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  • I have a full home gym, is it more beneficial to do several little workouts throughout the day than one hour long session?

    So, I built this gym, and sods law, dont use it as much as I should.  I really am going to because I am in training for a half marathon now, so the added strength will come in handy.  Dont get me wrong, I have had the odd few workouts.  An hour long here and there, really giving it a go, but always seem to fade out.  My plan is to use it through the day.  I've come to the conclusion that the 'gym message' 45 minutes, 3-4 days a week, is a myth to keep people using going. Is that more beneficial to have 3-5 little 10 minutes sessions throughout the day than one hour long session??  Obviously you cant do that at a normal public gym, hence the reason behind the 45 minute, 3 day a week message. I dont have to go out to use mine. It's in the spare room. I wear my gym clothes all day everyday anyway, so surely it's better, right?? I'm no experts however, so, what do you experts say?

    Biologically, I personally think it's a better way to do it.  Metabolically, better all round. I just dont know how to research the science behind it.

    Any advice is great, cheers.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 days ago
  • What key are these chords in, please?

    I have a song i'm working on on the piano at the moment. I found the chords by inspiration. However, I cannot find a key that fits these chords.

    Verse- A maj - F maj - G maj - A majChorus - D maj - A maj - C maj - G majDoes it matter that these dont fit in any given key?Any help appreciated. Thank you very much.

    Other - Music3 weeks ago
  • I cannot find a key for these chords, can you?

    I have a song i'm working on on the piano at the moment.  I found the chords by inspiration.  However, I cannot find a key that fits these chords.  

    Verse- A maj - F maj - G maj - A maj 

    Chorus - D maj - A maj - C maj - G maj

    Does it matter that these dont fit in any given key?

    Any help appreciated.  Thank you very much.

    1 AnswerOther - Music3 weeks ago
  • Is there a musical key with the A maj, F maj and G maj chords, please?

    I cannot find the right key.  I have these 3 chords in a song, they sound awesome for what I need, but I cannot find the right key.  Does anyone know, please?

    5 AnswersOther - Music3 weeks ago
  • I'm stalling something that is 97gb, but it's taking up over 300gb, why?

    I have a new PC, I am a musician and I am loading all my music software on to my new PC.  I have a 1TB hard drive and my music files are 97gb.  I've been installing my sounds over night as there's over 220k sounds.  They've been installing for over 10 hours now and I just looked at the space on the disk drive, and it's nearly at 590gb.  The free space was at 880gb when I started.  How is it taking up an extra 200gb of space?   I personally believe they're being copied, installed and I will be able to delete certain copies, but is there anyone who can tell me if that's right firstly, second, why it is taking that extra space and third, will I be able to delete copies and shadows without interfering with the installation?  I'm not a computer programmer, I have tried Google but it's all jargon to me.  

    1 AnswerSoftware2 months ago
  • How can the key of C have an A7 and an Fm in?

    Liam Gallagher's new song 'What are you dreaming of' is in the key of C but has an A7 in and an Fm.  Both of those chords have flats in.  I dont understand!!  Can someone please make me understand?

    6 AnswersOther - Music2 months ago
  • Do you take painkillers before you go for a run?

    I hear aspirin, ibuprofin and nonsteroidal painkillers are alright to take before a run, but, I feel they'll be abit damaging more than good.  Do you take them before a run?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 months ago
  • Is it possible to lose 1lb a day considering i'm overweight though laziness, not food?

    OK, I dont work a vigorous job, infact I work at home.  I walk from my bedroom to my lounge everyday.  I'm overweight by 44lbs but I eat alright now.  My weight has plateaued and has stayed this weight for years and years.  I used to be a skinny kid until I was 22.  Then I stacked it on, bad food, weight gainer shakes, medication, alcohol, the works.  Will my weight reduce faster as i'm not active and thus when i become active, it falls off quicker than ordinary, say overweight and working all day?

    I want to lose 44lbs in about 44 days.  Is it possible as i'm overweight because i'm inactive and not through poor diet?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 months ago
  • Are animals already successful?

    As humans we drive to succeed.  Constantly, continuously trying to find success.  Animals dont, so, does that mean they already are successful??

    2 AnswersPsychology6 months ago
  • Would someone be so kind to make a 40 week half marathon training plan for me please?

    OK, so I just had the news that our local half marathon was cancelled due to COVID.  It has a new date though.  Sunday 4th July 2021.  That's 40 weeks and 2 days away.  I want to train so I can finish the race in great style, injury free, with a fast time.  Forgetting my current health and fitness status, starting from scratch, I have 40 weeks to train myself physically for the 13.1 race.  Can someone help, please?  Week by week

    2 AnswersRunning6 months ago
  • Does exercise affect the amount of carbs you can eat on the keto diet? ?

    If so, how? What ratio - exercise : carbs can you do or not do, what's the score?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 months ago
  • Has anyone taken viagra before going for a run?

    I'm hearing good reviews for taking Viagra before long distance running because of its increasing blood flow properties, especially in the lungs.  I read articles about weight lifters, however, it seemed to suggest it was better for runners.  Has anyone here done it? How much did you take? Does it work?

    3 AnswersMen's Health7 months ago
  • Which software allows someone to listen to their own music whilst an app runs along with it?

    My apologies for not being able to think how to ask this question first of all.  Let me explain.  I have a running app on my phone that allows me to listen to my music and as the intervals come in to slow down, speed up, walk, run etc, my music fades out and the audio of the app speaks over the music.  I can play all my own tunes whilst the running app is activated along side it.  What sort of software is that that makes that possible?

    Software7 months ago
  • If a book is written about me by an author, do I get royalties?

    I know the author will get royalties, so will the publishers, but will I as the book's about me?

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors8 months ago
  • Which weight exercises will tighten neck and shape jaw?

    I'm losing weight, but my chin, neck, jaw, face dont seem to be slimming with the rest of me.  It really puts me off and really makes me want to give it all in.  My head is massive compared to my body and I hate it.  I've looked online and i'm doing the A, E, I, O, U exercises, but, it doesnt work.  Weights tighten the muscles in the body but what weight exercises can help shape the neck, jaw, and face?  I'm running alot, i'm weight lifting, but have this horrible problem and it keeps knocking my confidence.  My clothes are getting too big but my head is the same.  Any advice?

    Diet & Fitness8 months ago
  • How can a sing in the key of C, have a D and an Fm in?

    I'm so confused by music!!  I'm trying to learn the piano, but things keep trowing me off.  Like:  Half the world away by Oasis, is written in the key of C, but has D and F minor in it.  How?  Those chords are not in the key of C?!!!

    5 AnswersOther - Music9 months ago
  • where else are my videos being played on the internet?

    OK, so i've got a bit of a problem with a hater.  I write YouTube videos and was doing quite well until one of my haters started posting my videos into his group which is against my views.  We had a heated argument and I told him I didnt want my videos in his group.  My content and my videos make his group.  They're the foundation of his group.  So, his way of winning the argument is to open a private group where thousands and thousands are members, he waits til I upload, then he downloads my videos and puts them in his private secret group.  I lose all revenue.  My viewing figures have dropped rapidly from 20k to 1k because everyone goes to his secret group.  

    The thing is I dont know where his secret group is.  He told me that's what he's doing and stuck it in my face by saying 'good luck with your views'.  

    Is there any way of finding where else my videos are being played on the internet??  Is there a site that can search for certain videos and tell me all the places they're being played?

    2 AnswersYouTube10 months ago
  • Is it dangerous to use out of date testosterone gel?

    I have some testosterone gel in a can but it's out of date. Can I use it? If not why not?

    5 AnswersMen's Health10 months ago
  • Should I start running from low miles again after injury?

    So, I trained for our local half marathon that happened earlier this year.  I started running early last year with the couch to 5k app.  I built up and built up to running long distance and completed the half in Feb this year.  I timed 2 hours 5 mins. Very proud.  However, it wasnt without it's injuries.  I built up to running well over 13 miles and had been really pushing my limits.  the idea was to be able to run 18 miles easy, so the 13 miles would be a doddle.  It kind of worked but, my knees started going, had bad shin splints, 2 weeks rest didnt fix the problems, but, managed to do the race.  That race finished me off. My legs were really bad after.  

    This COVID has actually given me chance to relax, rest, heal, and essentially become pain free.  

    I have another half marathon in October and this time want to train properly without pushing it to overtraining levels.  Which is what the problem was last time.  I built up to 5k, then 4 and 5 miles, but one day I jumped to an all out run and did an 11 miler.  Tried to keep the longer distances up by running a minimum of 8, and kept building and building.  I got injured.

    Should I start from 2 miles, 3 times a week, increasing gradually, week by week? Or because I can run 13 miles, start at a higher mileage from the outset, pushing, but, stretching properly, integrating leg exercises at home, squats and extensions with weights?

    I havent ran since the beginning of April...

    I have 18 weeks until the race.. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersRunning10 months ago