I feel like it is overly so. He becomes hard to talk too cause he is constantly dishing out insults and acting like they are jokes. I know they are jokes but he can be really mean. .i have depression and i'm not supposed to be exposing myself to anything negative. Everytime I am around him I feel like I should maybe try to avoid him. I love him and he has been a good friend. But there is a lot that bugs me. Oh, and ever since he has gotten a new boyfriend me and him have not had one single moment alone together. His boyfriend moved in and since then anytime I see my bestfriend his boyfriend is always around. I like his boyfriend but it's a weid sitaution. Never any one on one time with my bff yet my bff always wants me to come over. But hes become really boring lately. What the hell do I do? I wanna stay friends but at the same time he is the type of person who would just say i'm being over dramatic. I feel like that's what he would do. I should mention that i'm 20 and my bff is 30.....

    3 AnswersFriends6 years ago